Source code for

import logging

# External libs
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd

# Optional libs
    import salem
except ImportError:

# Locals
from oggm import cfg
from oggm import utils
from oggm import entity_task
from oggm.exceptions import InvalidParamsError

# Module logger
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)


    'ERA5': {
        'inv': 'era5/monthly/v1.1/',
        'pre': 'era5/monthly/v1.1/',
        'tmp': 'era5/monthly/v1.1/'
    'ERA5L': {
        'inv': 'era5-land/monthly/v1.0/',
        'pre': 'era5-land/monthly/v1.0/era5_land_monthly_prcp_1981-2018_flat'
        'tmp': 'era5-land/monthly/v1.0/'
    'ERA5L-HMA': {
        'inv': 'era5-land/monthly/vhma/',
        'pre': 'era5-land/monthly/vhma/',
        'tmp': 'era5-land/monthly/vhma/'
    'CERA': {
        'inv': 'cera-20c/monthly/v1.0/',
        'pre': 'cera-20c/monthly/v1.0/',
        'tmp': 'cera-20c/monthly/v1.0/'
    'ERA5dr': {
        'inv': 'era5/monthly/vdr/',
        'lapserates': 'era5/monthly/vdr/',
        'tmp': 'era5/monthly/vdr/',
        'tempstd': 'era5/monthly/vdr/',
        'pre': 'era5/monthly/vdr/',

def set_ecmwf_url(url):
    """If you want to use a different server for ECMWF (for testing, etc)."""
    global ECMWF_SERVER
    ECMWF_SERVER = url

[docs]@utils.locked_func def get_ecmwf_file(dataset='ERA5', var=None): """Returns a path to the desired ECMWF baseline climate file. If the file is not present, download it. Parameters ---------- dataset : str 'ERA5', 'ERA5L', 'CERA', 'ERA5L-HMA', 'ERA5dr' var : str 'inv' for invariant 'tmp' for temperature 'pre' for precipitation Returns ------- str path to the file """ # Be sure input makes sense if dataset not in BASENAMES.keys(): raise InvalidParamsError('ECMWF dataset {} not ' 'in {}'.format(dataset, BASENAMES.keys())) if var not in BASENAMES[dataset].keys(): raise InvalidParamsError('ECMWF variable {} not ' 'in {}'.format(var, BASENAMES[dataset].keys())) # File to look for return utils.file_downloader(ECMWF_SERVER + BASENAMES[dataset][var])
def _check_ds_validity(ds): if 'time' in ds.variables and np.any(ds[''] != 1): # Mid-month timestamps need to be corrected ds['time'].data[:] = pd.to_datetime({'year': ds['time.year'], 'month': ds['time.month'], 'day': 1}) assert ds.longitude.min() >= 0
[docs]@entity_task(log, writes=['climate_historical']) def process_ecmwf_data(gdir, dataset=None, ensemble_member=0, y0=None, y1=None, output_filesuffix=None): """Processes and writes the ECMWF baseline climate data for this glacier. Extracts the nearest timeseries and writes everything to a NetCDF file. Parameters ---------- dataset : str 'ERA5', 'ERA5L', 'CERA', 'ERA5L-HMA', 'ERA5dr'. Defaults to cfg.PARAMS['baseline_climate'] ensemble_member : int for CERA, pick an ensemble member number (0-9). We might make this more of a clever pick later. y0 : int the starting year of the timeseries to write. The default is to take the entire time period available in the file, but with this kwarg you can shorten it (to save space or to crop bad data) y1 : int the starting year of the timeseries to write. The default is to take the entire time period available in the file, but with this kwarg you can shorten it (to save space or to crop bad data) output_filesuffix : str this add a suffix to the output file (useful to avoid overwriting previous experiments) """ if dataset is None: dataset = cfg.PARAMS['baseline_climate'] # Use xarray to read the data lon = gdir.cenlon + 360 if gdir.cenlon < 0 else gdir.cenlon lat = gdir.cenlat with xr.open_dataset(get_ecmwf_file(dataset, 'tmp')) as ds: _check_ds_validity(ds) yrs = ds['time.year'].data y0 = yrs[0] if y0 is None else y0 y1 = yrs[-1] if y1 is None else y1 if dataset == 'ERA5dr': # Last year incomplete assert ds['time.month'][-1] == 5 y1 -= 1 ds = ds.sel(time=slice(f'{y0}-01-01', f'{y1}-12-01')) if dataset == 'CERA': ds = ds.sel(number=ensemble_member) try: ds = ds.sel(longitude=lon, latitude=lat, method='nearest') except (ValueError, KeyError): # Flattened ERA5 c = (ds.longitude - lon)**2 + (ds.latitude - lat)**2 ds = ds.isel(points=np.argmin( temp = ds['t2m'].data - 273.15 time = ref_lon = float(ds['longitude']) ref_lon = ref_lon - 360 if ref_lon > 180 else ref_lon ref_lat = float(ds['latitude']) with xr.open_dataset(get_ecmwf_file(dataset, 'pre')) as ds: _check_ds_validity(ds) ds = ds.sel(time=slice(f'{y0}-01-01', f'{y1}-12-01')) if dataset == 'CERA': ds = ds.sel(number=ensemble_member) try: ds = ds.sel(longitude=lon, latitude=lat, method='nearest') except (ValueError, KeyError): # Flattened ERA5 c = (ds.longitude - lon)**2 + (ds.latitude - lat)**2 ds = ds.isel(points=np.argmin( prcp = ds['tp'].data * 1000 * ds['time.daysinmonth'] with xr.open_dataset(get_ecmwf_file(dataset, 'inv')) as ds: _check_ds_validity(ds) ds = ds.isel(time=0) try: ds = ds.sel(longitude=lon, latitude=lat, method='nearest') except (ValueError, KeyError): # Flattened ERA5 c = (ds.longitude - lon)**2 + (ds.latitude - lat)**2 ds = ds.isel(points=np.argmin( hgt = ds['z'].data / cfg.G temp_std = None if dataset == 'ERA5dr': with xr.open_dataset(get_ecmwf_file(dataset, 'lapserates')) as ds: _check_ds_validity(ds) ds = ds.sel(time=slice(f'{y0}-01-01', f'{y1}-12-01')) ds = ds.sel(longitude=lon, latitude=lat, method='nearest') with xr.open_dataset(get_ecmwf_file(dataset, 'tempstd')) as ds: _check_ds_validity(ds) ds = ds.sel(time=slice(f'{y0}-01-01', f'{y1}-12-01')) ds = ds.sel(longitude=lon, latitude=lat, method='nearest') temp_std = ds['t2m_std'].data # OK, ready to write gdir.write_monthly_climate_file(time, prcp, temp, hgt, ref_lon, ref_lat, filesuffix=output_filesuffix, temp_std=temp_std, source=dataset)