- oggm.global_tasks.compile_ela(gdirs, filesuffix='', path=True, csv=False, ys=None, ye=None, years=None, climate_filename='climate_historical', temperature_bias=None, precipitation_factor=None, climate_input_filesuffix='', mb_model_class=None)[source]#
Compiles a table of ELA timeseries for all glaciers for a given years, using the mb_model_class (default MonthlyTIModel).
The file is stored in a hdf file (not csv) per default. Use pd.read_hdf to open it.
- Parameters:
- gdirslist of
objects the glacier directories to process
- filesuffixstr
add suffix to output file
- pathstr, bool
Set to “True” in order to store the info in the working directory Set to a path to store the file to your chosen location (file extension matters)
- csv: bool
Set to store the data in csv instead of hdf.
- ysint
start year
- yeint
end year
- yearsarray of ints
override ys and ye with the years of your choice
- climate_filenamestr
name of the climate file, e.g. ‘climate_historical’ (default) or ‘gcm_data’
- climate_input_filesuffixstr
filesuffix for the input climate file
- temperature_biasfloat
add a bias to the temperature timeseries
- precipitation_factor: float
multiply a factor to the precipitation time series default is None and means that the precipitation factor from the calibration is applied which is cfg.PARAMS[‘prcp_fac’]
- mb_model_classMassBalanceModel class
the MassBalanceModel class to use, default is MonthlyTIModel
- gdirslist of