Source code for

import logging
import warnings
import os

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr

    import salem
except ImportError:
    import rasterio
except ImportError:

from oggm import utils, cfg
from oggm.exceptions import InvalidWorkflowError

# Module logger
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

base_url = (''
regions = ['HMA', 'ANT', 'PAT', 'ALA', 'CAN', 'GRE', 'ICE', 'SRA']

region_files = {}
for reg in regions:
    d = {}
    for var in ['vx', 'vy', 'vy_err', 'vx_err']:
        d[var] = base_url + '{}_G0120_0000_{}.tif'.format(reg, var)
    region_files[reg] = d

region_grids = {}

rgi_region_links = {'01': 'ALA', '02': 'ALA',
                    '03': 'CAN', '04': 'CAN',
                    '05': 'GRE',
                    '06': 'ICE',
                    '07': 'SRA', '09': 'SRA',
                    '13': 'HMA', '14': 'HMA', '15': 'HMA',
                    '17': 'PAT',
                    '19': 'ANT',

def region_grid(reg):

    global region_grids

    if reg not in region_grids:
        with utils.get_lock():
            fp = utils.file_downloader(region_files[reg]['vx'])
            ds = salem.GeoTiff(fp)
            region_grids[reg] = ds.grid

    return region_grids[reg]

def _in_grid(grid, lon, lat):

    i, j = grid.transform([lon], [lat], maskout=True)
    return np.all(~ (i.mask | j.mask))

def find_region(gdir):

    reg = rgi_region_links.get(gdir.rgi_region, None)

    if reg is None:
        return None

    grid = region_grid(reg)

    if _in_grid(grid, gdir.cenlon, gdir.cenlat):
        return reg
        return None

def _reproject_and_scale(gdir, do_error=False):
    """Reproject and scale itslive data, avoid code duplication for error"""

    reg = find_region(gdir)
    if reg is None:
        raise InvalidWorkflowError('There does not seem to be its_live data '
                                   'available for this glacier')

    vnx = 'vx'
    vny = 'vy'
    if do_error:
        vnx += '_err'
        vny += '_err'

    with utils.get_lock():
        fx = utils.file_downloader(region_files[reg][vnx])
        fy = utils.file_downloader(region_files[reg][vny])

    # Open the files
    dsx = salem.GeoTiff(fx)
    dsy = salem.GeoTiff(fy)
    # subset them to our map
    grid_gla = gdir.grid.center_grid
    proj_vel = dsx.grid.proj
    x0, x1, y0, y1 = grid_gla.extent_in_crs(proj_vel)
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        # This can trigger an out-of-bounds warning
        warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning,
                                message='.*out of bounds.*')
        dsx.set_subset(corners=((x0, y0), (x1, y1)), crs=proj_vel, margin=4)
        dsy.set_subset(corners=((x0, y0), (x1, y1)), crs=proj_vel, margin=4)
    grid_vel = dsx.grid.center_grid

    # TODO: this should be taken care of by salem
    with rasterio.Env():
        with as src:
            nodata = getattr(src, 'nodata', -32767.0)

    # Error files are wrong
    if nodata == 0:
        nodata = -32767.0

    # Get the coords at t0
    xx0, yy0 = grid_vel.center_grid.xy_coordinates

    # Compute coords at t1
    xx1 = dsx.get_vardata()
    yy1 = dsy.get_vardata()
    non_valid = (xx1 == nodata) | (yy1 == nodata)
    xx1[non_valid] = np.nan
    yy1[non_valid] = np.nan
    orig_vel = np.sqrt(xx1**2 + yy1**2)
    xx1 += xx0
    yy1 += yy0

    # Transform both to glacier proj
    xx0, yy0 = salem.transform_proj(proj_vel, grid_gla.proj, xx0, yy0)
    xx1, yy1 = salem.transform_proj(proj_vel, grid_gla.proj, xx1, yy1)

    # Correct no data after proj as well (inf)
    xx1[non_valid] = np.nan
    yy1[non_valid] = np.nan

    # Compute velocities from there
    vx = xx1 - xx0
    vy = yy1 - yy0

    # Scale back velocities -
    new_vel = np.sqrt(vx**2 + vy**2)
    p_ok = new_vel > 1  # avoid div by zero
    vx[p_ok] = vx[p_ok] * orig_vel[p_ok] / new_vel[p_ok]
    vy[p_ok] = vy[p_ok] * orig_vel[p_ok] / new_vel[p_ok]

    # And transform to local map
    vx = grid_gla.map_gridded_data(vx, grid=grid_vel, interp='linear')
    vy = grid_gla.map_gridded_data(vy, grid=grid_vel, interp='linear')

    # Write
    with utils.ncDataset(gdir.get_filepath('gridded_data'), 'a') as nc:
        vn = 'itslive_vx'
        if do_error:
            vn += '_err'
        if vn in nc.variables:
            v = nc.variables[vn]
            v = nc.createVariable(vn, 'f4', ('y', 'x', ), zlib=True)
        v.units = 'm yr-1'
        ln = 'ITS LIVE velocity data in x map direction'
        if do_error:
            ln = 'Uncertainty of ' + ln
        v.long_name = ln
        v[:] = vx.filled(np.nan)

        vn = 'itslive_vy'
        if do_error:
            vn += '_err'
        if vn in nc.variables:
            v = nc.variables[vn]
            v = nc.createVariable(vn, 'f4', ('y', 'x', ), zlib=True)
        v.units = 'm yr-1'
        ln = 'ITS LIVE velocity data in y map direction'
        if do_error:
            ln = 'Uncertainty of ' + ln
        v.long_name = ln
        v[:] = vy.filled(np.nan)

        if not do_error:
            vel = np.sqrt(vx ** 2 + vy ** 2)
            vn = 'itslive_v'
            if vn in nc.variables:
                v = nc.variables[vn]
                v = nc.createVariable(vn, 'f4', ('y', 'x', ), zlib=True)
            v.units = 'm yr-1'
            ln = 'ITS LIVE velocity data'
            v.long_name = ln
            v[:] = vel.filled(np.nan)

[docs] @utils.entity_task(log, writes=['gridded_data']) def velocity_to_gdir(gdir, add_error=False): """Reproject the its_live files to the given glacier directory. The data source used is Currently the only data downloaded is the 120m composite for both (u, v) and their uncertainty. The composite is computed from the 1985 to 2018 average. Variables are added to the gridded_data nc file. Reprojecting velocities from one map proj to another is done reprojecting the vector distances. In this process, absolute velocities might change as well because map projections do not always preserve distances -> we scale them back to the original velocities as per the ITS_LIVE documentation that states that velocities are given in ground units, i.e. absolute velocities. We use bilinear interpolation to reproject the velocities to the local glacier map. If you want more velocity products, feel free to open a new topic on OGGM's issue tracker! Parameters ---------- gdir : :py:class:`oggm.GlacierDirectory` where to write the data add_error : bool also reproject and scale the error data """ if not gdir.has_file('gridded_data'): raise InvalidWorkflowError('Please run `glacier_masks` before running ' 'this task') _reproject_and_scale(gdir, do_error=False) if add_error: _reproject_and_scale(gdir, do_error=True)
@utils.entity_task(log) def itslive_statistics(gdir): """Gather statistics about the itslive data interpolated to this glacier. """ d = dict() # Easy stats - this should always be possible d['rgi_id'] = gdir.rgi_id d['rgi_region'] = gdir.rgi_region d['rgi_subregion'] = gdir.rgi_subregion d['rgi_area_km2'] = gdir.rgi_area_km2 try: with xr.open_dataset(gdir.get_filepath('gridded_data')) as ds: v = ds['itslive_v'].where(ds['glacier_mask'], np.nan).load() with warnings.catch_warnings(): # For operational runs we ignore the warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning) d['itslive_avg_vel'] = np.nanmean(v) d['itslive_max_vel'] = np.nanmax(v) d['itslive_perc_cov'] = (float((~v.isnull()).sum() * gdir.grid.dx ** 2 * 1e-6) / gdir.rgi_area_km2) except (FileNotFoundError, AttributeError, KeyError): pass return d
[docs] @utils.global_task(log) def compile_itslive_statistics(gdirs, filesuffix='', path=True): """Gather as much statistics as possible about a list of glaciers. It can be used to do result diagnostics and other stuffs. If the data necessary for a statistic is not available (e.g.: flowlines length) it will simply be ignored. Parameters ---------- gdirs : list of :py:class:`oggm.GlacierDirectory` objects the glacier directories to process filesuffix : str add suffix to output file path : str, bool Set to "True" in order to store the info in the working directory Set to a path to store the file to your chosen location """ from oggm.workflow import execute_entity_task out_df = execute_entity_task(itslive_statistics, gdirs) out = pd.DataFrame(out_df).set_index('rgi_id') if path: if path is True: out.to_csv(os.path.join(cfg.PATHS['working_dir'], ('its_live_statistics' + filesuffix + '.csv'))) else: out.to_csv(path) return out