Source code for oggm.core.climate

"""Climate data and mass balance computations"""
# Built ins
import logging
import os
import datetime
import json
import warnings

# External libs
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import netCDF4
import pandas as pd
from scipy import stats
from scipy import optimize

# Optional libs
    import salem
except ImportError:

# Locals
from oggm import cfg
from oggm import utils
from oggm.core import centerlines
from oggm import entity_task, global_task
from oggm.exceptions import (MassBalanceCalibrationError, InvalidParamsError,

# Module logger
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@entity_task(log, writes=['climate_historical']) def process_custom_climate_data(gdir, y0=None, y1=None, output_filesuffix=None): """Processes and writes the climate data from a user-defined climate file. The input file must have a specific format (see ->test-files/ for an example). This is the way OGGM used to do it for HISTALP before it got added to the shop. Parameters ---------- gdir : :py:class:`oggm.GlacierDirectory` the glacier directory to process y0 : int the starting year of the timeseries to write. The default is to take the entire time period available in the file, but with this kwarg you can shorten it (to save space or to crop bad data) y1 : int the ending year of the timeseries to write. The default is to take the entire time period available in the file, but with this kwarg you can shorten it (to save space or to crop bad data). This year will be included, i.e. 2019 means the data will end at 2019-12-01 output_filesuffix : str this adds a suffix to the output file (useful to avoid overwriting previous experiments) """ if not (('climate_file' in cfg.PATHS) and os.path.exists(cfg.PATHS['climate_file'])): raise InvalidParamsError('Custom climate file not found') if cfg.PARAMS['baseline_climate'] not in ['', 'CUSTOM']: raise InvalidParamsError("When using custom climate data please set " "PARAMS['baseline_climate'] to an empty " "string or `CUSTOM`. Note also that you can " "now use the `process_histalp_data` task for " "automated HISTALP data processing.") # read the file fpath = cfg.PATHS['climate_file'] nc_ts = salem.GeoNetcdf(fpath) # Avoid reading all data with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) nc_ts.set_subset(((gdir.cenlon, gdir.cenlat), (gdir.cenlon, gdir.cenlat)), margin=2) # 2 is to be sure - also on small files yrs = nc_ts.time.year mths = nc_ts.time.month y0 = yrs[0] if y0 is None else y0 if mths[0] != 1: # The file starts at the wrong month y0 += 1 y1 = yrs[-1] if y1 is None else y1 if mths[-1] != 12: # Same: wrong month y1 -= 1 nc_ts.set_period(t0=f'{y0}-01-01', t1=f'{y1}-12-01') time = nc_ts.time ny, r = divmod(len(time), 12) if r != 0: raise InvalidParamsError('Climate data should be full years') # Units assert nc_ts._nc.variables['hgt'].units.lower() in ['m', 'meters', 'meter', 'metres', 'metre'] assert nc_ts._nc.variables['temp'].units.lower() in ['degc', 'degrees', 'degree', 'c'] assert nc_ts._nc.variables['prcp'].units.lower() in ['kg m-2', 'l m-2', 'mm', 'millimeters', 'millimeter'] # geoloc lon = nc_ts.get_vardata('lon') lat = nc_ts.get_vardata('lat') ilon = np.argmin(np.abs(lon - gdir.cenlon)) ilat = np.argmin(np.abs(lat - gdir.cenlat)) ref_pix_lon = lon[ilon] ref_pix_lat = lat[ilat] # read the data temp = nc_ts.get_vardata('temp') prcp = nc_ts.get_vardata('prcp') hgt = nc_ts.get_vardata('hgt') ttemp = temp[:, ilat-1:ilat+2, ilon-1:ilon+2] itemp = ttemp[:, 1, 1] thgt = hgt[ilat-1:ilat+2, ilon-1:ilon+2] ihgt = thgt[1, 1] thgt = thgt.flatten() iprcp = prcp[:, ilat, ilon] nc_ts.close() gdir.write_monthly_climate_file(time, iprcp, itemp, ihgt, ref_pix_lon, ref_pix_lat, filesuffix=output_filesuffix, source=fpath)
[docs]@entity_task(log) def process_climate_data(gdir, y0=None, y1=None, output_filesuffix=None, **kwargs): """Adds the selected climate data to this glacier directory. Short wrapper deciding on which task to run based on `cfg.PARAMS['baseline_climate']`. If you want to make it explicit, simply call the relevant task (e.g. Parameters ---------- gdir : :py:class:`oggm.GlacierDirectory` the glacier directory to process y0 : int the starting year of the timeseries to write. The default is to take the entire time period available in the file, but with this kwarg you can shorten it (to save space or to crop bad data) y1 : int the starting year of the timeseries to write. The default is to take the entire time period available in the file, but with this kwarg you can shorten it (to save space or to crop bad data) output_filesuffix : str this add a suffix to the output file (useful to avoid overwriting previous experiments) **kwargs : any other argument relevant to the task that will be called. """ # Which climate should we use? baseline = cfg.PARAMS['baseline_climate'] if baseline == 'CRU': from import process_cru_data process_cru_data(gdir, output_filesuffix=output_filesuffix, y0=y0, y1=y1, **kwargs) elif baseline == 'HISTALP': from import process_histalp_data process_histalp_data(gdir, output_filesuffix=output_filesuffix, y0=y0, y1=y1, **kwargs) elif baseline == 'W5E5': from import process_w5e5_data process_w5e5_data(gdir, output_filesuffix=output_filesuffix, y0=y0, y1=y1, **kwargs) elif baseline == 'GSWP3_W5E5': from import process_gswp3_w5e5_data process_gswp3_w5e5_data(gdir, output_filesuffix=output_filesuffix, y0=y0, y1=y1, **kwargs) elif baseline in ['ERA5', 'ERA5L', 'CERA', 'ERA5dr', 'ERA5L-HMA']: from import process_ecmwf_data process_ecmwf_data(gdir, output_filesuffix=output_filesuffix, dataset=baseline, y0=y0, y1=y1, **kwargs) elif '+' in baseline: # This bit below assumes ECMWF only datasets, but it should be # quite easy to extend for HISTALP+ERA5L for example from import process_ecmwf_data his, ref = baseline.split('+') s = 'tmp_' process_ecmwf_data(gdir, output_filesuffix=s+his, dataset=his, y0=y0, y1=y1, **kwargs) process_ecmwf_data(gdir, output_filesuffix=s+ref, dataset=ref, y0=y0, y1=y1, **kwargs) historical_delta_method(gdir, ref_filesuffix=s+ref, hist_filesuffix=s+his, output_filesuffix=output_filesuffix) elif '|' in baseline: from import process_ecmwf_data his, ref = baseline.split('|') s = 'tmp_' process_ecmwf_data(gdir, output_filesuffix=s+his, dataset=his, y0=y0, y1=y1, **kwargs) process_ecmwf_data(gdir, output_filesuffix=s+ref, dataset=ref, y0=y0, y1=y1, **kwargs) historical_delta_method(gdir, ref_filesuffix=s+ref, hist_filesuffix=s+his, output_filesuffix=output_filesuffix, replace_with_ref_data=False) elif baseline == 'CUSTOM': process_custom_climate_data(gdir, y0=y0, y1=y1, output_filesuffix=output_filesuffix, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError("cfg.PARAMS['baseline_climate'] not understood")
[docs]@entity_task(log, writes=['climate_historical']) def historical_delta_method(gdir, ref_filesuffix='', hist_filesuffix='', output_filesuffix='', ref_year_range=None, delete_input_files=True, scale_stddev=True, replace_with_ref_data=True): """Applies the anomaly method to historical climate data. This function can be used to prolongate historical time series, for example by bias-correcting CERA-20C to ERA5 or ERA5-Land. The timeseries must be already available in the glacier directory Parameters ---------- gdir : :py:class:`oggm.GlacierDirectory` where to write the data ref_filesuffix : str the filesuffix of the historical climate data to take as reference hist_filesuffix : str the filesuffix of the historical climate data to apply to the reference output_filesuffix : str the filesuffix of the output file (usually left empty - i.e. this file will become the default) ref_year_range : tuple of str the year range for which you want to compute the anomalies. The default is to take the entire reference data period, but you could also choose `('1961', '1990')` for example delete_input_files : bool delete the input files after use - useful for operational runs where you don't want to carry too many files scale_stddev : bool whether to scale the temperature standard deviation as well (you probably want to do that) replace_with_ref_data : bool the default is to paste the bias-corrected data where no reference data is available, i.e. creating timeseries which are not consistent in time but "better" for recent times (e.g. CERA-20C until 1980, then ERA5). Set this to False to prevent this and make a consistent time series of CERA-20C (but bias corrected to the reference data, so "better" than CERA-20C out of the box). """ if ref_year_range is not None: raise NotImplementedError() # Read input f_ref = gdir.get_filepath('climate_historical', filesuffix=ref_filesuffix) with xr.open_dataset(f_ref) as ds: ref_temp = ds['temp'] ref_prcp = ds['prcp'] ref_hgt = float(ds.ref_hgt) ref_lon = float(ds.ref_pix_lon) ref_lat = float(ds.ref_pix_lat) source = ds.attrs.get('climate_source') f_his = gdir.get_filepath('climate_historical', filesuffix=hist_filesuffix) with xr.open_dataset(f_his) as ds: hist_temp = ds['temp'] hist_prcp = ds['prcp'] # To differentiate both cases if replace_with_ref_data: source = ds.attrs.get('climate_source') + '+' + source else: source = ds.attrs.get('climate_source') + '|' + source # Common time period cmn_time = (ref_temp + hist_temp)['time'] assert len(cmn_time) // 12 == len(cmn_time) / 12 # We need an even number of years for this to work if ((len(cmn_time) // 12) % 2) == 1: cmn_time = cmn_time.isel(time=slice(12, len(cmn_time))) assert len(cmn_time) // 12 == len(cmn_time) / 12 assert ((len(cmn_time) // 12) % 2) == 0 cmn_time_range = cmn_time.values[[0, -1]] # Select ref sref_temp = ref_temp.sel(time=slice(*cmn_time_range)) sref_prcp = ref_prcp.sel(time=slice(*cmn_time_range)) # See if we need to scale the variability if scale_stddev: # This is a bit more arithmetic tmp_sel = hist_temp.sel(time=slice(*cmn_time_range)) tmp_std = tmp_sel.groupby('time.month').std(dim='time') std_fac = sref_temp.groupby('time.month').std(dim='time') / tmp_std std_fac = np.tile(, len(hist_temp) // 12) win_size = len(cmn_time) + 1 def roll_func(x, axis=None): x = x[:, ::12] n = len(x[0, :]) // 2 xm = np.nanmean(x, axis=axis) return xm + (x[:, n] - xm) * std_fac hist_temp = hist_temp.rolling(time=win_size, center=True, min_periods=1).reduce(roll_func) # compute monthly anomalies # of temp ts_tmp_sel = hist_temp.sel(time=slice(*cmn_time_range)) ts_tmp_avg = ts_tmp_sel.groupby('time.month').mean(dim='time') ts_tmp = hist_temp.groupby('time.month') - ts_tmp_avg # of precip -- scaled anomalies ts_pre_avg = hist_prcp.sel(time=slice(*cmn_time_range)) ts_pre_avg = ts_pre_avg.groupby('time.month').mean(dim='time') ts_pre_ano = hist_prcp.groupby('time.month') - ts_pre_avg # scaled anomalies is the default. Standard anomalies above # are used later for where ts_pre_avg == 0 ts_pre = hist_prcp.groupby('time.month') / ts_pre_avg # reference averages # for temp loc_tmp = sref_temp.groupby('time.month').mean() ts_tmp = ts_tmp.groupby('time.month') + loc_tmp # for prcp loc_pre = sref_prcp.groupby('time.month').mean() # scaled anomalies ts_pre = ts_pre.groupby('time.month') * loc_pre # standard anomalies ts_pre_ano = ts_pre_ano.groupby('time.month') + loc_pre # Correct infinite values with standard anomalies ts_pre.values = np.where(np.isfinite(ts_pre.values), ts_pre.values, ts_pre_ano.values) # The previous step might create negative values (unlikely). Clip them ts_pre.values = utils.clip_min(ts_pre.values, 0) assert np.all(np.isfinite(ts_pre.values)) assert np.all(np.isfinite(ts_tmp.values)) if not replace_with_ref_data: # Just write what we have gdir.write_monthly_climate_file(ts_tmp.time.values, ts_pre.values, ts_tmp.values, ref_hgt, ref_lon, ref_lat, filesuffix=output_filesuffix, source=source) else: # Select all hist data before the ref ts_tmp = ts_tmp.sel(time=slice(ts_tmp.time[0], ref_temp.time[0])) ts_tmp = ts_tmp.isel(time=slice(0, -1)) ts_pre = ts_pre.sel(time=slice(ts_tmp.time[0], ref_temp.time[0])) ts_pre = ts_pre.isel(time=slice(0, -1)) # Concatenate and write gdir.write_monthly_climate_file(np.append(ts_pre.time, ref_prcp.time), np.append(ts_pre, ref_prcp), np.append(ts_tmp, ref_temp), ref_hgt, ref_lon, ref_lat, filesuffix=output_filesuffix, source=source) if delete_input_files: # Delete all files without suffix if ref_filesuffix: os.remove(f_ref) if hist_filesuffix: os.remove(f_his)