""" Compute the centerlines according to Kienholz et al (2014) - with
The output is a list of Centerline objects, stored as a list in a pickle.
The order of the list is important since the lines are
sorted per order (hydrological flow level), from the lower orders (upstream)
to the higher orders (downstream). Several tools later on rely on this order
so don't mess with it.
Kienholz, C., Rich, J. L., Arendt, a. a., and Hock, R. (2014).
A new method for deriving glacier centerlines applied to glaciers in
Alaska and northwest Canada. The Cryosphere, 8(2), 503-519.
# Built ins
import warnings
import logging
import copy
from itertools import groupby
from collections import Counter
from packaging.version import Version
# External libs
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import shapely.ops
import scipy.signal
import shapely.geometry as shpg
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator
from scipy.ndimage import (gaussian_filter1d, distance_transform_edt,
label, find_objects)
# Optional libs
import salem
except ImportError:
import geopandas as gpd
except ImportError:
from skimage import measure
from skimage.graph import route_through_array
except ImportError:
# Locals
import oggm.cfg as cfg
from oggm.cfg import GAUSSIAN_KERNEL
from oggm import utils
from oggm.utils import (tuple2int, line_interpol, interp_nans, lazy_property,
from oggm import entity_task
from oggm.exceptions import (InvalidParamsError, InvalidGeometryError,
GeometryError, InvalidDEMError)
# Module logger
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Variable needed later
LABEL_STRUCT = np.array([[0, 1, 0],
[1, 1, 1],
[0, 1, 0]])
class Centerline(object, metaclass=SuperclassMeta):
"""Geometry (line and widths) and flow rooting properties, but no thickness
def __init__(self, line, dx=None, surface_h=None, orig_head=None,
rgi_id=None, map_dx=None):
""" Initialize a Centerline
line : :py:class:`shapely.geometry.LineString`
The geometrically calculated centerline
dx : float
Grid spacing of the initialised flowline in pixel coordinates
surface_h : :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
elevation [m] of the points on ``line``
orig_head : :py:class:`shapely.geometry.Point`
geometric point of the lines head
rgi_id : str
The glacier's RGI identifier
map_dx : float
the map's grid resolution. Centerline.dx_meter = dx * map_dx
self.line = None # Shapely LineString
self.head = None # Shapely Point
self.tail = None # Shapely Point
self.dis_on_line = None
self.nx = None
if line is not None:
self.set_line(line) # Init all previous properties
self.nx = len(surface_h)
self.dis_on_line = np.arange(self.nx) * dx
self.order = None # Hydrological flow level (~ Strahler number)
# These are computed at run time by compute_centerlines
self.flows_to = None # pointer to a Centerline object (when available)
self.flows_to_point = None # point of the junction in flows_to
self.inflows = [] # list of Centerline instances (when available)
self.inflow_points = [] # junction points
# Optional attrs
self.dx = dx # dx in pixels (assumes the line is on constant dx
self.map_dx = map_dx # the pixel spacing
self.dx_meter = self.dx * self.map_dx
except TypeError:
# For backwards compatibility we allow this for now
self.dx_meter = None
self._surface_h = surface_h
self._widths = None
self.is_rectangular = None
self.is_trapezoid = None
self.orig_head = orig_head # Useful for debugging and for filtering
self.geometrical_widths = None # these are kept for plotting and such
self.apparent_mb = None # Apparent MB, NOT weighted by width.
self.rgi_id = rgi_id # Useful if line is used with another glacier
self.flux = None # Flux (kg m-2)
self.flux_needs_correction = False # whether this branch was baaad
self.flux_out = None # Flux (kg m-2) flowing out of the centerline
def set_flows_to(self, other, check_tail=True, to_head=False):
"""Find the closest point in "other" and sets all the corresponding
attributes. Btw, it modifies the state of "other" too.
other : :py:class:`oggm.Centerline`
another flowline where self should flow to
self.flows_to = other
if check_tail:
# Project the point and Check that its not too close
prdis = other.line.project(self.tail, normalized=False)
ind_closest = np.argmin(np.abs(other.dis_on_line - prdis)).item()
n = len(other.dis_on_line)
if n >= 9:
ind_closest = utils.clip_scalar(ind_closest, 4, n-5)
elif n >= 7:
ind_closest = utils.clip_scalar(ind_closest, 3, n-4)
elif n >= 5:
ind_closest = utils.clip_scalar(ind_closest, 2, n-3)
p = shpg.Point(other.line.coords[int(ind_closest)])
self.flows_to_point = p
elif to_head:
self.flows_to_point = other.head
# just the closest
self.flows_to_point = _projection_point(other, self.tail)
def set_line(self, line):
"""Update the Shapely LineString coordinate.
line : :py:class`shapely.geometry.LineString`
self.nx = len(line.coords)
self.line = line
dis = [line.project(shpg.Point(co)) for co in line.coords]
self.dis_on_line = np.array(dis)
xx, yy = line.xy
self.head = shpg.Point(xx[0], yy[0])
self.tail = shpg.Point(xx[-1], yy[-1])
def flows_to_indice(self):
"""Indices instead of geometry"""
ind = []
tofind = self.flows_to_point.coords[0]
for i, p in enumerate(self.flows_to.line.coords):
if p == tofind:
assert len(ind) == 1, 'We expect exactly one point to be found here.'
return ind[0]
def inflow_indices(self):
"""Indices instead of geometries"""
inds = []
for p in self.inflow_points:
ind = [i for (i, pi) in enumerate(self.line.coords)
if (p.coords[0] == pi)]
assert len(inds) == len(self.inflow_points), ('For every inflow point '
'there should be '
'exactly one inflow '
return inds
def normals(self):
"""List of (n1, n2) normal vectors at each point.
We use second order derivatives for smoother widths.
pcoords = np.array(self.line.coords)
normals = []
# First
normal = np.array(pcoords[1, :] - pcoords[0, :])
# Second
normal = np.array(pcoords[2, :] - pcoords[0, :])
# Others
for (bbef, bef, cur, aft, aaft) in zip(pcoords[:-4, :],
pcoords[1:-3, :],
pcoords[2:-2, :],
pcoords[3:-1, :],
pcoords[4:, :]):
normal = np.array(aaft + 2*aft - 2*bef - bbef)
# One before last
normal = np.array(pcoords[-1, :] - pcoords[-3, :])
# Last
normal = np.array(pcoords[-1, :] - pcoords[-2, :])
return normals
def widths(self):
"""Needed for overriding later"""
return self._widths
def widths_m(self):
return self.widths * self.map_dx
def widths(self, value):
self._widths = value
def surface_h(self):
"""Needed for overriding later"""
return self._surface_h
def surface_h(self, value):
self._surface_h = value
def reset_flux(self):
self.flux = np.zeros(len(self.surface_h)) # Flux (kg m-2)
self.flux_needs_correction = False # whether this branch was baaad
self.flux_out = None # Flux (kg m-2) flowing out of the centerline
self.apparent_mb = None
def set_apparent_mb(self, mb, is_calving=None):
"""Set the apparent mb and flux for the flowline.
MB is expected in kg m-2 yr-1 (= mm w.e. yr-1)
This should happen in line order, otherwise it will be wrong.
is_calving : bool
if calving line the last grid cell is seen as a pure calving cell
(the ice flux through the last cell is equal the calving flux),
in the other case the flux is calculated incorporating the smb of
the last grid cell (the ice flux through the last cell is equal to
the smb)
if is_calving is None:
raise InvalidParamsError('is_calving needs to be True or False')
self.apparent_mb = mb
# Add MB to current flux and sum
# no more changes should happen after that
smb = mb * self.widths * self.dx
if is_calving:
# in a calving case we see the last grid cell as the calving cell
# and the extra added cell has no meaning
smb_add = np.concatenate((smb, [0]))
# differentiate between positive and negative smb, negative is
# shifted one position and subtracted only after the ice flew
# through the cell
smb_pos = np.concatenate((np.where(smb > 0, smb, 0), [0]))
smb_neg = np.concatenate(([0], np.where(smb < 0, smb, 0)))
smb_add = smb_pos + smb_neg
flux_ext = np.concatenate((self.flux, [0]))
flux_needs_correction = False
flux = np.cumsum(flux_ext + smb_add)
# We filter lines with a negative flux at the last grid point, the
# threshold of -1e-5 is needed to avoid problems with numeric precision
if flux[-2] < -1e-5:
flux_needs_correction = True
self.flux = flux[:-1]
self.flux_out = flux[-1]
self.flux_needs_correction = flux_needs_correction
# Add to outflow. That's why it should happen in order
if self.flows_to is not None:
n = len(self.flows_to.line.coords)
ide = self.flows_to_indice
if n >= 9:
self.flows_to.flux[ide-4:ide+5] += gk * flux[-1]
elif n >= 7:
self.flows_to.flux[ide-3:ide+4] += gk * flux[-1]
elif n >= 5:
self.flows_to.flux[ide-2:ide+3] += gk * flux[-1]
def _filter_heads(heads, heads_height, radius, polygon):
"""Filter the head candidates following Kienholz et al. (2014), Ch. 4.1.2
heads : list of shapely.geometry.Point instances
The heads to filter out (in raster coordinates).
heads_height : list
The heads altitudes.
radius : float
The radius around each head to search for potential challengers
polygon : shapely.geometry.Polygon class instance
The glacier geometry (in raster coordinates).
a list of shapely.geometry.Point instances with the "bad ones" removed
heads = copy.copy(heads)
heads_height = copy.copy(heads_height)
i = 0
# I think a "while" here is ok: we remove the heads forwards only
while i < len(heads):
head = heads[i]
pbuffer = head.buffer(radius)
inter_poly = pbuffer.intersection(polygon.exterior)
if inter_poly.geom_type in ['MultiPolygon',
# In the case of a junction point, we have to do a check
# http://lists.gispython.org/pipermail/community/
# 2015-January/003357.html
if inter_poly.geom_type == 'MultiLineString':
inter_poly = shapely.ops.linemerge(inter_poly)
if inter_poly.geom_type != 'LineString':
# keep the local polygon only
for sub_poly in inter_poly.geoms:
if sub_poly.intersects(head):
inter_poly = sub_poly
elif inter_poly.geom_type == 'LineString':
inter_poly = shpg.Polygon(np.asarray(inter_poly.xy).T)
elif inter_poly.geom_type == 'Polygon':
extext = ('Geometry collection not expected: '
raise InvalidGeometryError(extext)
# Find other points in radius and in polygon
_heads = [head]
_z = [heads_height[i]]
for op, z in zip(heads[i+1:], heads_height[i+1:]):
if inter_poly.intersects(op):
# If alone, go to the next point
if len(_heads) == 1:
i += 1
# If not, keep the highest
_w = np.argmax(_z)
for head in _heads:
if not (head is _heads[_w]):
heads_height = np.delete(heads_height, heads.index(head))
return heads, heads_height
def _filter_lines(lines, heads, k, r):
"""Filter the centerline candidates by length.
Kienholz et al. (2014), Ch. 4.3.1
lines : list of shapely.geometry.LineString instances
The lines to filter out (in raster coordinates).
heads : list of shapely.geometry.Point instances
The heads corresponding to the lines.
k : float
A buffer (in raster coordinates) to cut around the selected lines
r : float
The lines shorter than r will be filtered out.
(lines, heads) a list of the new lines and corresponding heads
olines = []
oheads = []
ilines = copy.copy(lines)
lastline = None
while len(ilines) > 0: # loop as long as we haven't filtered all lines
if len(olines) > 0: # enter this after the first step only
toremove = lastline.buffer(k) # buffer centerlines the last line
tokeep = []
for l in ilines:
# loop over all remaining lines and compute their diff
# to the last longest line
diff = l.difference(toremove)
if diff.geom_type == 'MultiLineString':
# Remove the lines that have no head
diff = list(diff.geoms)
for il in diff:
hashead = False
for h in heads:
if il.intersects(h):
hashead = True
diff = il
if hashead:
diff = None
# keep this head line only if it's long enough
if diff is not None and diff.length > r:
# Fun fact. The heads can be cut by the buffer too
diff = shpg.LineString(l.coords[0:2] + diff.coords[2:])
ilines = tokeep
# it could happen that we're done at this point
if len(ilines) == 0:
# Otherwise keep the longest one and continue
lengths = np.array([])
for l in ilines:
lengths = np.append(lengths, l.length)
ll = ilines[np.argmax(lengths)]
if len(olines) > 0:
# the cut line's last point is not guaranteed
# to on straight coordinates. Remove it
olines.append(shpg.LineString(np.asarray(ll.xy)[:, 0:-1].T))
lastline = ll
# add the corresponding head to each line
for l in olines:
for h in heads:
if l.intersects(h):
return olines, oheads
def _filter_lines_slope(lines, heads, topo, gdir, min_slope):
"""Filter the centerline candidates by slope: if they go up, remove
Kienholz et al. (2014), Ch. 4.3.1
lines : list of shapely.geometry.LineString instances
The lines to filter out (in raster coordinates).
topo : the glacier topography
gdir : the glacier directory for simplicity
min_slope: rad
(lines, heads) a list of the new lines and corresponding heads
dx_cls = cfg.PARAMS['flowline_dx']
lid = int(cfg.PARAMS['flowline_junction_pix'])
sw = cfg.PARAMS['flowline_height_smooth']
# Bilinear interpolation
# Geometries coordinates are in "pixel centered" convention, i.e
# (0, 0) is also located in the center of the pixel
xy = (np.arange(0, gdir.grid.ny-0.1, 1),
np.arange(0, gdir.grid.nx-0.1, 1))
interpolator = RegularGridInterpolator(xy, topo.astype(np.float64))
olines = [lines[0]]
oheads = [heads[0]]
for line, head in zip(lines[1:], heads[1:]):
# The code below mimics what initialize_flowlines will do
# this is a bit smelly but necessary
points = line_interpol(line, dx_cls)
# For tributaries, remove the tail
points = points[0:-lid]
new_line = shpg.LineString(points)
# Interpolate heights
x, y = new_line.xy
hgts = interpolator((np.array(y), np.array(x)))
# If smoothing, this is the moment
hgts = gaussian_filter1d(hgts, sw)
# Finally slope
slope = np.arctan(-np.gradient(hgts, dx_cls*gdir.grid.dx))
# And altitude range
z_range = np.max(hgts) - np.min(hgts)
# arbitrary threshold with which we filter the lines, otherwise bye bye
if np.sum(slope >= min_slope) >= 5 and z_range > 10:
return olines, oheads
def _projection_point(centerline, point):
"""Projects a point on a line and returns the closest integer point
guaranteed to be on the line, and guaranteed to be far enough from the
head and tail.
centerline : Centerline instance
point : Shapely Point geometry
(flow_point, ind_closest): Shapely Point and indice in the line
prdis = centerline.line.project(point, normalized=False)
ind_closest = np.argmin(np.abs(centerline.dis_on_line - prdis)).item()
flow_point = shpg.Point(centerline.line.coords[int(ind_closest)])
return flow_point
def _join_lines(lines, heads):
"""Re-joins the lines that have been cut by _filter_lines
Compute the rooting scheme.
lines: list of shapely lines instances
Centerline instances, updated with flow routing properties
olines = [Centerline(l, orig_head=h) for l, h
in zip(lines[::-1], heads[::-1])]
nl = len(olines)
if nl == 1:
return olines
# per construction the line cannot flow in a line placed before in the list
for i, l in enumerate(olines):
last_point = shpg.Point(*l.line.coords[-1])
totest = olines[i+1:]
dis = [last_point.distance(t.line) for t in totest]
flow_to = totest[np.argmin(dis)]
flow_point = _projection_point(flow_to, last_point)
# Interpolate to finish the line, bute force:
# we interpolate 20 points, round them, remove consecutive duplicates
endline = shpg.LineString([last_point, flow_point])
endline = shpg.LineString([endline.interpolate(x, normalized=True)
for x in np.linspace(0., 1., num=20)])
# we keep all coords without the first AND the last
grouped = groupby(map(tuple, np.rint(endline.coords)))
endline = [x[0] for x in grouped][1:-1]
# We're done
l.set_line(shpg.LineString(l.line.coords[:] + endline))
l.set_flows_to(flow_to, check_tail=False)
# The last one has nowhere to flow
if i+2 == nl:
return olines[::-1]
def line_order(line):
"""Recursive search for the line's hydrological level.
line: a Centerline instance
The line's order
if len(line.inflows) == 0:
return 0
levels = [line_order(s) for s in line.inflows]
return np.max(levels) + 1
def line_inflows(line, keep=True):
"""Recursive search for all inflows of the given line.
line: a Centerline instance
keep : bool
whether or not the line itself should be kept
A list of lines (including the line itself) sorted in order
out = set([line])
for l in line.inflows:
out = out.union(line_inflows(l))
out = np.array(list(out))
out = list(out[np.argsort([o.order for o in out])])
if not keep:
return out
def _make_costgrid(mask, ext, z):
"""Computes a costgrid following Kienholz et al. (2014) Eq. (2)
mask : numpy.array
The glacier mask.
ext : numpy.array
The glacier boundaries' mask.
z : numpy.array
The terrain height.
numpy.array of the costgrid
dis = np.where(mask, distance_transform_edt(mask), np.nan)
z = np.where(mask, z, np.nan)
dmax = np.nanmax(dis)
zmax = np.nanmax(z)
zmin = np.nanmin(z)
cost = ((dmax - dis) / dmax * cfg.PARAMS['f1']) ** cfg.PARAMS['a'] + \
((z - zmin) / (zmax - zmin) * cfg.PARAMS['f2']) ** cfg.PARAMS['b']
# This is new: we make the cost to go over boundaries
# arbitrary high to avoid the lines to jump over adjacent boundaries
cost[np.where(ext)] = np.nanmax(cost[np.where(ext)]) * 50
return np.where(mask, cost, np.inf)
def _get_terminus_coord(gdir, ext_yx, zoutline):
"""This finds the terminus coordinate of the glacier.
There is a special case for marine terminating glaciers/
perc = cfg.PARAMS['terminus_search_percentile']
deltah = cfg.PARAMS['terminus_search_altitude_range']
if gdir.is_tidewater and (perc > 0):
# There is calving
# find the lowest percentile
plow = np.percentile(zoutline, perc).astype(np.int64)
# the minimum altitude in the glacier
mini = np.min(zoutline)
# indices of where in the outline the altitude is lower than the qth
# percentile and lower than 100m higher, than the minimum altitude
ind = np.where((zoutline < plow) & (zoutline < (mini + deltah)))[0]
# We take the middle of this area
ind_term = ind[np.round(len(ind) / 2.).astype(int)]
except IndexError:
# Sometimes the default perc is not large enough
# Repeat
perc *= 2
plow = np.percentile(zoutline, perc).astype(np.int64)
mini = np.min(zoutline)
ind = np.where((zoutline < plow) &
(zoutline < (mini + deltah)))[0]
ind_term = ind[np.round(len(ind) / 2.).astype(int)]
except IndexError:
# Last resort
ind_term = np.argmin(zoutline)
# easy: just the minimum
ind_term = np.argmin(zoutline)
return np.asarray(ext_yx)[:, ind_term].astype(np.int64)
def _normalize(n):
"""Computes the normals of a vector n.
the two normals (n1, n2)
nn = n / np.sqrt(np.sum(n*n))
n1 = np.array([-nn[1], nn[0]])
n2 = np.array([nn[1], -nn[0]])
return n1, n2
def _get_centerlines_heads(gdir, ext_yx, zoutline, single_fl,
glacier_mask, topo, geom, poly_pix):
# Size of the half window to use to look for local maximas
maxorder = np.rint(cfg.PARAMS['localmax_window'] / gdir.grid.dx)
maxorder = utils.clip_scalar(maxorder, 5., np.rint((len(zoutline) / 5.)))
heads_idx = scipy.signal.argrelmax(zoutline, mode='wrap',
if single_fl or len(heads_idx[0]) <= 1:
# small glaciers with one or less heads: take the absolute max
heads_idx = (np.atleast_1d(np.argmax(zoutline)),)
# Remove the heads that are too low
zglacier = topo[np.where(glacier_mask)]
head_threshold = np.percentile(zglacier, (1./3.)*100)
_heads_idx = heads_idx[0][np.where(zoutline[heads_idx] > head_threshold)]
if len(_heads_idx) == 0:
# this is for baaad ice caps where the outline is far off in altitude
_heads_idx = [heads_idx[0][np.argmax(zoutline[heads_idx])]]
heads_idx = _heads_idx
heads = np.asarray(ext_yx)[:, heads_idx]
heads_z = zoutline[heads_idx]
# careful, the coords are in y, x order!
heads = [shpg.Point(x, y) for y, x in zip(heads[0, :],
heads[1, :])]
# get radius of the buffer according to Kienholz eq. (1)
radius = cfg.PARAMS['q1'] * geom['polygon_area'] + cfg.PARAMS['q2']
radius = utils.clip_scalar(radius, 0, cfg.PARAMS['rmax'])
radius /= gdir.grid.dx # in raster coordinates
# Plus our criteria, quite useful to remove short lines:
radius += cfg.PARAMS['flowline_junction_pix'] * cfg.PARAMS['flowline_dx']
log.debug('(%s) radius in raster coordinates: %.2f',
gdir.rgi_id, radius)
# OK. Filter and see.
log.debug('(%s) number of heads before radius filter: %d',
gdir.rgi_id, len(heads))
heads, heads_z = _filter_heads(heads, heads_z, radius, poly_pix)
log.debug('(%s) number of heads after radius filter: %d',
gdir.rgi_id, len(heads))
return heads
def _line_extend(uline, dline, dx):
"""Adds a downstream line to a flowline
uline: a shapely.geometry.LineString instance
dline: a shapely.geometry.LineString instance
dx: the spacing
(line, line) : two shapely.geometry.LineString instances. The first
contains the newly created (long) line, the second only the interpolated
downstream part (useful for other analyses)
# First points is easy
points = [shpg.Point(c) for c in uline.coords]
if len(points) == 0:
# eb flowline
dpoints = [shpg.Point(dline.coords[0])]
points = [shpg.Point(dline.coords[0])]
dpoints = []
# Continue as long as line is not finished
while True:
pref = points[-1]
pbs = pref.buffer(dx).boundary.intersection(dline)
if pbs.geom_type in ['LineString', 'GeometryCollection']:
# Very rare
pbs = pref.buffer(dx+1e-12).boundary.intersection(dline)
if pbs.geom_type == 'Point':
pbs = [pbs]
# Shapely v2 compat
pbs = pbs.geoms
except AttributeError:
# Out of the point(s) that we get, take the one farthest from the top
refdis = dline.project(pref)
tdis = np.array([dline.project(pb) for pb in pbs])
p = np.where(tdis > refdis)[0]
if len(p) == 0:
return shpg.LineString(points), shpg.LineString(dpoints)
@entity_task(log, writes=['centerlines', 'gridded_data'])
def compute_centerlines(gdir, heads=None):
"""Compute the centerlines following Kienholz et al., (2014).
They are then sorted according to the modified Strahler number:
This function does not initialize a :py:class:`oggm.Centerline` but
calculates routes along the topography and makes a
:py:class:`shapely.Linestring` object from them.
gdir : :py:class:`oggm.GlacierDirectory`
where to write the data
heads : list, optional
list of shapely.geometry.Points to use as line heads (default is to
compute them like Kienholz did)
# Params
single_fl = not cfg.PARAMS['use_multiple_flowlines']
do_filter_slope = cfg.PARAMS['filter_min_slope']
min_slope = 'min_slope_ice_caps' if gdir.is_icecap else 'min_slope'
min_slope = np.deg2rad(cfg.PARAMS[min_slope])
# Force single flowline for ice caps
if gdir.is_icecap:
single_fl = True
if 'force_one_flowline' in cfg.PARAMS:
raise InvalidParamsError('`force_one_flowline` is deprecated')
# open
geom = gdir.read_pickle('geometries')
grids_file = gdir.get_filepath('gridded_data')
with utils.ncDataset(grids_file) as nc:
# Variables
glacier_mask = nc.variables['glacier_mask'][:]
glacier_ext = nc.variables['glacier_ext'][:]
topo = nc.variables['topo_smoothed'][:]
poly_pix = geom['polygon_pix']
# Find for local maximas on the outline
x, y = tuple2int(poly_pix.exterior.xy)
ext_yx = tuple(reversed(poly_pix.exterior.xy))
zoutline = topo[y[:-1], x[:-1]] # last point is first point
# For diagnostics
is_first_call = False
if heads is None:
# This is the default for when no filter is yet applied
is_first_call = True
heads = _get_centerlines_heads(gdir, ext_yx, zoutline, single_fl,
glacier_mask, topo, geom, poly_pix)
# Cost array
costgrid = _make_costgrid(glacier_mask, glacier_ext, topo)
# Terminus
t_coord = _get_terminus_coord(gdir, ext_yx, zoutline)
# Compute the routes
lines = []
for h in heads:
h_coord = np.asarray(h.xy)[::-1].astype(np.int64).flatten()
indices, _ = route_through_array(costgrid, h_coord, t_coord)
lines.append(shpg.LineString(np.array(indices)[:, [1, 0]]))
log.debug('(%s) computed the routes', gdir.rgi_id)
# Filter the shortest lines out
dx_cls = cfg.PARAMS['flowline_dx']
radius = cfg.PARAMS['flowline_junction_pix'] * dx_cls
radius += 6 * dx_cls
olines, oheads = _filter_lines(lines, heads, cfg.PARAMS['kbuffer'], radius)
log.debug('(%s) number of heads after lines filter: %d',
gdir.rgi_id, len(olines))
# Filter the lines which are going up instead of down
if do_filter_slope:
olines, oheads = _filter_lines_slope(olines, oheads, topo,
gdir, min_slope)
log.debug('(%s) number of heads after slope filter: %d',
gdir.rgi_id, len(olines))
# And rejoin the cut tails
olines = _join_lines(olines, oheads)
# Adds the line level
for cl in olines:
cl.order = line_order(cl)
# And sort them per order !!! several downstream tasks rely on this
cls = []
for i in np.argsort([cl.order for cl in olines]):
# Final check
if len(cls) == 0:
raise GeometryError('({}) no valid centerline could be '
# Write the data
gdir.write_pickle(cls, 'centerlines')
if is_first_call:
# For diagnostics of filtered centerlines
gdir.add_to_diagnostics('n_orig_centerlines', len(cls))
@entity_task(log, writes=['downstream_line'])
def compute_downstream_line(gdir):
"""Computes the Flowline along the unglaciated downstream topography
The idea is simple: starting from the glacier tail, compute all the routes
to all local minima found at the domain edge. The cheapest is "The One".
The rest of the job (merging centerlines + downstream into
one single glacier is realized by
gdir : :py:class:`oggm.GlacierDirectory`
where to write the data
# For tidewater glaciers no need for all this
if gdir.is_tidewater:
with utils.ncDataset(gdir.get_filepath('gridded_data')) as nc:
topo = nc.variables['topo_smoothed'][:]
glacier_ext = nc.variables['glacier_ext'][:] == 1
# Look for the starting points
# Normal OGGM flowlines
p = gdir.read_pickle('centerlines')[-1].tail
head = (int(p.y), int(p.x))
except FileNotFoundError:
# Squeezes lines
p = np.where((topo[glacier_ext].min() == topo) & glacier_ext)
head = (p[0][0], p[1][0])
# Make going up very costy
topo = topo**8
# We add an artificial cost as distance from the glacier
# This should have to much influence on mountain glaciers but helps for
# tidewater-candidates
topo = topo + distance_transform_edt(1 - glacier_ext)
# Variables we gonna need: the outer side of the domain
xmesh, ymesh = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, gdir.grid.nx, 1, dtype=np.int64),
np.arange(0, gdir.grid.ny, 1, dtype=np.int64))
_h = [topo[:, 0], topo[0, :], topo[:, -1], topo[-1, :]]
_x = [xmesh[:, 0], xmesh[0, :], xmesh[:, -1], xmesh[-1, :]]
_y = [ymesh[:, 0], ymesh[0, :], ymesh[:, -1], ymesh[-1, :]]
# Find the way out of the domain
min_cost = np.inf
min_len = np.inf
line = None
for h, x, y in zip(_h, _x, _y):
ids = scipy.signal.argrelmin(h, order=10, mode='wrap')
if np.all(h == 0) or len(ids[0]) == 0:
# Test every fifth (we don't really care)
ids = [np.arange(0, len(h), 5)]
for i in ids[0]:
lids, cost = route_through_array(topo, head, (y[i], x[i]))
if ((cost < min_cost) or
((cost <= min_cost) and (len(lids) < min_len))):
min_cost = cost
min_len = len(lids)
line = shpg.LineString(np.array(lids)[:, [1, 0]])
if line is None:
raise GeometryError('Downstream line not found')
cl = gdir.read_pickle('inversion_flowlines')[-1]
if cl.line is not None:
# normal OGGM lines
lline, dline = _line_extend(cl.line, line, cl.dx)
out = dict(full_line=lline, downstream_line=dline)
# Eb flowlines - we trick
_, dline = _line_extend(shpg.LineString(), line, cl.dx)
out = dict(full_line=None, downstream_line=dline)
gdir.write_pickle(out, 'downstream_line')
def _approx_parabola(x, y, y0=0):
"""Fit a parabola to the equation y = a x**2 + y0
x : array
the x axis variabls
y : array
the dependent variable
y0 : float, optional
the intercept
[a, 0, y0]
# y=ax**2+y0
x, y = np.array(x), np.array(y)
a = np.sum(x ** 2 * (y - y0)) / np.sum(x ** 4)
return np.array([a, 0, y0])
def _parabola_error(x, y, f):
# f is an array represents polynom
x, y = np.array(x), np.array(y)
with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
out = sum(abs((np.polyval(f, x) - y) / y)) / len(x)
return out
class HashablePoint(shpg.Point):
def __hash__(self):
return hash(tuple((self.x, self.y)))
def _parabolic_bed_from_topo(gdir, idl, interpolator):
"""this returns the parabolic bedshape for all points on idl"""
# Volume area scaling formula for the probable ice thickness
h_mean = 0.034 * gdir.rgi_area_km2**0.375 * 1000
gnx, gny = gdir.grid.nx, gdir.grid.ny
# Far Factor
r = 40
# number of points
cs_n = 20
# normals
ns = [i[0] for i in idl.normals]
cs = []
donot_compute = []
for pcoords, n in zip(idl.line.coords, ns):
xi, yi = pcoords
vx, vy = n
modul = np.sqrt(vx ** 2 + vy ** 2)
ci = []
_isborder = False
for ro in np.linspace(0, r / 2.0, cs_n):
t = ro / modul
cp1 = HashablePoint(xi + t * vx, yi + t * vy)
cp2 = HashablePoint(xi - t * vx, yi - t * vy)
# check if out of the frame
if not (0 < cp2.y < gny - 1) or \
not (0 < cp2.x < gnx - 1) or \
not (0 < cp1.y < gny - 1) or \
not (0 < cp1.x < gnx - 1):
_isborder = True
ci.append((cp1, ro))
ci.append((cp2, -ro))
ci = list(set(ci))
bed = []
terrain_heights = []
for ic, (cc, dontcomp) in enumerate(zip(cs, donot_compute)):
if dontcomp:
z = []
ro = []
for i in cc:
z.append(interpolator((i[0].y, i[0].x)))
aso = np.argsort(ro)
ro, z = np.array(ro)[aso], np.array(z)[aso]
# find top of parabola
roHead = ro[np.argmin(z)]
zero = np.argmin(z) # it is index of roHead/zHead
zHead = np.amin(z)
dsts = abs(h_mean + zHead - z)
# find local minima in set of distances
extr = scipy.signal.argrelextrema(dsts, np.less, mode='wrap')
if len(extr[0]) == 0:
# from local minima find that with the minimum |x|
idx = extr[0][np.argmin(abs(ro[extr]))]
# x<0 => x=0
# (|x|+x)/2
roN = ro[int((abs(zero - abs(zero - idx)) + zero - abs(
zero - idx)) / 2):zero + abs(zero - idx) + 1]
zN = z[int((abs(zero - abs(zero - idx)) + zero - abs(
zero - idx)) / 2):zero + abs(zero - idx) + 1]
roNx = roN - roHead
# zN=zN-zHead#
with warnings.catch_warnings():
# This can trigger a divide by zero Warning
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning)
p = _approx_parabola(roNx, zN, y0=zHead)
# define terrain height as the maximum height difference of points used
# for the parabolic fitting and the bottom height
terrain_heights.append(float(np.max(zN - zHead)))
# shift parabola to the ds-line
p2 = np.copy(p)
p2[2] = z[ro == 0][0]
err = _parabola_error(roN, zN, p2) * 100
# The original implementation of @anton-ub stored all three parabola
# params. We just keep the one important here for now
if err < 1.5:
terrain_heights = np.asarray(terrain_heights)
assert len(terrain_heights) == idl.nx, 'len(terrain_heights) == idl.nx'
bed = np.asarray(bed)
assert len(bed) == idl.nx, 'len(bed) == idl.nx'
pvalid = np.sum(np.isfinite(bed)) / len(bed) * 100
log.debug('(%s) percentage of valid parabolas in downstream: %d',
gdir.rgi_id, int(pvalid))
# Scale for dx (we worked in grid coords but need meters)
bed = bed / gdir.grid.dx**2
# interpolation, filling the gaps
default = cfg.PARAMS['default_parabolic_bedshape']
bed_int = interp_nans(bed, default=default)
default = 100. # assume a default terrain height of 100 m if all nan
terrain_heights = interp_nans(terrain_heights, default=default)
# We forbid super small shapes (important! This can lead to huge volumes)
# Sometimes the parabola fits in flat areas are very good, implying very
# flat parabolas.
bed_int = utils.clip_min(bed_int, cfg.PARAMS['downstream_min_shape'])
# Smoothing
bed_ma = pd.Series(bed_int)
bed_ma = bed_ma.rolling(window=5, center=True, min_periods=1).mean()
return bed_ma.values, terrain_heights
def _trapezoidal_bottom_width_from_terrain_cross_section_area(
terrain_heights, Ps, lambdas, w0_min):
"""This function calculates a bottom width for a trapezoidal downstream
line in a way that the terrain cross section area is preserved. The area to
preserve is defined by the fitted parabolic shape and the terrain height.
Parabolic formulas involved (Ap = area, h = terrain_height,
w = surface width, Ps = bed-shape parameter):
Ap = 2 / 3 * h * w
Ps = 4 * h / w^2
Trapezoidal formulas involved (At = area, h = terrain_height,
w = surface width, w0 = bottom width, lambda = defines angle of wall):
At = (w + w0) * h / 2
w = w0 + lambda * h
Putting all formulas together and setting Ap = At we get:
w0 = 4 / 3 * sqrt(h / Ps) - 1 / 2 * lambda * h
w0s = utils.clip_min(4 / 3 * np.sqrt(terrain_heights / Ps) -
1 / 2 * lambdas * terrain_heights,
return w0s
@entity_task(log, writes=['downstream_line'])
def compute_downstream_bedshape(gdir):
"""The bedshape obtained by fitting a parabola to the line's normals.
Further a trapezoidal shape is fitted to match the cross section area of
the valley. Which downstream shape (parabola or trapezoidal) is used
by the later call to init_present_day_glacier can be
selected with cfg.PARAMS['downstream_line_shape'].
Also computes the downstream's altitude.
gdir : :py:class:`oggm.GlacierDirectory`
where to write the data
# For tidewater glaciers no need for all this
if gdir.is_tidewater:
# We make a flowline out of the downstream for simplicity
tpl = gdir.read_pickle('inversion_flowlines')[-1]
cl = gdir.read_pickle('downstream_line')['downstream_line']
cl = Centerline(cl, dx=tpl.dx, map_dx=gdir.grid.dx)
# Topography
with utils.ncDataset(gdir.get_filepath('gridded_data')) as nc:
topo = nc.variables['topo_smoothed'][:]
x = nc.variables['x'][:]
y = nc.variables['y'][:]
xy = (np.arange(0, len(y)-0.1, 1), np.arange(0, len(x)-0.1, 1))
interpolator = RegularGridInterpolator(xy, topo.astype(np.float64))
bs, terrain_heights = _parabolic_bed_from_topo(gdir, cl, interpolator)
assert len(bs) == cl.nx, 'len(bs) == cl.nx'
assert np.all(np.isfinite(bs)), 'np.all(np.isfinite(bs))'
# Interpolate heights for later
xx, yy = cl.line.xy
hgts = interpolator((yy, xx))
assert len(hgts) >= 5, 'len(hgts) >= 5'
# If smoothing, this is the moment
hgts = gaussian_filter1d(hgts, cfg.PARAMS['flowline_height_smooth'])
# calculate bottom width of trapezoidal shapes
lambdas = np.ones(len(bs)) * cfg.PARAMS['trapezoid_lambdas']
w0_min = cfg.PARAMS['trapezoid_min_bottom_width']
w0s = _trapezoidal_bottom_width_from_terrain_cross_section_area(
terrain_heights, bs, lambdas, w0_min)
assert len(w0s) == cl.nx, 'len(w0s) == cl.nx'
assert np.all(np.isfinite(w0s)), 'np.all(np.isfinite(w0s))'
assert np.all(w0s >= w0_min), 'np.all(w0s >= w0_min)'
# write output
out = gdir.read_pickle('downstream_line')
out['bedshapes'] = bs
out['surface_h'] = hgts
out['w0s'] = w0s
gdir.write_pickle(out, 'downstream_line')
def _mask_to_polygon(mask, gdir=None):
"""Converts a mask to a single polygon.
The mask should be a single entity with nunataks: I didn't test for more
than one "blob".
mask: 2d array with ones and zeros
the mask to convert
gdir: GlacierDirectory
for logging
(poly, poly_no_nunataks) Shapely polygons
regions, nregions = label(mask, structure=LABEL_STRUCT)
if nregions > 1:
rid = ''
if gdir is not None:
rid = gdir.rgi_id
log.debug('(%s) we had to cut a blob from the catchment', rid)
# Check the size of those
region_sizes = [np.sum(regions == r) for r in np.arange(1, nregions+1)]
am = np.argmax(region_sizes)
# Check not a strange glacier
sr = region_sizes.pop(am)
for ss in region_sizes:
if (ss / sr) > 0.2:
log.info('(%s) this blob was unusually large', rid)
mask[:] = 0
mask[np.where(regions == (am+1))] = 1
nlist = measure.find_contours(mask, 0.5)
# First is the exterior, the rest are nunataks
e_line = shpg.LinearRing(nlist[0][:, ::-1])
i_lines = [shpg.LinearRing(ipoly[:, ::-1]) for ipoly in nlist[1:]]
poly = shpg.Polygon(e_line, i_lines).buffer(0)
if not poly.is_valid:
raise GeometryError('Mask to polygon conversion error.')
poly_no = shpg.Polygon(e_line).buffer(0)
if not poly_no.is_valid:
raise GeometryError('Mask to polygon conversion error.')
return poly, poly_no
def _point_width(normals, point, centerline, poly, poly_no_nunataks):
""" Compute the geometrical width on a specific point.
Called by catchment_width_geom.
normals: normals of the current point, before, and after
point: the centerline's point
centerline: Centerline object
poly, poly_no_nuntaks: subcatchment polygons
(width, MultiLineString)
# How far should the normal vector reach? (make it large)
far_factor = 150.
normal = shpg.LineString([shpg.Point(point + normals[0] * far_factor),
shpg.Point(point + normals[1] * far_factor)])
# First use the external boundaries only
line = normal.intersection(poly_no_nunataks)
if line.geom_type == 'LineString':
pass # Nothing to be done
elif line.geom_type in ['MultiLineString', 'GeometryCollection']:
# Take the one that contains the centerline
oline = None
for l in line.geoms:
if l.geom_type != 'LineString':
if l.intersects(centerline.line):
oline = l
if oline is None:
return np.nan, shpg.MultiLineString()
line = oline
extext = 'Geometry collection not expected: {}'.format(line.geom_type)
raise InvalidGeometryError(extext)
# Then take the nunataks into account
# Make sure we are always returning a MultiLineString for later
line = line.intersection(poly)
if line.geom_type == 'LineString':
line = shpg.MultiLineString([line])
except shapely.errors.EmptyPartError:
return np.nan, shpg.MultiLineString()
elif line.geom_type == 'MultiLineString':
pass # nothing to be done
elif line.geom_type == 'GeometryCollection':
oline = []
for l in line:
if l.geom_type != 'LineString':
if len(oline) == 0:
return np.nan, shpg.MultiLineString()
line = shpg.MultiLineString(oline)
extext = 'Geometry collection not expected: {}'.format(line.geom_type)
raise InvalidGeometryError(extext)
assert line.geom_type == 'MultiLineString', 'Should be MultiLineString'
width = np.sum([l.length for l in line.geoms])
return width, line
def _filter_small_slopes(hgt, dx, min_slope):
"""Masks out slopes with nan until the slope if all valid points is at
least min_slope (in radians).
slope = np.arctan(-np.gradient(hgt, dx)) # beware the minus sign
# slope at the end always OK
slope[-1] = min_slope
# Find the locs where it doesn't work and expand till we got everything
slope_mask = np.where(slope >= min_slope, slope, np.nan)
r, nr = label(~np.isfinite(slope_mask))
for objs in find_objects(r):
obj = objs[0]
i = 0
while True:
i += 1
i0 = objs[0].start-i
if i0 < 0:
ngap = obj.stop - i0 - 1
nhgt = hgt[[i0, obj.stop]]
current_slope = np.arctan(-np.gradient(nhgt, ngap * dx))
if i0 <= 0 or current_slope[0] >= min_slope:
slope_mask[i0:obj.stop] = np.nan
out = hgt.copy()
out[~np.isfinite(slope_mask)] = np.nan
return out
def _filter_for_altitude_range(widths, wlines, topo):
"""Some width lines have unrealistic length and go over the whole
glacier. Filter them out."""
# altitude range threshold (if range over the line > threshold, filter it)
alt_range_th = cfg.PARAMS['width_alt_range_thres']
while True:
out_width = widths.copy()
for i, (wi, wl) in enumerate(zip(widths, wlines)):
if np.isnan(wi):
xc = []
yc = []
for dwl in wl.geoms:
# we interpolate at high res and take the int coords
dwl = shpg.LineString([dwl.interpolate(x, normalized=True)
for x in np.linspace(0., 1., num=100)])
grouped = groupby(map(tuple, np.rint(dwl.coords)))
dwl = np.array([x[0] for x in grouped], dtype=int)
xc.extend(dwl[:, 0])
yc.extend(dwl[:, 1])
altrange = topo[yc, xc]
if len(np.where(np.isfinite(altrange))[0]) != 0:
if (np.nanmax(altrange) - np.nanmin(altrange)) > alt_range_th:
out_width[i] = np.nan
valid = np.where(np.isfinite(out_width))
if len(valid[0]) > 0:
alt_range_th += 20
log.debug('Set altitude threshold to {}'.format(alt_range_th))
if alt_range_th > 2000:
raise GeometryError('Problem by altitude filter.')
return out_width
def _filter_grouplen(arr, minsize=3):
"""Filter out the groups of grid points smaller than minsize
arr : the array to filter (should be False and Trues)
minsize : the minimum size of the group
the array, with small groups removed
# Do it with trues
r, nr = label(arr)
nr = [i+1 for i, o in enumerate(find_objects(r)) if (len(r[o]) >= minsize)]
arr = np.asarray([ri in nr for ri in r])
# and with Falses
r, nr = label(~ arr)
nr = [i+1 for i, o in enumerate(find_objects(r)) if (len(r[o]) >= minsize)]
arr = ~ np.asarray([ri in nr for ri in r])
return arr
def _width_change_factor(widths):
fac = widths[:-1] / widths[1:]
return fac
@entity_task(log, writes=['geometries'])
def catchment_area(gdir):
"""Compute the catchment areas of each tributary line.
The idea is to compute the route of lowest cost for any point on the
glacier to rejoin a centerline. These routes are then put together if
they belong to the same centerline, thus creating "catchment areas" for
each centerline.
gdir : :py:class:`oggm.GlacierDirectory`
where to write the data
# Variables
cls = gdir.read_pickle('centerlines')
geom = gdir.read_pickle('geometries')
glacier_pix = geom['polygon_pix']
fpath = gdir.get_filepath('gridded_data')
with utils.ncDataset(fpath) as nc:
glacier_mask = nc.variables['glacier_mask'][:]
glacier_ext = nc.variables['glacier_ext'][:]
topo = nc.variables['topo_smoothed'][:]
# If we have only one centerline this is going to be easy: take the
# mask and return
if len(cls) == 1:
cl_catchments = [np.array(np.nonzero(glacier_mask == 1)).T]
geom['catchment_indices'] = cl_catchments
gdir.write_pickle(geom, 'geometries')
# Cost array
costgrid = _make_costgrid(glacier_mask, glacier_ext, topo)
# Initialise costgrid and the "catching" dict
cost_factor = 0. # Make it cheap
dic_catch = dict()
for i, cl in enumerate(cls):
x, y = tuple2int(cl.line.xy)
costgrid[y, x] = cost_factor
for x, y in [(int(x), int(y)) for x, y in cl.line.coords]:
assert (y, x) not in dic_catch
dic_catch[(y, x)] = set([(y, x)])
# It is much faster to make the array as small as possible. We trick:
pm = np.nonzero(glacier_mask == 1)
ymi, yma = np.min(pm[0])-1, np.max(pm[0])+2
xmi, xma = np.min(pm[1])-1, np.max(pm[1])+2
costgrid = costgrid[ymi:yma, xmi:xma]
mask = glacier_mask[ymi:yma, xmi:xma]
# Where did we compute the path already?
computed = np.where(mask == 1, 0, np.nan)
# Coords of Terminus (converted)
endcoords = np.array(cls[0].tail.coords[0])[::-1].astype(np.int64)
endcoords -= [ymi, xmi]
# Start with all the paths at the boundaries, they are more likely
# to cover much of the glacier
for headx, heady in tuple2int(glacier_pix.exterior.coords):
headcoords = np.array([heady-ymi, headx-xmi]) # convert
indices, _ = route_through_array(costgrid, headcoords, endcoords)
inds = np.array(indices).T
computed[inds[0], inds[1]] = 1
set_dump = set([])
for y, x in indices:
y, x = y+ymi, x+xmi # back to original
set_dump.add((y, x))
if (y, x) in dic_catch:
dic_catch[(y, x)] = dic_catch[(y, x)].union(set_dump)
# Repeat for the not yet computed pixels
while True:
not_computed = np.where(computed == 0)
if len(not_computed[0]) == 0: # All points computed !!
headcoords = np.array([not_computed[0][0], not_computed[1][0]],
indices, _ = route_through_array(costgrid, headcoords, endcoords)
inds = np.array(indices).T
computed[inds[0], inds[1]] = 1
set_dump = set([])
for y, x in indices:
y, x = y+ymi, x+xmi # back to original
set_dump.add((y, x))
if (y, x) in dic_catch:
dic_catch[(y, x)] = dic_catch[(y, x)].union(set_dump)
# For each centerline, make a set of all points flowing into it
cl_catchments = []
for cl in cls:
# Union of all
cl_catch = set()
for x, y in [(int(x), int(y)) for x, y in cl.line.coords]:
cl_catch = cl_catch.union(dic_catch[(y, x)])
# The higher order centerlines will get the points from the upstream
# ones too. The idea is to store the points which are unique to each
# centerline: now, in decreasing line order we remove the indices from
# the tributaries
cl_catchments = cl_catchments[::-1]
for i, cl in enumerate(cl_catchments):
cl_catchments[i] = np.array(list(cl.difference(*cl_catchments[i+1:])))
cl_catchments = cl_catchments[::-1] # put it back in order
# Write the data
geom['catchment_indices'] = cl_catchments
gdir.write_pickle(geom, 'geometries')
@entity_task(log, writes=['flowline_catchments', 'catchments_intersects'])
def catchment_intersections(gdir):
"""Computes the intersections between the catchments.
A glacier usually consists of several flowlines and each flowline has a
distinct catchment area. This function calculates the intersections between
these areas.
gdir : :py:class:`oggm.GlacierDirectory`
where to write the data
catchment_indices = gdir.read_pickle('geometries')['catchment_indices']
# Loop over the lines
mask = np.zeros((gdir.grid.ny, gdir.grid.nx))
poly_nos = []
for i, ci in enumerate(catchment_indices):
# Catchment polygon
mask[:] = 0
mask[tuple(ci.T)] = 1
_, poly_no = _mask_to_polygon(mask, gdir=gdir)
gdfc = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=poly_nos)
gdfi = utils.polygon_intersections(gdfc)
# We project them onto the mercator proj before writing. This is a bit
# inefficient (they'll be projected back later), but it's more sustainable
salem.transform_geopandas(gdfc, from_crs=gdir.grid,
to_crs=gdir.grid.proj, inplace=True)
salem.transform_geopandas(gdfi, from_crs=gdir.grid,
to_crs=gdir.grid.proj, inplace=True)
if hasattr(gdfc.crs, 'srs'):
# salem uses pyproj
gdfc.set_crs(crs=gdfc.crs.srs, inplace=True, allow_override=True)
gdfi.set_crs(crs=gdfi.crs.srs, inplace=True, allow_override=True)
gdir.write_shapefile(gdfc, 'flowline_catchments')
if len(gdfi) > 0:
gdir.write_shapefile(gdfi, 'catchments_intersects')
@entity_task(log, writes=['inversion_flowlines'])
def initialize_flowlines(gdir):
""" Computes more physical Inversion Flowlines from geometrical Centerlines
This interpolates the centerlines on a regular spacing (i.e. not the
grid's (i, j) indices. Cuts out the tail of the tributaries to make more
realistic junctions. Also checks for low and negative slopes and corrects
them by interpolation.
gdir : :py:class:`oggm.GlacierDirectory`
where to write the data
# variables
cls = gdir.read_pickle('centerlines')
# Initialise the flowlines
dx = cfg.PARAMS['flowline_dx']
do_filter = cfg.PARAMS['filter_min_slope']
min_slope = np.deg2rad(cfg.PARAMS['min_slope_flowline_filter'])
lid = int(cfg.PARAMS['flowline_junction_pix'])
fls = []
# Topo for heights
fpath = gdir.get_filepath('gridded_data')
with utils.ncDataset(fpath) as nc:
topo = nc.variables['topo_smoothed'][:]
# Bilinear interpolation
# Geometries coordinates are in "pixel centered" convention, i.e
# (0, 0) is also located in the center of the pixel
xy = (np.arange(0, gdir.grid.ny-0.1, 1),
np.arange(0, gdir.grid.nx-0.1, 1))
interpolator = RegularGridInterpolator(xy, topo.astype(np.float64))
# Smooth window
sw = cfg.PARAMS['flowline_height_smooth']
diag_n_bad_slopes = 0
diag_n_pix = 0
for ic, cl in enumerate(cls):
points = line_interpol(cl.line, dx)
# For tributaries, remove the tail
if ic < (len(cls)-1):
points = points[0:-lid]
new_line = shpg.LineString(points)
# Interpolate heights
xx, yy = new_line.xy
hgts = interpolator((yy, xx))
if len(hgts) < 5:
raise GeometryError('This centerline is too short')
# If smoothing, this is the moment
hgts = gaussian_filter1d(hgts, sw)
# Clip topography to 0 m a.s.l.
utils.clip_min(hgts, 0, out=hgts)
# Last safeguard here
if ic == (len(cls)-1) and ((np.max(hgts) - np.min(hgts)) < 10):
raise RuntimeError('Altitude range of main flowline too small: '
'{}'.format(np.max(hgts) - np.min(hgts)))
# Check for min slope issues and correct if needed
if do_filter:
# Correct only where glacier
hgts = _filter_small_slopes(hgts, dx*gdir.grid.dx, min_slope)
isfin = np.isfinite(hgts)
if not np.any(isfin):
raise GeometryError('This centerline has no positive slopes')
diag_n_bad_slopes += np.sum(~isfin)
diag_n_pix += len(isfin)
perc_bad = np.sum(~isfin) / len(isfin)
if perc_bad > 0.8:
log.info('({}) more than {:.0%} of the flowline is cropped '
'due to negative slopes.'.format(gdir.rgi_id,
sp = np.min(np.where(np.isfinite(hgts))[0])
while len(hgts[sp:]) < 5:
sp -= 1
hgts = utils.interp_nans(hgts[sp:])
if not (np.all(np.isfinite(hgts)) and len(hgts) >= 5):
raise GeometryError('Something went wrong in flowline init')
new_line = shpg.LineString(points[sp:])
sl = Centerline(new_line, dx=dx, surface_h=hgts,
orig_head=cl.orig_head, rgi_id=gdir.rgi_id,
sl.order = cl.order
# All objects are initialized, now we can link them.
for cl, fl in zip(cls, fls):
fl.orig_centerline_id = id(cl)
if cl.flows_to is None:
# Write the data
gdir.write_pickle(fls, 'inversion_flowlines')
gdir.add_to_diagnostics('flowline_type', 'centerlines')
if do_filter:
out = diag_n_bad_slopes/diag_n_pix
gdir.add_to_diagnostics('perc_invalid_flowline', out)
@entity_task(log, writes=['inversion_flowlines'])
def catchment_width_geom(gdir):
"""Compute geometrical catchment widths for each point of the flowlines.
Updates the 'inversion_flowlines' save file.
gdir : :py:class:`oggm.GlacierDirectory`
where to write the data
# variables
flowlines = gdir.read_pickle('inversion_flowlines')
catchment_indices = gdir.read_pickle('geometries')['catchment_indices']
# Topography is to filter the unrealistic lines afterwards.
# I take the non-smoothed topography
# I remove the boundary pixs because they are likely to be higher
fpath = gdir.get_filepath('gridded_data')
with utils.ncDataset(fpath) as nc:
topo = nc.variables['topo'][:]
mask_ext = nc.variables['glacier_ext'][:]
mask_glacier = nc.variables['glacier_mask'][:]
topo[np.where(mask_glacier == 0)] = np.nan
topo[np.where(mask_ext == 1)] = np.nan
# Intersects between catchments/glaciers
gdfi = gpd.GeoDataFrame(columns=['geometry'])
if gdir.has_file('catchments_intersects'):
# read and transform to grid
gdf = gdir.read_shapefile('catchments_intersects')
salem.transform_geopandas(gdf, to_crs=gdir.grid, inplace=True)
gdfi = pd.concat([gdfi, gdf[['geometry']]])
if gdir.has_file('intersects'):
# read and transform to grid
gdf = gdir.read_shapefile('intersects')
salem.transform_geopandas(gdf, to_crs=gdir.grid, inplace=True)
gdfi = pd.concat([gdfi, gdf[['geometry']]])
# apply a buffer to be sure we get the intersects right. Be generous
gdfi = gdfi.buffer(1.5)
# Filter parameters
# Number of pixels to arbitrarily remove at junctions
jpix = int(cfg.PARAMS['flowline_junction_pix'])
# Loop over the lines
mask = np.zeros((gdir.grid.ny, gdir.grid.nx))
for fl, ci in zip(flowlines, catchment_indices):
n = len(fl.dis_on_line)
widths = np.zeros(n)
wlines = []
# Catchment polygon
mask[:] = 0
mask[tuple(ci.T)] = 1
poly, poly_no = _mask_to_polygon(mask, gdir=gdir)
# First guess widths
for i, (normal, pcoord) in enumerate(zip(fl.normals, fl.line.coords)):
width, wline = _point_width(normal, pcoord, fl, poly, poly_no)
widths[i] = width
valid = np.where(np.isfinite(widths))
if len(valid[0]) == 0:
errmsg = '({}) first guess widths went wrong.'.format(gdir.rgi_id)
raise GeometryError(errmsg)
# Ok now the entire centerline is computed.
# I take all these widths for geometrically valid, and see if they
# intersect with our buffered catchment/glacier intersections
is_rectangular = []
for wg in wlines:
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning)
inter = gdfi.intersects(wg)
is_rectangular = _filter_grouplen(is_rectangular, minsize=5)
# we filter the lines which have a large altitude range
fil_widths = _filter_for_altitude_range(widths, wlines, topo)
# Filter +- widths at junction points
for fid in fl.inflow_indices:
i0 = int(utils.clip_scalar(fid-jpix, jpix/2, n-jpix/2))
i1 = int(utils.clip_scalar(fid+jpix+1, jpix/2, n-jpix/2))
fil_widths[i0:i1] = np.nan
valid = np.where(np.isfinite(fil_widths))
if len(valid[0]) == 0:
# This happens very rarely. Just pick the middle and
# the correction task should do the rest
log.info('({}) width filtering too strong.'.format(gdir.rgi_id))
fil_widths = np.ones(n) * widths[int(len(widths) / 2.)]
# Special treatment for tidewater glaciers
if gdir.is_tidewater and fl.flows_to is None:
is_rectangular[-5:] = True
# Write it in the objects attributes
if len(fil_widths) != n:
raise GeometryError('Something went wrong')
fl.widths = fil_widths
fl.geometrical_widths = wlines
fl.is_rectangular = is_rectangular
# Overwrite pickle
gdir.write_pickle(flowlines, 'inversion_flowlines')
@entity_task(log, writes=['inversion_flowlines'])
def catchment_width_correction(gdir):
"""Corrects for nans and inconsistencies in the geometrical widths.
Interpolates missing values, ensures consistency of the
surface-area distribution AND with the geometrical area of the glacier
polygon, avoiding errors due to gridded representation.
Updates the 'inversion_flowlines' save file.
gdir : :py:class:`oggm.GlacierDirectory`
where to write the data
# variables
fls = gdir.read_pickle('inversion_flowlines')
catchment_indices = gdir.read_pickle('geometries')['catchment_indices']
# Topography for altitude-area distribution
# I take the non-smoothed topography and remove the borders
fpath = gdir.get_filepath('gridded_data')
with utils.ncDataset(fpath) as nc:
topo = nc.variables['topo'][:]
ext = nc.variables['glacier_ext'][:]
topo[np.where(ext == 1)] = np.nan
# Param
nmin = int(cfg.PARAMS['min_n_per_bin'])
smooth_ws = int(cfg.PARAMS['smooth_widths_window_size'])
# Per flowline (important so that later, the indices can be moved)
catchment_heights = []
for ci in catchment_indices:
_t = topo[tuple(ci.T)][:]
# Loop over lines in a reverse order
for fl, catch_h in zip(fls, catchment_heights):
# Interpolate widths
widths = utils.interp_nans(fl.widths)
widths = utils.clip_min(widths, 0.1)
# Get topo per catchment and per flowline point
fhgt = fl.surface_h
# Max and mins for the histogram
maxh = np.max(fhgt)
minh = np.min(fhgt)
# Sometimes, the centerline does not reach as high as each pix on the
# glacier. (e.g. RGI40-11.00006)
catch_h = utils.clip_max(catch_h, maxh)
# Same for min
if fl.flows_to is None:
# We clip only for main flowline (this has reasons)
catch_h = utils.clip_min(catch_h, minh)
# Now decide on a binsize which ensures at least N element per bin
bsize = cfg.PARAMS['base_binsize']
while True:
maxb = utils.nicenumber(maxh, 1)
minb = utils.nicenumber(minh, 1, lower=True)
bins = np.arange(minb, maxb+bsize+0.01, bsize)
minb = np.min(bins)
# Ignore the topo pixels below the last bin
tmp_ght = catch_h[np.where(catch_h >= minb)]
topo_digi = np.digitize(tmp_ght, bins) - 1 # I prefer the left
fl_digi = np.digitize(fhgt, bins) - 1 # I prefer the left
if nmin == 1:
# No need for complicated count
_c = set(topo_digi)
_fl = set(fl_digi)
# Keep indexes with at least n counts
_c = Counter(topo_digi.tolist())
_c = set([k for (k, v) in _c.items() if v >= nmin])
_fl = Counter(fl_digi.tolist())
_fl = set([k for (k, v) in _fl.items() if v >= nmin])
ref_set = set(range(len(bins)-1))
if (_c == ref_set) and (_fl == ref_set):
# For each bin, the width(s) have to represent the "real" area
new_widths = widths.copy()
for bi in range(len(bins) - 1):
bintopoarea = len(np.where(topo_digi == bi)[0])
wherewiths = np.where(fl_digi == bi)
binflarea = np.sum(new_widths[wherewiths]) * fl.dx
new_widths[wherewiths] = (bintopoarea / binflarea *
bsize += 5
# Add a security for infinite loops
if bsize > 600:
nmin -= 1
bsize = cfg.PARAMS['base_binsize']
log.info('(%s) reduced min n per bin to %d', gdir.rgi_id,
if nmin == 0:
raise GeometryError('({}) no binsize could be chosen '
if bsize > 300:
log.info('(%s) chosen binsize %d', gdir.rgi_id, bsize)
log.debug('(%s) chosen binsize %d', gdir.rgi_id, bsize)
# Now keep the good topo pixels and send the unattributed ones to the
# next flowline
tosend = list(catch_h[np.where(catch_h < minb)])
if (len(tosend) > 0) and (fl.flows_to is not None):
ide = fls.index(fl.flows_to)
catchment_heights[ide] = np.append(catchment_heights[ide], tosend)
if (len(tosend) > 0) and (fl.flows_to is None):
raise RuntimeError('This should not happen')
# Now we have a width which is the "best" representation of our
# tributary according to the altitude area distribution.
# This sometimes leads to abrupt changes in the widths from one
# grid point to another. I think it's not too harmful to smooth them
# here, at the cost of a less good altitude area distribution
if smooth_ws != 0:
if smooth_ws == 1:
new_widths = utils.smooth1d(new_widths)
new_widths = utils.smooth1d(new_widths, window_size=smooth_ws)
# Write it
fl.widths = new_widths
# Final correction - because of the raster, the gridded area of the
# glacier is not that of the actual geometry. correct for that
area = 0.
for fl in fls:
area += np.sum(fl.widths) * fl.dx
fac = gdir.rgi_area_m2 / (area * gdir.grid.dx**2)
log.debug('(%s) corrected widths with a factor %.2f', gdir.rgi_id, fac)
for fl in fls:
fl.widths *= fac
# Overwrite centerlines
gdir.write_pickle(fls, 'inversion_flowlines')
@entity_task(log, writes=['inversion_flowlines'])
def terminus_width_correction(gdir, new_width=None):
"""Sets a new value for the terminus width.
This can be useful for e.g. tidewater glaciers where we know the width
and don't like the OGGM one.
This task preserves the glacier area but will change the fit of the
altitude-area distribution slightly.
gdir : oggm.GlacierDirectory
new_width : float
the new width of the terminus (in meters)
# variables
fls = gdir.read_pickle('inversion_flowlines')
fl = fls[-1]
mapdx = gdir.grid.dx
# Change the value and interpolate
width = copy.deepcopy(fl.widths)
width[-5:] = np.nan
width[-1] = new_width / mapdx
width = utils.interp_nans(width)
# Correct for RGI area
area_to_match = gdir.rgi_area_m2 - np.sum(width[-5:] * mapdx**2 * fl.dx)
area_before = np.sum(width[:-5] * mapdx**2 * fl.dx)
for tfl in fls[:-1]:
area_before += np.sum(tfl.widths * mapdx**2 * fl.dx)
cor_factor = area_to_match / area_before
for tfl in fls:
tfl.widths = tfl.widths * cor_factor
width[:-5] = width[:-5] * cor_factor
fl.widths = width
# Overwrite centerlines
gdir.write_pickle(fls, 'inversion_flowlines')
def intersect_downstream_lines(gdir, candidates=None):
"""Find tributaries to a main glacier by intersecting downstream lines
The GlacierDirectories must at least contain a `downstream_line`.
If you have a lot of candidates, only execute the necessary tasks for that
and do the rest of the preprocessing after this function identified the
true tributary glaciers.
gdir : oggm.GlacierDirectory
The main glacier of interest
candidates: list of oggm.GlacierDirectory
Possible tributary glaciers to the main glacier
tributaries: list
list of tributary rgi_ids
# make sure tributaries are iterable
candidates = utils.tolist(candidates)
# Buffer in pixels around the flowline
buffer = cfg.PARAMS['kbuffer']
# get main glacier downstream line and CRS
dline = gdir.read_pickle('downstream_line')['full_line']
crs = gdir.grid
# return list
tributaries = []
# loop over tributaries
for trib in candidates:
# skip self
if gdir.rgi_id == trib.rgi_id:
# get tributary glacier downstream line and CRS
_dline = trib.read_pickle('downstream_line')['full_line']
_crs = trib.grid
# use salem to transform the grids
_trans_dline = salem.transform_geometry(_dline, crs=_crs, to_crs=crs)
# check for intersection, with a small buffer and add to list
if dline.intersects(_trans_dline.buffer(buffer)):
return tributaries
@entity_task(log, writes=['elevation_band_flowline'])
def elevation_band_flowline(gdir, bin_variables=None, preserve_totals=True):
"""Compute "squeezed" or "collapsed" glacier flowlines from Huss 2012.
This writes out a table of along glacier bins, strictly following the
method described in Werder, M. A., Huss, M., Paul, F., Dehecq, A. and
Farinotti, D.: A Bayesian ice thickness estimation model for large-scale
applications, J. Glaciol., 1–16, doi:10.1017/jog.2019.93, 2019.
The only parameter is cfg.PARAMS['elevation_band_flowline_binsize'],
which is 30m in Werder et al and 10m in Huss&Farinotti2012.
Currently the bands are assumed to have a rectangular bed.
Before calling this task you should run `tasks.define_glacier_region`
and `gis.simple_glacier_masks`. The logical following task is
`fixed_dx_elevation_band_flowline` to convert this to an OGGM flowline.
gdir : :py:class:`oggm.GlacierDirectory`
where to write the data
bin_variables : str or list of str
variables to add to the binned flowline
preserve_totals : bool or list of bool
whether or not to preserve the variables totals (e.g. volume)
# Variables
bin_variables = [] if bin_variables is None else utils.tolist(bin_variables)
out_vars = []
out_totals = []
grids_file = gdir.get_filepath('gridded_data')
with utils.ncDataset(grids_file) as nc:
glacier_mask = nc.variables['glacier_mask'][:] == 1
topo = nc.variables['topo_smoothed'][:]
# Check if there and do not raise when not available
keep = []
for var in bin_variables:
if var in nc.variables:
log.warning('{}: var `{}` not found in gridded_data.'
''.format(gdir.rgi_id, var))
bin_variables = keep
for var in bin_variables:
data = nc.variables[var][:]
if var == 'consensus_ice_thickness':
# individual handling for consensus thickness as they use a
# different glacier mask than oggm (which was already applied)
data_sum = np.nansum(data)
# use oggm glacier mask for all other data
data_sum = np.nansum(data[glacier_mask])
out_totals.append(data_sum * gdir.grid.dx ** 2)
preserve_totals = utils.tolist(preserve_totals, length=len(bin_variables))
# Slope
sy, sx = np.gradient(topo, gdir.grid.dx)
slope = np.arctan(np.sqrt(sx ** 2 + sy ** 2))
# Clip following Werder et al 2019
slope = utils.clip_array(slope, np.deg2rad(0.4), np.deg2rad(60))
topo = topo[glacier_mask]
slope = slope[glacier_mask]
bsize = cfg.PARAMS['elevation_band_flowline_binsize']
# Make nice bins ensuring to cover the full range with the given bin size
maxb = utils.nicenumber(np.max(topo), bsize)
minb = utils.nicenumber(np.min(topo), bsize, lower=True)
bins = np.arange(minb, maxb + 0.01, bsize)
# Some useful constants
min_alpha = np.deg2rad(0.4)
max_alpha = np.deg2rad(60)
if len(bins) < 3:
# Very low elevation range
bsize = cfg.PARAMS['elevation_band_flowline_binsize'] / 3
maxb = utils.nicenumber(np.max(topo), bsize)
minb = utils.nicenumber(np.min(topo), bsize, lower=True)
bins = np.arange(minb, maxb + 0.01, bsize)
if len(bins) < 3:
# Ok this just not gonna work
raise InvalidDEMError('({}) DEM altidude range too small.'
# Go - binning
df = pd.DataFrame()
topo_digi = np.digitize(topo, bins) - 1 # I prefer the left
for bi in range(len(bins) - 1):
# The coordinates of the current bin
bin_coords = topo_digi == bi
# Bin area
bin_area = np.sum(bin_coords) * gdir.grid.dx ** 2
if bin_area == 0:
# Ignored in this case - which I believe is strange because deltaH
# should be larger for the previous bin, but this is what they do
# according to Zekollari 2019 review
df.loc[bi, 'area'] = np.nan
df.loc[bi, 'area'] = bin_area
# Bin average elevation
df.loc[bi, 'mean_elevation'] = np.mean(topo[bin_coords])
# Bin averge slope
# there are a few more shenanigans here described in Werder et al 2019
s_bin = slope[bin_coords]
# between the 5% percentile and the x% percentile where x is some magic
qmin = np.quantile(s_bin, 0.05)
x = max(2 * np.quantile(s_bin, 0.2) / np.quantile(s_bin, 0.8), 0.55)
x = min(x, 0.95)
qmax = np.quantile(s_bin, x)
sel_s_bin = s_bin[(s_bin >= qmin) & (s_bin <= qmax)]
if len(sel_s_bin) == 0:
# This can happen when n pix is small. In this case we just avg
avg_s = np.mean(s_bin)
avg_s = np.mean(sel_s_bin)
# Final clip as in Werder et al 2019
df.loc[bi, 'slope'] = utils.clip_scalar(avg_s, min_alpha, max_alpha)
# Binned variables
with warnings.catch_warnings():
# This can trigger an empty mean warning
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning)
for var, data in zip(bin_variables, out_vars):
df.loc[bi, var] = np.nanmean(data[bin_coords])
# The grid point's grid spacing and widths
df['bin_elevation'] = (bins[1:] + bins[:-1]) / 2
df['dx'] = bsize / np.tan(df['slope'])
df['width'] = df['area'] / df['dx']
# Remove possible nans from above
if not bin_variables:
df = df.dropna()
# only remove if all bin_variables are nan
df = df.dropna(how='all', subset=bin_variables)
# Check for binned vars
with warnings.catch_warnings():
# This can trigger an invalid value
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning)
for var, data, in_total, do_p in zip(bin_variables, out_vars, out_totals,
if do_p:
out_total = np.nansum(df[var] * df['area'])
if out_total > 0:
df[var] *= in_total / out_total
# In OGGM we go from top to bottom
df = df[::-1]
# The x coordinate in meter - this is a bit arbitrary but we put it at the
# center of the irregular grid (better for interpolation later
dx = df['dx'].values
dx_points = np.append(dx[0]/2, (dx[:-1] + dx[1:]) / 2)
df.index = np.cumsum(dx_points)
df.index.name = 'dis_along_flowline'
# Store and return
@entity_task(log, writes=['inversion_flowlines'])
def fixed_dx_elevation_band_flowline(gdir, bin_variables=None,
"""Converts the "collapsed" flowline into a regular "inversion flowline".
You need to run `tasks.elevation_band_flowline` first. It then interpolates
onto a regular grid with the same dx as the one that OGGM would choose
(cfg.PARAMS['flowline_dx'] * map_dx).
gdir : :py:class:`oggm.GlacierDirectory`
where to write the data
bin_variables : str or list of str
variables to add to the interpolated flowline (will be stored in a new
csv file: gdir.get_filepath('elevation_band_flowline',
preserve_totals : bool or list of bool
whether or not to preserve the variables totals (e.g. volume)
df = pd.read_csv(gdir.get_filepath('elevation_band_flowline'), index_col=0)
map_dx = gdir.grid.dx
dx = cfg.PARAMS['flowline_dx']
dx_meter = dx * map_dx
nx = int(df.dx.sum() / dx_meter)
dis_along_flowline = dx_meter / 2 + np.arange(nx) * dx_meter
while dis_along_flowline[-1] > df.index[-1]:
# do not extrapolate
dis_along_flowline = dis_along_flowline[:-1]
while dis_along_flowline[0] < df.index[0]:
# do not extrapolate
dis_along_flowline = dis_along_flowline[1:]
nx = len(dis_along_flowline)
# Interpolate the data we need
hgts = np.interp(dis_along_flowline, df.index, df['mean_elevation'])
widths_m = np.interp(dis_along_flowline, df.index, df['width'])
# Correct the widths - area preserving
area = np.sum(widths_m * dx_meter)
fac = gdir.rgi_area_m2 / area
log.debug('(%s) corrected widths with a factor %.2f', gdir.rgi_id, fac)
widths_m *= fac
# Additional vars
if bin_variables is not None:
bin_variables = utils.tolist(bin_variables)
# Check if there and do not raise when not available
keep = []
for var in bin_variables:
if var in df:
log.warning('{}: var `{}` not found in gridded_data.'
''.format(gdir.rgi_id, var))
bin_variables = keep
preserve_totals = utils.tolist(preserve_totals,
odf = pd.DataFrame(index=dis_along_flowline)
odf.index.name = 'dis_along_flowline'
odf['widths_m'] = widths_m
odf['area_m2'] = widths_m * dx_meter
for var, do_p in zip(bin_variables, preserve_totals):
interp = np.interp(dis_along_flowline, df.index, df[var])
if do_p:
in_total = np.nansum(df[var] * df['area'])
out_total = np.nansum(interp * widths_m * dx_meter)
if out_total > 0:
with warnings.catch_warnings():
# This can trigger a double error
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning)
interp *= in_total / out_total
odf[var] = interp
# Match how OGGM computes distance along flowline
odf.index = np.arange(nx) * dx_meter
# Write as a Centerline object
fl = Centerline(None, dx=dx, surface_h=hgts, rgi_id=gdir.rgi_id,
fl.order = 0
fl.widths = widths_m / map_dx
fl.is_rectangular = np.zeros(nx, dtype=bool)
fl.is_trapezoid = np.ones(nx, dtype=bool)
if gdir.is_tidewater:
fl.is_rectangular[-5:] = True
fl.is_trapezoid[-5:] = False
gdir.write_pickle([fl], 'inversion_flowlines')
gdir.add_to_diagnostics('flowline_type', 'elevation_band')