Source code for

import logging

import os
import shutil
import warnings

    import salem
except ImportError:
    import rasterio
except ImportError:
import numpy as np

from oggm import utils, workflow
from oggm.exceptions import InvalidParamsError

# Module logger
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs] def init_glacier_directories_from_rgitopo(rgidf=None, dem_source=None, resolution='default', keep_dem_folders=False, reset=False, force=True): """Initialize a glacier directory from an RGI-TOPO DEM. Wrapper around :func:`workflow.init_glacier_directories`, which selects a default source for you (if not set manually with `dem_source`). The default source is NASADEM for all latitudes between 60N and 56S, and COPDEM90 elsewhere. Parameters ---------- rgidf : GeoDataFrame or list of ids, optional for pre-computed runs the RGI glacier outlines. If unavailable, OGGM will parse the information from the glacier directories found in the working directory. It is required for new runs. reset : bool delete the existing glacier directories if found. force : bool setting `reset=True` will trigger a yes/no question to the user. Set `force=True` to avoid this. dem_source : str the source to pick from (default: NASADEM and COPDEM90) keep_dem_folders : bool the default is to delete the other DEM directories to save space. Set this to True to prevent that (e.g. for sensitivity tests) Returns ------- gdirs : list of :py:class:`oggm.GlacierDirectory` objects the initialised glacier directories """ if resolution == 'default': base_url = DEMS_URL elif resolution == 'lr': base_url = DEMS_URL elif resolution == 'hr': log.warning('High-res DEMs not available yet in version 2 with COPDEM30') base_url = DEMS_HR_URL else: raise InvalidParamsError('`resolution` should be of `lr` or `hr`') gdirs = workflow.init_glacier_directories(rgidf, reset=reset, force=force, prepro_base_url=base_url, from_prepro_level=1, prepro_rgi_version='62') workflow.execute_entity_task(select_dem_from_dir, gdirs, dem_source=dem_source, keep_dem_folders=keep_dem_folders) return gdirs
[docs] @utils.entity_task(log, writes=['dem']) def select_dem_from_dir(gdir, dem_source=None, keep_dem_folders=False): """Select a DEM from the ones available in an RGI-TOPO glacier directory. Parameters ---------- gdir : :py:class:`oggm.GlacierDirectory` the glacier directory dem_source : str the source to pick from. If 'RGI', we assume that there is a `dem_source` attribute in the RGI file. If 'BY_RES', we use COPDEM30 for all gdirs with resolution smaller than 60m keep_dem_folders : bool the default is to delete the other DEM directories to save space. Set this to True to prevent that (e.g. for sensitivity tests) """ if dem_source == 'RGI': dem_source = gdir.rgi_dem_source if dem_source == 'BY_RES': dem_source = 'COPDEM30' if gdir.grid.dx < 60 else 'COPDEM90' sources = [ for f in os.scandir(gdir.dir) if f.is_dir() and not'.')] if dem_source not in sources: raise RuntimeError('source {} not in folder'.format(dem_source)) gdir.add_to_diagnostics('dem_source', dem_source) shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(gdir.dir, dem_source, 'dem.tif'), gdir.get_filepath('dem')) shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(gdir.dir, dem_source, 'dem_source.txt'), gdir.get_filepath('dem_source')) if not keep_dem_folders: for source in sources: shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(gdir.dir, source))
def _fallback_dem_quality_check(gdir): return dict(rgi_id=gdir.rgi_id)
[docs] @utils.entity_task(log, writes=[], fallback=_fallback_dem_quality_check) def dem_quality_check(gdir): """Run a simple quality check on the rgitopo DEMs Parameters ---------- gdir : GlacierDirectory the glacier directory Returns ------- a dict of DEMSOURCE:frac pairs, where frac is the percentage of valid DEM grid points on the glacier. """ with'glacier_mask'), 'r', driver='GTiff') as ds: mask = == 1 area = mask.sum() sources = [ for f in os.scandir(gdir.dir) if f.is_dir() and not'.')] out = dict(rgi_id=gdir.rgi_id) for s in sources: try: with, s, 'dem.tif'), 'r', driver='GTiff') as ds: topo = topo[topo <= -999.] = np.nan topo[ds.read_masks(1) == 0] = np.nan valid_mask = np.isfinite(topo) & mask if np.all(~valid_mask): continue if np.nanmax(topo[valid_mask]) == 0: continue out[s] = valid_mask.sum() / area except BaseException: pass return out