
oggm.tasks.run_constant_climate(gdir, nyears=1000, y0=None, bias=None, temperature_bias=None, filesuffix='', filename='climate_monthly', input_filesuffix='', init_model_fls=None, zero_initial_glacier=False, **kwargs)[source]

Run a glacier under a constant climate for a given climate period.


nyears : int

length of the simulation (default: as long as needed for reaching equilibrium)

y0 : int

central year of the requested climate period. The default is to be centred on t*.

bias : float

bias of the mb model. Default is to use the calibrated one, which is often a better idea. For t* experiments it can be useful to set it to zero

temperature_bias : float

add a bias to the temperature timeseries

filename : str

name of the climate file, e.g. ‘climate_monthly’ (default) or ‘cesm_data’

input_filesuffix: str

filesuffix for the input climate file

filesuffix : str

this add a suffix to the output file (useful to avoid overwriting previous experiments)

zero_initial_glacier : bool

if true, the ice thickness is set to zero before the simulation

init_model_fls : []

list of flowlines to use to initialise the model (the default is the present_time_glacier file from the glacier directory)

kwargs : dict

kwargs to pass to the FluxBasedModel instance


Files writen to the glacier directory: