Source code for oggm.core.flowline

"""Flowline modelling: bed shapes and model numerics.

# Builtins
import logging
import warnings
import copy
from collections import OrderedDict
from time import gmtime, strftime

# External libs
import numpy as np
import shapely.geometry as shpg
import xarray as xr

# Locals
from oggm import __version__
import oggm.cfg as cfg
from oggm import utils
from oggm import entity_task
import oggm.core.massbalance as mbmods
from oggm.core.centerlines import Centerline, line_order

# Constants
from oggm.cfg import RHO, G, N, GAUSSIAN_KERNEL

# Module logger
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Flowline(Centerline): """The is the input flowline for the model."""
[docs] def __init__(self, line=None, dx=1, map_dx=None, surface_h=None, bed_h=None): """ Instanciate. #TODO: documentation """ # This is do add flexibility for testing. I have no time for fancier # stuff right now, but I will do this better one day: if dx is None: dx = 1. if line is None: coords = np.arange(0, len(surface_h)-0.5, dx) line = shpg.LineString(np.vstack([coords, coords*0.]).T) super(Flowline, self).__init__(line, dx, surface_h) self._thick = (surface_h - bed_h).clip(0.) self.map_dx = map_dx self.dx_meter = map_dx * self.dx self.bed_h = bed_h
@Centerline.widths.getter def widths(self): """Compute the widths out of H and shape""" return self.widths_m / self.map_dx @property def thick(self): """Needed for overriding later""" return self._thick @thick.setter def thick(self, value): self._thick = value.clip(0) @Centerline.surface_h.getter def surface_h(self): return self._thick + self.bed_h @surface_h.setter def surface_h(self, value): self.thick = value - self.bed_h @property def length_m(self): # We define the length a bit differently: but more robust pok = np.where(self.thick > 0.)[0] return len(pok) * self.dx_meter @property def volume_m3(self): return np.sum(self.section * self.dx_meter) @property def volume_km3(self): return self.volume_m3 * 1e-9 @property def area_m2(self): return np.sum(self.widths_m * self.dx_meter) @property def area_km2(self): return self.area_m2 * 1e-6 def _add_attrs_to_dataset(self, ds): """Add bed specific parameters.""" raise NotImplementedError() def to_dataset(self): """Makes an xarray Dataset out of the flowline.""" h = self.surface_h nx = len(h) ds = xr.Dataset() ds.coords['x'] = np.arange(nx) ds.coords['c'] = [0, 1] ds['linecoords'] = (['x', 'c'], np.asarray(self.line.coords)) ds['surface_h'] = (['x'], h) ds['bed_h'] = (['x'], self.bed_h) ds.attrs['class'] = type(self).__name__ ds.attrs['map_dx'] = self.map_dx ds.attrs['dx'] = self.dx self._add_attrs_to_dataset(ds) return ds
class ParabolicBedFlowline(Flowline): """A more advanced Flowline.""" def __init__(self, line=None, dx=None, map_dx=None, surface_h=None, bed_h=None, bed_shape=None): """ Instanciate. Parameters ---------- line: Shapely LineString Properties ---------- #TODO: document properties """ super(ParabolicBedFlowline, self).__init__(line, dx, map_dx, surface_h, bed_h) assert np.all(np.isfinite(bed_shape)) self.bed_shape = bed_shape @property def widths_m(self): """Compute the widths out of H and shape""" return np.sqrt(4*self.thick/self.bed_shape) @property def section(self): return TWO_THIRDS * self.widths_m * self.thick @section.setter def section(self, val): self.thick = (0.75 * val * np.sqrt(self.bed_shape))**TWO_THIRDS def _add_attrs_to_dataset(self, ds): """Add bed specific parameters.""" ds['bed_shape'] = (['x'], self.bed_shape) class RectangularBedFlowline(Flowline): """A more advanced Flowline.""" def __init__(self, line=None, dx=None, map_dx=None, surface_h=None, bed_h=None, widths=None): """ Instanciate. Parameters ---------- line: Shapely LineString Properties ---------- #TODO: document properties """ super(RectangularBedFlowline, self).__init__(line, dx, map_dx, surface_h, bed_h) self._widths = widths @property def widths_m(self): """Compute the widths out of H and shape""" return self._widths * self.map_dx @property def section(self): return self.widths_m * self.thick @section.setter def section(self, val): self.thick = val / self.widths_m @property def area_m2(self): widths = np.where(self.thick > 0., self.widths_m, 0.) return np.sum(widths * self.dx_meter) def _add_attrs_to_dataset(self, ds): """Add bed specific parameters.""" ds['widths'] = (['x'], self._widths) class TrapezoidalBedFlowline(Flowline): """A more advanced Flowline.""" def __init__(self, line=None, dx=None, map_dx=None, surface_h=None, bed_h=None, widths=None, lambdas=None): """ Instanciate. Parameters ---------- line: Shapely LineString Properties ---------- #TODO: document properties """ super(TrapezoidalBedFlowline, self).__init__(line, dx, map_dx, surface_h, bed_h) self._w0_m = widths * self.map_dx - lambdas * self.thick if np.any(self._w0_m <= 0): raise ValueError('Trapezoid beds need to have origin widths > 0.') self._prec = np.where(lambdas == 0) self._lambdas = lambdas @property def widths_m(self): """Compute the widths out of H and shape""" return self._w0_m + self._lambdas * self.thick @property def section(self): return (self.widths_m + self._w0_m) / 2 * self.thick @section.setter def section(self, val): b = 2 * self._w0_m a = 2 * self._lambdas with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): thick = (np.sqrt(b**2 + 4 * a * val) - b) / a thick[self._prec] = val[self._prec] / self._w0_m[self._prec] self.thick = thick @property def area_m2(self): widths = np.where(self.thick > 0., self.widths_m, 0.) return np.sum(widths * self.dx_meter) def _add_attrs_to_dataset(self, ds): """Add bed specific parameters.""" ds['widths'] = (['x'], self.widths) ds['lambdas'] = (['x'], self._lambdas) class MixedBedFlowline(Flowline): """A more advanced Flowline.""" def __init__(self, *, line=None, dx=None, map_dx=None, surface_h=None, bed_h=None, section=None, bed_shape=None, is_trapezoid=None, lambdas=None, widths_m=None): """ Instanciate. Parameters ---------- line: Shapely LineString Properties ---------- #TODO: document properties width_m is optional - for thick=0 """ super(MixedBedFlowline, self).__init__(line=line, dx=dx, map_dx=map_dx, surface_h=surface_h.copy(), bed_h=bed_h.copy()) # To speedup calculations if no trapezoid bed is present self._do_trapeze = np.any(is_trapezoid) # Parabolic assert len(bed_shape) == self.nx self.bed_shape = bed_shape.copy() self._sqrt_bed = np.sqrt(bed_shape) # Trapeze assert len(lambdas) == self.nx assert len(is_trapezoid) == self.nx self._lambdas = lambdas.copy() self._ptrap = np.where(is_trapezoid)[0] self.is_trapezoid = is_trapezoid self.is_rectangular = self.is_trapezoid & (self._lambdas == 0) # Sanity self.bed_shape[is_trapezoid] = np.NaN self._lambdas[~is_trapezoid] = np.NaN # Here we have to compute the widths out of section and lambda thick = surface_h - bed_h with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): self._w0_m = section / thick - lambdas * thick / 2 assert np.all(section >= 0) need_w = (section == 0) & is_trapezoid if np.any(need_w): if widths_m is None: raise ValueError('We need a non-zero section for trapezoid ' 'shapes unless you provide widths_m.') self._w0_m[need_w] = widths_m[need_w] self._w0_m[~is_trapezoid] = np.NaN if (np.any(self._w0_m[self._ptrap] <= 0) or np.any(~np.isfinite(self._w0_m[self._ptrap]))): raise ValueError('Trapezoid beds need to have origin widths > 0.') assert np.all(self.bed_shape[~is_trapezoid] > 0) self._prec = np.where(is_trapezoid & (lambdas == 0)) assert np.allclose(section, self.section) @property def widths_m(self): """Compute the widths out of H and shape""" out = np.sqrt(4*self.thick/self.bed_shape) if self._do_trapeze: out[self._ptrap] = self._w0_m[self._ptrap] + \ self._lambdas[self._ptrap] * \ self.thick[self._ptrap] return out @property def section(self): out = TWO_THIRDS * self.widths_m * self.thick if self._do_trapeze: out[self._ptrap] = ((self.widths_m[self._ptrap] + self._w0_m[self._ptrap]) / 2 * self.thick[self._ptrap]) return out @section.setter def section(self, val): out = (0.75 * val * self._sqrt_bed)**TWO_THIRDS if self._do_trapeze: b = 2 * self._w0_m[self._ptrap] a = 2 * self._lambdas[self._ptrap] with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): out[self._ptrap] = ((np.sqrt(b ** 2 + 4 * a * val[self._ptrap]) - b) / a) out[self._prec] = val[self._prec] / self._w0_m[self._prec] self.thick = out @property def area_m2(self): widths = np.where(self.thick > 0., self.widths_m, 0.) return np.sum(widths * self.dx_meter) def _add_attrs_to_dataset(self, ds): """Add bed specific parameters.""" ds['section'] = (['x'], self.section) ds['bed_shape'] = (['x'], self.bed_shape) ds['is_trapezoid'] = (['x'], self.is_trapezoid) ds['widths_m'] = (['x'], self._w0_m) ds['lambdas'] = (['x'], self._lambdas) class FlowlineModel(object): """Interface to the actual model""" def __init__(self, flowlines, mb_model=None, y0=0., glen_a=None, fs=0., inplace=True, is_tidewater=False, mb_elev_feedback='annual', check_for_boundaries=True): """Create a new flowline model from the flowlines and a MB model. Parameters ---------- flowlines : list a list of Flowlines instances, sorted by order mb_model : MassBalanceModel the MB model to use y0 : int the starting year of the simultation glen_a : float glen's parameter A fs: float sliding parameter inplace : bool whether or not to make a copy of the flowline objects for the run setting to True (the default) implies that your objects will be modified at run time by the model is_tidewater : bool this changes how the last grid points of the domain are handled mb_elev_feedback : str, default: 'annual' 'never', 'always', 'annual', or 'monthly': how often the mass-balance should be recomputed from the mass balance model. 'Never' is equivalent to 'annual' but without elevation feedback at all (the heights are taken from the first call). check_for_boundaries : bool whether the model should raise an error when the glacier exceeds the domain boundaries. """ self.is_tidewater = is_tidewater # Mass balance self.mb_model = mb_model self.mb_elev_feedback = mb_elev_feedback _mb_call = None if mb_model: if mb_elev_feedback == 'always': _mb_call = mb_model.get_monthly_mb elif mb_elev_feedback == 'monthly': _mb_call = mb_model.get_monthly_mb elif mb_elev_feedback == 'annual': _mb_call = mb_model.get_annual_mb elif mb_elev_feedback == 'never': _mb_call = mb_model.get_annual_mb else: raise ValueError('mb_elev_feedback not understood') self._mb_call = _mb_call self._mb_current_date = None self._mb_current_out = dict() self._mb_current_heights = dict() # Defaults if glen_a is None: glen_a = cfg.A self.glen_a = glen_a self.fs = fs self.check_for_boundaries = check_for_boundaries and not is_tidewater # we keep glen_a as input, but for optimisation we stick to "fd" self._fd = 2. / (N+2) * self.glen_a self.y0 = None self.t = None self.reset_y0(y0) if not inplace: flowlines = copy.deepcopy(flowlines) try: _ = len(flowlines) except TypeError: flowlines = [flowlines] self.fls = None self._trib = None self.reset_flowlines(flowlines) def reset_y0(self, y0): """Reset the initial model time""" self.y0 = y0 self.t = 0 def reset_flowlines(self, flowlines): """Reset the initial model flowlines""" self.fls = flowlines # list of tributary coordinates and stuff trib_ind = [] for fl in self.fls: if fl.flows_to is None: trib_ind.append((None, None, None, None)) continue idl = self.fls.index(fl.flows_to) ide = fl.flows_to_indice if fl.flows_to.nx >= 9: gk = GAUSSIAN_KERNEL[9] id0 = ide-4 id1 = ide+5 elif fl.flows_to.nx >= 7: gk = GAUSSIAN_KERNEL[7] id0 = ide-3 id1 = ide+4 elif fl.flows_to.nx >= 5: gk = GAUSSIAN_KERNEL[5] id0 = ide-2 id1 = ide+3 trib_ind.append((idl, id0, id1, gk)) self._trib = trib_ind @property def yr(self): return self.y0 + self.t / SEC_IN_YEAR @property def area_m2(self): return np.sum([f.area_m2 for f in self.fls]) @property def volume_m3(self): return np.sum([f.volume_m3 for f in self.fls]) @property def volume_km3(self): return self.volume_m3 * 1e-9 @property def area_km2(self): return self.area_m2 * 1e-6 @property def length_m(self): return self.fls[-1].length_m def get_mb(self, heights, year=None, fl_id=None): """Get the mass balance at the requested height and time. Optimized so that no mb model call is necessary at each step. """ # Do we have to optimise? if self.mb_elev_feedback == 'always': return self._mb_call(heights, year) # Ok, user asked for it if fl_id is None: raise ValueError('Need fls_id') if self.mb_elev_feedback == 'never': # The very first call we take the heights if fl_id not in self._mb_current_heights: # We need to reset just this tributary self._mb_current_heights[fl_id] = heights # All calls we replace heights = self._mb_current_heights[fl_id] date = utils.floatyear_to_date(year) if self.mb_elev_feedback in ['annual', 'never']: # ignore month changes date = (date[0], date[0]) if self._mb_current_date == date: if fl_id not in self._mb_current_out: # We need to reset just this tributary self._mb_current_out[fl_id] = self._mb_call(heights, year) else: # We need to reset all self._mb_current_date = date self._mb_current_out = dict() self._mb_current_out[fl_id] = self._mb_call(heights, year) return self._mb_current_out[fl_id] def to_netcdf(self, path): """Creates a netcdf group file storing the state of the model.""" flows_to_id = [] for trib in self._trib: flows_to_id.append(trib[0] if trib[0] is not None else -1) ds = xr.Dataset() ds.attrs['description'] = 'OGGM model output' ds.attrs['oggm_version'] = __version__ ds.attrs['calendar'] = '365-day no leap' ds.attrs['creation_date'] = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) ds['flowlines'] = ('flowlines', np.arange(len(flows_to_id))) ds['flows_to_id'] = ('flowlines', flows_to_id) ds.to_netcdf(path) for i, fl in enumerate(self.fls): ds = fl.to_dataset() ds.to_netcdf(path, 'a', group='fl_{}'.format(i)) def check_domain_end(self): """Returns False if the glacier reaches the domains bound.""" return np.isclose(self.fls[-1].thick[-1], 0) def step(self, dt): """Advance one step.""" raise NotImplementedError def run_until(self, y1): t = (y1-self.y0) * SEC_IN_YEAR while self.t < t: self.step(t-self.t) # Check for domain bounds if self.check_for_boundaries: if self.fls[-1].thick[-1] > 10: raise RuntimeError('Glacier exceeds domain boundaries.') # Check for NaNs for fl in self.fls: if np.any(~np.isfinite(fl.thick)): raise FloatingPointError('NaN in numerical solution.') def run_until_and_store(self, y1, run_path=None, diag_path=None): """Runs the model and returns intermediate steps in xarray datasets. The function returns two datasets: - model run: this dataset stores the entire glacier geometry. It is useful to visualize the glacier geometry or to restart a new run from a modelled geometry. The glacier state is stored at the begining of each hydrological year (not in between in order to spare disk space) - model diagnostics: this dataset stores a few diagnostic variables such as the volume, area, length and ELA of the glacier. It is stored at a monthly timestep. You can store the dataset to disk in netcdf files by providing the run_path and diag_path arguments. """ # time monthly_time = utils.monthly_timeseries(self.yr, y1) yearly_time = np.arange(np.floor(self.yr), np.floor(y1)+1) yrs, months = utils.floatyear_to_date(monthly_time) cyrs, cmonths = utils.hydrodate_to_calendardate(yrs, months) # init output if run_path is not None: self.to_netcdf(run_path) ny = len(yearly_time) nm = len(monthly_time) sects = [(np.zeros((ny, fl.nx)) * np.NaN) for fl in self.fls] widths = [(np.zeros((ny, fl.nx)) * np.NaN) for fl in self.fls] diag_ds = xr.Dataset() # Global attributes diag_ds.attrs['description'] = 'OGGM model output' diag_ds.attrs['oggm_version'] = __version__ diag_ds.attrs['calendar'] = '365-day no leap' diag_ds.attrs['creation_date'] = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) # Coordinates diag_ds.coords['time'] = ('time', monthly_time) diag_ds.coords['hydro_year'] = ('time', yrs) diag_ds.coords['hydro_month'] = ('time', months) diag_ds.coords['calendar_year'] = ('time', cyrs) diag_ds.coords['calendar_month'] = ('time', cmonths) diag_ds['time'].attrs['description'] = 'Floating hydrological year' diag_ds['hydro_year'].attrs['description'] = 'Hydrological year' diag_ds['hydro_month'].attrs['description'] = 'Hydrological month' diag_ds['calendar_year'].attrs['description'] = 'Calendar year' diag_ds['calendar_month'].attrs['description'] = 'Calendar month' # Variables and attributes diag_ds['volume_m3'] = ('time', np.zeros(nm) * np.NaN) diag_ds['volume_m3'].attrs['description'] = 'Total glacier volume' diag_ds['volume_m3'].attrs['unit'] = 'm 3' diag_ds['area_m2'] = ('time', np.zeros(nm) * np.NaN) diag_ds['area_m2'].attrs['description'] = 'Total glacier area' diag_ds['area_m2'].attrs['unit'] = 'm 2' diag_ds['length_m'] = ('time', np.zeros(nm) * np.NaN) diag_ds['length_m'].attrs['description'] = 'Glacier length' diag_ds['length_m'].attrs['unit'] = 'm 3' diag_ds['ela_m'] = ('time', np.zeros(nm) * np.NaN) diag_ds['ela_m'].attrs['description'] = ('Annual Equilibrium Line ' 'Altitude (ELA)') diag_ds['ela_m'].attrs['unit'] = 'm a.s.l' if self.is_tidewater: diag_ds['calving_m3'] = ('time', np.zeros(nm) * np.NaN) diag_ds['calving_m3'].attrs['description'] = ('Total accumulated ' 'calving flux') diag_ds['calving_m3'].attrs['unit'] = 'm 3' # Run j = 0 for i, (yr, mo) in enumerate(zip(monthly_time, months)): self.run_until(yr) # Model run if mo == 1: for s, w, fl in zip(sects, widths, self.fls): s[j, :] = fl.section w[j, :] = fl.widths_m j += 1 # Diagnostics diag_ds['volume_m3'].data[i] = self.volume_m3 diag_ds['area_m2'].data[i] = self.area_m2 diag_ds['length_m'].data[i] = self.length_m diag_ds['ela_m'].data[i] = self.mb_model.get_ela(year=yr) if self.is_tidewater: diag_ds['calving_m3'].data[i] = self.calving_m3_since_y0 # to datasets run_ds = [] for (s, w) in zip(sects, widths): ds = xr.Dataset() ds.attrs['description'] = 'OGGM model output' ds.attrs['oggm_version'] = __version__ ds.attrs['calendar'] = '365-day no leap' ds.attrs['creation_date'] = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) ds.coords['time'] = yearly_time ds['time'].attrs['description'] = 'Floating hydrological year' varcoords = OrderedDict(time=('time', yearly_time), year=('time', yearly_time)) ds['ts_section'] = xr.DataArray(s, dims=('time', 'x'), coords=varcoords) ds['ts_width_m'] = xr.DataArray(w, dims=('time', 'x'), coords=varcoords) run_ds.append(ds) # write output? if run_path is not None: encode = {'ts_section': {'zlib': True, 'complevel': 5}, 'ts_width_m': {'zlib': True, 'complevel': 5}, } for i, ds in enumerate(run_ds): ds.to_netcdf(run_path, 'a', group='fl_{}'.format(i), encoding=encode) if diag_path is not None: diag_ds.to_netcdf(diag_path) return run_ds, diag_ds def run_until_equilibrium(self, rate=0.001, ystep=5, max_ite=200): ite = 0 was_close_zero = 0 t_rate = 1 while (t_rate > rate) and (ite <= max_ite) and (was_close_zero < 5): ite += 1 v_bef = self.volume_m3 self.run_until(self.yr + ystep) v_af = self.volume_m3 if np.isclose(v_bef, 0., atol=1): t_rate = 1 was_close_zero += 1 else: t_rate = np.abs(v_af - v_bef) / v_bef if ite > max_ite: raise RuntimeError('Did not find equilibrium.') class FluxBasedModel(FlowlineModel): """The actual model""" def __init__(self, flowlines, mb_model=None, y0=0., glen_a=None, fs=0., inplace=True, fixed_dt=None, cfl_number=0.05, min_dt=1*SEC_IN_HOUR, max_dt=10*SEC_IN_DAY, time_stepping='user', **kwargs): """ Instanciate. Parameters ---------- Properties ---------- #TODO: document properties """ super(FluxBasedModel, self).__init__(flowlines, mb_model=mb_model, y0=y0, glen_a=glen_a, fs=fs, inplace=inplace, **kwargs) if time_stepping == 'ambitious': cfl_number = 0.1 min_dt = 1*SEC_IN_DAY max_dt = 15*SEC_IN_DAY elif time_stepping == 'default': cfl_number = 0.05 min_dt = 1*SEC_IN_HOUR max_dt = 10*SEC_IN_DAY elif time_stepping == 'conservative': cfl_number = 0.01 min_dt = SEC_IN_HOUR max_dt = 5*SEC_IN_DAY elif time_stepping == 'ultra-conservative': cfl_number = 0.01 min_dt = SEC_IN_HOUR / 10 max_dt = 5*SEC_IN_DAY else: if time_stepping != 'user': raise ValueError('time_stepping not understood.') self.dt_warning = False if fixed_dt is not None: min_dt = fixed_dt max_dt = fixed_dt self.min_dt = min_dt self.max_dt = max_dt self.cfl_number = cfl_number self.calving_m3_since_y0 = 0. # total calving since time y0 # Optim self._stags = [] for fl, trib in zip(self.fls, self._trib): nx = fl.nx if trib[0] is not None: nx = fl.nx + 1 elif self.is_tidewater: nx = fl.nx + 1 a = np.zeros(nx+1) b = np.zeros(nx+1) c = np.zeros(nx+1) d = np.zeros(nx-1) e = np.zeros(nx) self._stags.append((a, b, c, d, e)) def step(self, dt): """Advance one step.""" # This is to guarantee a precise arrival on a specific date if asked min_dt = dt if dt < self.min_dt else self.min_dt # Loop over tributaries to determine the flux rate flxs = [] aflxs = [] for fl, trib, (slope_stag, thick_stag, section_stag, znxm1, znx) \ in zip(self.fls, self._trib, self._stags): surface_h = fl.surface_h thick = fl.thick section = fl.section dx = fl.dx_meter # Reset znxm1[:] = 0 znx[:] = 0 # If it is a tributary, we use the branch it flows into to compute # the slope of the last grid points is_trib = trib[0] is not None if is_trib: fl_to = self.fls[trib[0]] ide = fl.flows_to_indice surface_h = np.append(surface_h, fl_to.surface_h[ide]) thick = np.append(thick, thick[-1]) section = np.append(section, section[-1]) elif self.is_tidewater: # For tidewater glacier, we trick and set the outgoing thick # to zero (for numerical stability and this should quite OK # represent what happens at the calving tongue) surface_h = np.append(surface_h, surface_h[-1] - thick[-1]) thick = np.append(thick, 0) section = np.append(section, 0) # Staggered gradient slope_stag[0] = 0 slope_stag[1:-1] = (surface_h[0:-1] - surface_h[1:]) / dx slope_stag[-1] = slope_stag[-2] # Convert to angle? # slope_stag = np.sin(np.arctan(slope_stag)) # Staggered thick thick_stag[1:-1] = (thick[0:-1] + thick[1:]) / 2. thick_stag[[0, -1]] = thick[[0, -1]] # Staggered velocity (Deformation + Sliding) # _fd = 2/(N+2) * self.glen_a rhogh = (RHO*G*slope_stag)**N u_stag = (thick_stag**(N+1)) * self._fd * rhogh + \ (thick_stag**(N-1)) * self.fs * rhogh # Staggered section section_stag[1:-1] = (section[0:-1] + section[1:]) / 2. section_stag[[0, -1]] = section[[0, -1]] # Staggered flux rate flx_stag = u_stag * section_stag / dx # Store the results if is_trib: flxs.append(flx_stag[:-1]) aflxs.append(znxm1) u_stag = u_stag[:-1] elif self.is_tidewater: flxs.append(flx_stag[:-1]) aflxs.append(znxm1) u_stag = u_stag[:-1] else: flxs.append(flx_stag) aflxs.append(znx) # CFL condition maxu = np.max(np.abs(u_stag)) if maxu > 0.: _dt = self.cfl_number * dx / maxu else: _dt = self.max_dt if _dt < dt: dt = _dt # Time step self.dt_warning = dt < min_dt dt = np.clip(dt, min_dt, self.max_dt) # A second loop for the mass exchange for fl, flx_stag, aflx, trib in zip(self.fls, flxs, aflxs, self._trib): dx = fl.dx_meter # Mass balance widths = fl.widths_m mb = self.get_mb(fl.surface_h, self.yr, fl_id=id(fl)) # Allow parabolic beds to grow widths = np.where((mb > 0.) & (widths == 0), 10., widths) mb = dt * mb * widths # Update section with flowing and mass balance new_section = fl.section + (flx_stag[0:-1] - flx_stag[1:])*dt + \ aflx*dt + mb # Keep positive values only and store fl.section = new_section.clip(0) # Add the last flux to the tributary # this is ok because the lines are sorted in order if trib[0] is not None: aflxs[trib[0]][trib[1]:trib[2]] += flx_stag[-1].clip(0) * \ trib[3] elif self.is_tidewater: # -2 because the last flux is zero per construction # TODO: not sure if this is the way to go yet, # but mass conservation is OK self.calving_m3_since_y0 += flx_stag[-2].clip(0)*dt*dx # Next step self.t += dt return dt class MassConservationChecker(FluxBasedModel): """This checks if the FluzBasedmodel is conserving mass.""" def __init__(self, flowlines, **kwargs): """ Instanciate. Parameters ---------- Properties ---------- #TODO: document properties """ super(MassConservationChecker, self).__init__(flowlines, **kwargs) self.total_mass = 0. def step(self, dt): mbs = [] sections = [] for fl in self.fls: # Mass balance widths = fl.widths_m mb = self.get_mb(fl.surface_h, self.yr, fl_id=id(fl)) mbs.append(mb * widths) sections.append(np.copy(fl.section)) dx = fl.dx_meter dt = super(MassConservationChecker, self).step(dt) for mb, sec in zip(mbs, sections): mb = dt * mb # there can't be more negative mb than there is section # this isn't an exact solution unfortunately # TODO: exact solution for mass conservation mb = mb.clip(-sec) self.total_mass += np.sum(mb * dx) class KarthausModel(FlowlineModel): """The actual model""" def __init__(self, flowlines, mb_model=None, y0=0., glen_a=None, fs=0., fixed_dt=None, min_dt=SEC_IN_DAY, max_dt=31*SEC_IN_DAY, inplace=True): """ Instanciate. Parameters ---------- Properties ---------- #TODO: document properties #TODO: Changed from assumed N=3 to N """ if len(flowlines) > 1: raise ValueError('Karthaus model does not work with tributaries.') super(KarthausModel, self).__init__(flowlines, mb_model=mb_model, y0=y0, glen_a=glen_a, fs=fs, inplace=inplace) self.dt_warning = False, if fixed_dt is not None: min_dt = fixed_dt max_dt = fixed_dt self.min_dt = min_dt self.max_dt = max_dt def step(self, dt): """Advance one step.""" # This is to guarantee a precise arrival on a specific date if asked min_dt = dt if dt < self.min_dt else self.min_dt dt = np.clip(dt, min_dt, self.max_dt) fl = self.fls[0] dx = fl.dx_meter width = fl.widths_m thick = fl.thick MassBalance = self.get_mb(fl.surface_h, self.yr, fl_id=id(fl)) SurfaceHeight = fl.surface_h # Surface gradient SurfaceGradient = np.zeros(fl.nx) SurfaceGradient[1:fl.nx-1] = (SurfaceHeight[2:] - SurfaceHeight[:fl.nx-2])/(2*dx) SurfaceGradient[-1] = 0 SurfaceGradient[0] = 0 # Diffusivity Diffusivity = width * (RHO*G)**3 * thick**3 * SurfaceGradient**2 Diffusivity *= 2/(N+2) * self.glen_a * thick**2 + self.fs # on stagger DiffusivityStaggered = np.zeros(fl.nx) SurfaceGradientStaggered = np.zeros(fl.nx) DiffusivityStaggered[1:] = (Diffusivity[:fl.nx-1] + Diffusivity[1:])/2. DiffusivityStaggered[0] = Diffusivity[0] SurfaceGradientStaggered[1:] = (SurfaceHeight[1:]-SurfaceHeight[:fl.nx-1])/dx SurfaceGradientStaggered[0] = 0 GradxDiff = SurfaceGradientStaggered * DiffusivityStaggered # Yo NewIceThickness = np.zeros(fl.nx) NewIceThickness[:fl.nx-1] = thick[:fl.nx-1] + (dt/width[0:fl.nx-1]) * \ (GradxDiff[1:]-GradxDiff[:fl.nx-1])/dx + \ dt * MassBalance[:fl.nx-1] NewIceThickness[-1] = thick[fl.nx-2] fl.thick = NewIceThickness.clip(0) # Next step self.t += dt class MUSCLSuperBeeModel(FlowlineModel): """This model is based on Jarosch et al. 2013 (doi:10.5194/tc-7-229-2013) The equation references in the comments refer to the paper for clarity """ def __init__(self, flowlines, mb_model=None, y0=0., glen_a=None, fs=None, fixed_dt=None, min_dt=SEC_IN_DAY, max_dt=31*SEC_IN_DAY, inplace=True): """ Instanciate. Parameters ---------- Properties ---------- #TODO: document properties """ if len(flowlines) > 1: raise ValueError('MUSCL SuperBee model does not work with tributaries.') super(MUSCLSuperBeeModel, self).__init__(flowlines, mb_model=mb_model, y0=y0, glen_a=glen_a, fs=fs, inplace=inplace) self.dt_warning = False, if fixed_dt is not None: min_dt = fixed_dt max_dt = fixed_dt self.min_dt = min_dt self.max_dt = max_dt def phi(self, r): """ a definition of the limiting scheme to use""" # minmod limiter Eq. 28 # val_phi = numpy.maximum(0,numpy.minimum(1,r)) # superbee limiter Eq. 29 val_phi = np.maximum(0,np.minimum(2*r,1),np.minimum(r,2)) return val_phi def step(self, dt): """Advance one step.""" with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) # This is to guarantee a precise arrival on a specific date if asked min_dt = dt if dt < self.min_dt else self.min_dt dt = np.clip(dt, min_dt, self.max_dt) fl = self.fls[0] dx = fl.dx_meter width = fl.widths_m """ Switch to the notation from the MUSCL_1D example This is useful to ensure that the MUSCL-SuperBee code is working as it has been benchmarked many time""" # mass balance m_dot = self.get_mb(fl.surface_h, self.yr, fl_id=id(fl)) # get in the surface elevation S = fl.surface_h # get the bed B = fl.bed_h # define Glen's law here Gamma = 2.*self.glen_a*(RHO*G)**N / (N+2.) # this is the correct Gamma !! #Gamma = self.fd*(RHO*G)**N # this is the Gamma to be in sync with Karthaus and Flux # time stepping c_stab = 0.165 # define the finite difference indices required for the MUSCL-SuperBee scheme k = np.arange(0,fl.nx) kp = np.hstack([np.arange(1,fl.nx),fl.nx-1]) kpp = np.hstack([np.arange(2,fl.nx),fl.nx-1,fl.nx-1]) km = np.hstack([0,np.arange(0,fl.nx-1)]) kmm = np.hstack([0,0,np.arange(0,fl.nx-2)]) # I'm gonna introduce another level of adaptive time stepping here, which is probably not # necessary. However I keep it to be consistent with my benchmarked and tested code. # If the OGGM time stepping is correctly working, this loop should never run more than once stab_t = 0. while stab_t < dt: H = S - B # MUSCL scheme up. "up" denotes here the k+1/2 flux boundary r_up_m = (H[k]-H[km])/(H[kp]-H[k]) # Eq. 27 H_up_m = H[k] + 0.5 * self.phi(r_up_m)*(H[kp]-H[k]) # Eq. 23 r_up_p = (H[kp]-H[k])/(H[kpp]-H[kp]) # Eq. 27, now k+1 is used instead of k H_up_p = H[kp] - 0.5 * self.phi(r_up_p)*(H[kpp]-H[kp]) # Eq. 24 # surface slope gradient s_grad_up = ((S[kp]-S[k])**2. / dx**2.)**((N-1.)/2.) D_up_m = Gamma * H_up_m**(N+2.) * s_grad_up # like Eq. 30, now using Eq. 23 instead of Eq. 24 D_up_p = Gamma * H_up_p**(N+2.) * s_grad_up # Eq. 30 D_up_min = np.minimum(D_up_m,D_up_p); # Eq. 31 D_up_max = np.maximum(D_up_m,D_up_p); # Eq. 32 D_up = np.zeros(fl.nx) # Eq. 33 D_up[np.logical_and(S[kp]<=S[k],H_up_m<=H_up_p)] = D_up_min[np.logical_and(S[kp]<=S[k],H_up_m<=H_up_p)] D_up[np.logical_and(S[kp]<=S[k],H_up_m>H_up_p)] = D_up_max[np.logical_and(S[kp]<=S[k],H_up_m>H_up_p)] D_up[np.logical_and(S[kp]>S[k],H_up_m<=H_up_p)] = D_up_max[np.logical_and(S[kp]>S[k],H_up_m<=H_up_p)] D_up[np.logical_and(S[kp]>S[k],H_up_m>H_up_p)] = D_up_min[np.logical_and(S[kp]>S[k],H_up_m>H_up_p)] # MUSCL scheme down. "down" denotes here the k-1/2 flux boundary r_dn_m = (H[km]-H[kmm])/(H[k]-H[km]) H_dn_m = H[km] + 0.5 * self.phi(r_dn_m)*(H[k]-H[km]) r_dn_p = (H[k]-H[km])/(H[kp]-H[k]) H_dn_p = H[k] - 0.5 * self.phi(r_dn_p)*(H[kp]-H[k]) # calculate the slope gradient s_grad_dn = ((S[k]-S[km])**2. / dx**2.)**((N-1.)/2.) D_dn_m = Gamma * H_dn_m**(N+2.) * s_grad_dn D_dn_p = Gamma * H_dn_p**(N+2.) * s_grad_dn D_dn_min = np.minimum(D_dn_m,D_dn_p); D_dn_max = np.maximum(D_dn_m,D_dn_p); D_dn = np.zeros(fl.nx) D_dn[np.logical_and(S[k]<=S[km],H_dn_m<=H_dn_p)] = D_dn_min[np.logical_and(S[k]<=S[km],H_dn_m<=H_dn_p)] D_dn[np.logical_and(S[k]<=S[km],H_dn_m>H_dn_p)] = D_dn_max[np.logical_and(S[k]<=S[km],H_dn_m>H_dn_p)] D_dn[np.logical_and(S[k]>S[km],H_dn_m<=H_dn_p)] = D_dn_max[np.logical_and(S[k]>S[km],H_dn_m<=H_dn_p)] D_dn[np.logical_and(S[k]>S[km],H_dn_m>H_dn_p)] = D_dn_min[np.logical_and(S[k]>S[km],H_dn_m>H_dn_p)] dt_stab = c_stab * dx**2. / max(max(abs(D_up)),max(abs(D_dn))) # Eq. 37 dt_use = min(dt_stab,dt-stab_t) stab_t = stab_t + dt_use # check if the extra time stepping is needed [to be removed one day] #if dt_stab < dt: # print "MUSCL extra time stepping dt: %f dt_stab: %f" % (dt, dt_stab) #else: # print "MUSCL Scheme fine with time stepping as is" #explicit time stepping scheme div_q = (D_up * (S[kp] - S[k])/dx - D_dn * (S[k] - S[km])/dx)/dx # Eq. 36 S = S[k] + (m_dot + div_q)*dt_use # Eq. 35 S = np.maximum(S,B) # Eq. 7 # Done with the loop, prepare output NewIceThickness = S-B fl.thick = NewIceThickness # fl.section = NewIceThickness * width #fl.section = NewIceThickness # Next step self.t += dt class FileModel(object): """Duck FlowlineModel which actually reads the stuff out of a nc file.""" def __init__(self, path): """ Instanciate. Parameters ---------- Properties ---------- #TODO: document properties """ self.fls = glacier_from_netcdf(path) dss = [] for flid, fl in enumerate(self.fls): ds = xr.open_dataset(path, group='fl_{}'.format(flid)) ds.load() dss.append(ds) self.dss = dss self.reset_y0() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): for ds in self.dss: ds.close() def reset_y0(self, y0=None): """Reset the initial model time""" if y0 is None: y0 = self.dss[0].time[0] self.y0 = y0 self.yr = y0 @property def area_m2(self): return np.sum([f.area_m2 for f in self.fls]) @property def volume_m3(self): return np.sum([f.volume_m3 for f in self.fls]) @property def volume_km3(self): return self.volume_m3 * 1e-9 @property def area_km2(self): return self.area_m2 * 1e-6 @property def length_m(self): return self.fls[-1].length_m def run_until(self, year=None, month=None): """Mimics the model's behavior. Is quite slow, I must say. """ if month is not None: for fl, ds in zip(self.fls, self.dss): sel = ds.ts_section.isel(time=(ds.year==year) & (ds.month==month)) fl.section = sel.values else: for fl, ds in zip(self.fls, self.dss): sel = ds.ts_section.sel(time=year) fl.section = sel.values self.yr = sel.time.values def area_m2_ts(self, rollmin=0): """rollmin is the number of years you want to smooth onto""" sel = 0 for fl, ds in zip(self.fls, self.dss): widths = ds.ts_width_m.copy() widths[:] = np.where(ds.ts_section > 0., ds.ts_width_m, 0.) sel += widths.sum(dim='x') * fl.dx_meter sel = sel.to_series() if rollmin != 0: sel = sel.rolling(rollmin).min() sel.iloc[0:rollmin] = sel.iloc[rollmin] return sel def area_km2_ts(self, **kwargs): return self.area_m2_ts(**kwargs) * 1e-6 def volume_m3_ts(self): sel = 0 for fl, ds in zip(self.fls, self.dss): sel += ds.ts_section.sum(dim='x') * fl.dx_meter return sel.to_series() def volume_km3_ts(self): return self.volume_m3_ts() * 1e-9 def length_m_ts(self, rollmin=0): """rollmin is the number of years you want to smooth onto""" fl = self.fls[-1] ds = self.dss[-1] sel = ds.ts_section.copy() sel[:] = ds.ts_section != 0. sel = sel.sum(dim='x') * fl.dx_meter sel = sel.to_series() if rollmin != 0: sel = sel.rolling(rollmin).min() sel.iloc[0:rollmin] = sel.iloc[rollmin] return sel def flowline_from_dataset(ds): """Instanciates a flowline from an xarray Dataset.""" cl = globals()[ds.attrs['class']] line = shpg.LineString(ds['linecoords'].values) args = dict(line=line, dx=ds.dx, map_dx=ds.map_dx, surface_h=ds['surface_h'].values, bed_h=ds['bed_h'].values) have = {'c', 'x', 'surface_h', 'linecoords', 'bed_h', 'z', 'p', 'n', 'time', 'month', 'year', 'ts_width_m', 'ts_section'} missing_vars = set(ds.variables.keys()).difference(have) for k in missing_vars: data = ds[k].values if ds[k].dims[0] == 'z': data = data[0] args[k] = data return cl(**args) def glacier_from_netcdf(path): """Instanciates a list of flowlines from an xarray Dataset.""" with xr.open_dataset(path) as ds: fls = [] for flid in ds['flowlines'].values: with xr.open_dataset(path, group='fl_{}'.format(flid)) as _ds: fls.append(flowline_from_dataset(_ds)) for i, fid in enumerate(ds['flows_to_id'].values): if fid != -1: fls[i].set_flows_to(fls[fid]) # Adds the line level for fl in fls: fl.order = line_order(fl) return fls
[docs]@entity_task(log, writes=['model_flowlines']) def init_present_time_glacier(gdir): """First task after inversion. Merges the data from the various preprocessing tasks into a stand-alone numerical glacier ready for run. Parameters ---------- gdir : oggm.GlacierDirectory """ # Some vars map_dx = gdir.grid.dx def_lambda = cfg.PARAMS['trapezoid_lambdas'] min_shape = cfg.PARAMS['mixed_min_shape'] cls = gdir.read_pickle('inversion_flowlines') invs = gdir.read_pickle('inversion_output') # Fill the tributaries new_fls = [] flows_to_ids = [] for cl, inv in zip(cls, invs): # Get the data to make the model flowlines line = cl.line section = inv['volume'] / (cl.dx * map_dx) surface_h = cl.surface_h bed_h = surface_h - inv['thick'] widths_m = cl.widths * map_dx assert np.all(cl.widths > 0) bed_shape = 4 * inv['thick'] / (cl.widths * map_dx) ** 2 lambdas = inv['thick'] * np.NaN lambdas[bed_shape < min_shape] = def_lambda lambdas[inv['is_rectangular']] = 0. # Last pix of not tidewater are always parab (see below) if not gdir.is_tidewater and inv['is_last']: lambdas[-5:] = np.nan # Update bed_h where we now have a trapeze w0_m = cl.widths * map_dx - lambdas * inv['thick'] b = 2 * w0_m a = 2 * lambdas with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): thick = (np.sqrt(b ** 2 + 4 * a * section) - b) / a ptrap = (lambdas != 0) & np.isfinite(lambdas) bed_h[ptrap] = cl.surface_h[ptrap] - thick[ptrap] # For the very last pixs of a glacier, the section might be zero after # the inversion, and the bedshapes are chaotic. We interpolate from # the downstream. This is not volume conservative if not gdir.is_tidewater and inv['is_last']: dic_ds = gdir.read_pickle('downstream_line') bed_shape[-5:] = np.nan # Interpolate bed_shape = utils.interp_nans(np.append(bed_shape, dic_ds['bedshapes'][0])) bed_shape = bed_shape[:-1].clip(min_shape) # Correct the section volume h = inv['thick'] section[-5:] = (2 / 3 * h * np.sqrt(4 * h / bed_shape))[-5:] # Add the downstream bed_shape = np.append(bed_shape, dic_ds['bedshapes']) lambdas = np.append(lambdas, dic_ds['bedshapes'] * np.NaN) section = np.append(section, dic_ds['bedshapes'] * 0.) surface_h = np.append(surface_h, dic_ds['surface_h']) bed_h = np.append(bed_h, dic_ds['surface_h']) widths_m = np.append(widths_m, dic_ds['bedshapes'] * 0.) line = dic_ds['full_line'] nfl = MixedBedFlowline(line=line, dx=cl.dx, map_dx=map_dx, surface_h=surface_h, bed_h=bed_h, section=section, bed_shape=bed_shape, is_trapezoid=np.isfinite(lambdas), lambdas=lambdas, widths_m=widths_m) if cl.flows_to: flows_to_ids.append(cls.index(cl.flows_to)) else: flows_to_ids.append(None) new_fls.append(nfl) # Finalize the linkages for fl, fid in zip(new_fls, flows_to_ids): if fid: fl.set_flows_to(new_fls[fid]) # Adds the line level for fl in new_fls: fl.order = line_order(fl) # Write the data gdir.write_pickle(new_fls, 'model_flowlines')
def _find_inital_glacier(final_model, firstguess_mb, y0, y1, rtol=0.01, atol=10, max_ite=100, init_bias=0., equi_rate=0.0005, ref_area=None): """ Iterative search for a plausible starting time glacier""" # Objective if ref_area is None: ref_area = final_model.area_m2'iterative_initial_glacier_search ' 'in year %d. Ref area to catch: %.3f km2. ' 'Tolerance: %.2f %%', np.int64(y0), ref_area * 1e-6, rtol * 100) # are we trying to grow or to shrink the glacier? prev_model = copy.deepcopy(final_model) prev_fls = copy.deepcopy(prev_model.fls) prev_model.reset_y0(y0) prev_model.run_until(y1) prev_area = prev_model.area_m2 # Just in case we already hit the correct starting state if np.allclose(prev_area, ref_area, atol=atol, rtol=rtol): model = copy.deepcopy(final_model) model.reset_y0(y0)'iterative_initial_glacier_search: inital ' 'starting glacier converges ' 'to itself with a final dif of %.2f %%', utils.rel_err(ref_area, prev_area) * 100) return 0, None, model if prev_area < ref_area: sign_mb = -1.'iterative_initial_glacier_search, ite: %d. ' 'Glacier would be too ' 'small of %.2f %%. Continue', 0, utils.rel_err(ref_area, prev_area) * 100) else:'iterative_initial_glacier_search, ite: %d. ' 'Glacier would be too ' 'big of %.2f %%. Continue', 0, utils.rel_err(ref_area, prev_area) * 100) sign_mb = 1. # Log prefix logtxt = 'iterative_initial_glacier_search' # Loop until 100 iterations c = 0 bias_step = 0.1 mb_bias = init_bias - bias_step reduce_step = 0.01 mb = copy.deepcopy(firstguess_mb) mb.temp_bias = sign_mb * mb_bias grow_model = FluxBasedModel(copy.deepcopy(final_model.fls), mb_model=mb, fs=final_model.fs, glen_a=final_model.glen_a, min_dt=final_model.min_dt, max_dt=final_model.max_dt) while True and (c < max_ite): c += 1 # Grow mb_bias += bias_step mb.temp_bias = sign_mb * mb_bias + ', ite: %d. New bias: %.2f', c, sign_mb * mb_bias) grow_model.reset_flowlines(copy.deepcopy(prev_fls)) grow_model.reset_y0(0.) grow_model.run_until_equilibrium(rate=equi_rate) + ', ite: %d. Grew to equilibrium for %d years, ' 'new area: %.3f km2', c, grow_model.yr, grow_model.area_km2) # Shrink new_fls = copy.deepcopy(grow_model.fls) new_model = copy.deepcopy(final_model) new_model.reset_flowlines(copy.deepcopy(new_fls)) new_model.reset_y0(y0) new_model.run_until(y1) new_area = new_model.area_m2 # Maybe we done? if np.allclose(new_area, ref_area, atol=atol, rtol=rtol): new_model.reset_flowlines(new_fls) new_model.reset_y0(y0) + ', ite: %d. Converged with a ' 'final dif of %.2f %%', c, utils.rel_err(ref_area, new_area)*100) return c, mb_bias, new_model # See if we did a step to far or if we have to continue growing do_cont_1 = (sign_mb < 0.) and (new_area < ref_area) do_cont_2 = (sign_mb > 0.) and (new_area > ref_area) if do_cont_1 or do_cont_2: # Reset the previous state and continue prev_fls = new_fls + ', ite: %d. Dif of %.2f %%. ' 'Continue', c, utils.rel_err(ref_area, new_area)*100) continue # Ok. We went too far. Reduce the bias step but keep previous state mb_bias -= bias_step bias_step /= reduce_step + ', ite: %d. Went too far.', c) if bias_step < 0.1: break raise RuntimeError('Did not converge after {} iterations'.format(c)) def _run_with_numerical_tests(gdir, filesuffix, mb, ys, ye, kwargs, zero_initial_glacier=False, init_model_fls=None): """Quick n dirty function to avoid copy-paste smell""" run_path = gdir.get_filepath('model_run', filesuffix=filesuffix, delete=True) diag_path = gdir.get_filepath('model_diagnostics', filesuffix=filesuffix, delete=True) steps = ['default', 'conservative', 'ultra-conservative'] for step in steps:'(%s) trying %s time stepping scheme.', gdir.rgi_id, step) if init_model_fls is None: fls = gdir.read_pickle('model_flowlines') else: fls = init_model_fls if zero_initial_glacier: for fl in fls: fl.thick = fl.thick * 0. model = FluxBasedModel(fls, mb_model=mb, y0=ys, time_stepping=step, is_tidewater=gdir.is_tidewater, **kwargs) try: model.run_until_and_store(ye, run_path=run_path, diag_path=diag_path) except (RuntimeError, FloatingPointError): if step == 'ultra-conservative': raise continue # If we get here we good'(%s) %s time stepping was successful!', gdir.rgi_id, step) break return model
[docs]@entity_task(log) def random_glacier_evolution(gdir, nyears=1000, y0=None, halfsize=15, bias=None, seed=None, temperature_bias=None, filename='climate_monthly', input_filesuffix='', filesuffix='', init_model_fls=None, zero_initial_glacier=False, **kwargs): """Random glacier dynamics for benchmarking purposes. This runs the random mass-balance model for a certain number of years. Parameters ---------- nyears : int length of the simulation y0 : int, optional central year of the random climate period. The default is to be centred on t*. halfsize : int, optional the half-size of the time window (window size = 2 * halfsize + 1) bias : float bias of the mb model. Default is to use the calibrated one, which is often a better idea. For t* experiments it can be useful to set it to zero seed : int seed for the random generator. If you ignore this, the runs will be different each time. Setting it to a fixed seed accross glaciers can be usefull if you want to have the same climate years for all of them temperature_bias : float add a bias to the temperature timeseries filename : str name of the climate file, e.g. 'climate_monthly' (default) or 'cesm_data' input_filesuffix: str filesuffix for the input climate file filesuffix : str this add a suffix to the output file (useful to avoid overwriting previous experiments) init_model_fls : [] list of flowlines to use to initialise the model (the default is the present_time_glacier file from the glacier directory) zero_initial_glacier : bool if true, the ice thickness is set to zero before the simulation kwargs : dict kwargs to pass to the FluxBasedModel instance """ if cfg.PARAMS['use_optimized_inversion_params']: d = gdir.read_pickle('inversion_params') fs = d['fs'] glen_a = d['glen_a'] else: fs = cfg.PARAMS['flowline_fs'] glen_a = cfg.PARAMS['flowline_glen_a'] kwargs.setdefault('fs', fs) kwargs.setdefault('glen_a', glen_a) ys = 0 ye = ys + nyears mb = mbmods.RandomMassBalance(gdir, y0=y0, halfsize=halfsize, bias=bias, seed=seed, filename=filename, input_filesuffix=input_filesuffix) if temperature_bias is not None: mb.temp_bias = temperature_bias return _run_with_numerical_tests(gdir, filesuffix, mb, ys, ye, kwargs, init_model_fls=init_model_fls, zero_initial_glacier=zero_initial_glacier)
[docs]@entity_task(log) def run_constant_climate(gdir, nyears=1000, y0=None, bias=None, temperature_bias=None, filesuffix='', filename='climate_monthly', input_filesuffix='', init_model_fls=None, zero_initial_glacier=False, **kwargs): """Run a glacier under a constant climate for a given climate period. Parameters ---------- nyears : int length of the simulation (default: as long as needed for reaching equilibrium) y0 : int central year of the requested climate period. The default is to be centred on t*. bias : float bias of the mb model. Default is to use the calibrated one, which is often a better idea. For t* experiments it can be useful to set it to zero temperature_bias : float add a bias to the temperature timeseries filename : str name of the climate file, e.g. 'climate_monthly' (default) or 'cesm_data' input_filesuffix: str filesuffix for the input climate file filesuffix : str this add a suffix to the output file (useful to avoid overwriting previous experiments) zero_initial_glacier : bool if true, the ice thickness is set to zero before the simulation init_model_fls : [] list of flowlines to use to initialise the model (the default is the present_time_glacier file from the glacier directory) kwargs : dict kwargs to pass to the FluxBasedModel instance """ if cfg.PARAMS['use_optimized_inversion_params']: d = gdir.read_pickle('inversion_params') fs = d['fs'] glen_a = d['glen_a'] else: fs = cfg.PARAMS['flowline_fs'] glen_a = cfg.PARAMS['flowline_glen_a'] kwargs.setdefault('fs', fs) kwargs.setdefault('glen_a', glen_a) mb = mbmods.ConstantMassBalance(gdir, y0=y0, bias=bias, filename=filename, input_filesuffix=input_filesuffix) if temperature_bias is not None: mb.temp_bias = temperature_bias return _run_with_numerical_tests(gdir, filesuffix, mb, 0, nyears, kwargs, init_model_fls=init_model_fls, zero_initial_glacier=zero_initial_glacier)
[docs]@entity_task(log) def run_from_climate_data(gdir, ys=None, ye=None, filename='climate_monthly', input_filesuffix='', filesuffix='', init_model_fls=None, **kwargs): """ Runs glacier with climate input from a general circulation model. Parameters ---------- ys : int start year of the model run (default: from the config file) y1 : int end year of the model run (default: from the config file) filename : str name of the climate file, e.g. 'climate_monthly' (default) or 'cesm_data' input_filesuffix: str filesuffix for the input climate file filesuffix : str for the output file init_model_fls : [] list of flowlines to use to initialise the model (the default is the present_time_glacier file from the glacier directory) kwargs : dict kwargs to pass to the FluxBasedModel instance """ if cfg.PARAMS['use_optimized_inversion_params']: d = gdir.read_pickle('inversion_params') fs = d['fs'] glen_a = d['glen_a'] else: fs = cfg.PARAMS['flowline_fs'] glen_a = cfg.PARAMS['flowline_glen_a'] kwargs.setdefault('fs', fs) kwargs.setdefault('glen_a', glen_a) if ys is None: ys = cfg.PARAMS['ys'] if ye is None: ye = cfg.PARAMS['ye'] mb = mbmods.PastMassBalance(gdir, filename=filename, input_filesuffix=input_filesuffix) return _run_with_numerical_tests(gdir, filesuffix, mb, ys, ye, kwargs, init_model_fls=init_model_fls)