Source code for oggm.workflow

"""Wrappers for the single tasks, multi processor handling."""
# Built ins
import logging
import os
from shutil import rmtree
import collections
from functools import partial
# External libs
import multiprocessing as mp

# Locals
import oggm
from oggm import cfg, tasks, utils

    import oggm.mpi as ogmpi
    _have_ogmpi = True
except ImportError:
    _have_ogmpi = False

# Module logger
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Multiprocessing Pool
_mp_pool = None

def _init_pool_globals(_cfg_contents, global_lock):
    utils.lock = global_lock

def init_mp_pool(reset=False):
    """Necessary because at import time, cfg might be uninitialized"""
    global _mp_pool
    if _mp_pool and not reset:
        return _mp_pool
    cfg.CONFIG_MODIFIED = False
    if _mp_pool and reset:
        _mp_pool = None
    cfg_contents = cfg.pack_config()
    global_lock = mp.Manager().Lock()
    mpp = cfg.PARAMS['mp_processes']
    if mpp == -1:
            mpp = int(os.environ['SLURM_JOB_CPUS_PER_NODE'])
  'Multiprocessing: using slurm allocated '
                     'processors (N={})'.format(mpp))
        except KeyError:
            mpp = mp.cpu_count()
  'Multiprocessing: using all available '
                     'processors (N={})'.format(mpp))
    else:'Multiprocessing: using the requested number of '
                 'processors (N={})'.format(mpp))
    _mp_pool = mp.Pool(mpp, initializer=_init_pool_globals,
                       initargs=(cfg_contents, global_lock))
    return _mp_pool

def _merge_dicts(*dicts):
    r = {}
    for d in dicts:
    return r

class _pickle_copier(object):
    """Pickleable alternative to functools.partial,
    Which is not pickleable in python2 and thus doesn't work
    with Multiprocessing."""

    def __init__(self, func, kwargs):
        self.call_func = func
        self.out_kwargs = kwargs

    def __call__(self, gdir):
            if isinstance(gdir, collections.Sequence):
                gdir, gdir_kwargs = gdir
                gdir_kwargs = _merge_dicts(self.out_kwargs, gdir_kwargs)
                return self.call_func(gdir, **gdir_kwargs)
                return self.call_func(gdir, **self.out_kwargs)
        except Exception as e:
                err_msg = '({0}) exception occured while processing task ' \
                          '{1}'.format(gdir.rgi_id, self.call_func.__name__)
                raise RuntimeError(err_msg) from e
            except AttributeError:

def reset_multiprocessing():
    """Reset multiprocessing state

    Call this if you changed configuration parameters mid-run and need them to
    be re-propagated to child processes.
    global _mp_pool
    if _mp_pool:
        _mp_pool = None
    cfg.CONFIG_MODIFIED = False

[docs]def execute_entity_task(task, gdirs, **kwargs): """Execute a task on gdirs. If you asked for multiprocessing, it will do it. Parameters ---------- task : function the entity task to apply gdirs : list the list of oggm.GlacierDirectory to process. """ if task.__dict__.get('global_task', False): return task(gdirs, **kwargs) pc = _pickle_copier(task, kwargs) if _have_ogmpi: if ogmpi.OGGM_MPI_COMM is not None: ogmpi.mpi_master_spin_tasks(pc, gdirs) return if cfg.PARAMS['use_multiprocessing']: mppool = init_mp_pool(cfg.CONFIG_MODIFIED), gdirs, chunksize=1) else: for gdir in gdirs: pc(gdir)
def execute_parallel_tasks(gdir, tasks): """Execute a list of task on a single gdir (experimental!). This is useful when running a non-sequential list of task on a gdir, mostly for e.g. different experiments with different output files. Parameters ---------- gdirs : oggm.GlacierDirectory the directory to process. tasks : list the the list of entity tasks to apply. Optionally, each list element can be a tuple, with the first element being the task, and the second element a dict that will be passed to the task function as ``**kwargs``. """ if _have_ogmpi: if ogmpi.OGGM_MPI_COMM is not None: raise NotImplementedError('execute_parallel_tasks does not work' 'with MPI yet') _tasks = [] for task in tasks: kwargs = {} if len(task) == 2: # The tuple option kwargs = task[1] task = task[0] _tasks.append(partial(task, gdir, **kwargs)) if cfg.PARAMS['use_multiprocessing']: proc = [] for task in _tasks: p = mp.Process(target=task) p.start() proc.append(p) for p in proc: p.join() else: for task in _tasks: task()
[docs]def init_glacier_regions(rgidf=None, reset=False, force=False): """Very first task to do (always). Set reset=True in order to delete the content of the directories. """ if reset and not force: reset = utils.query_yes_no('Delete all glacier directories?') # if reset delete also the log directory if reset: fpath = os.path.join(cfg.PATHS['working_dir'], 'log') if os.path.exists(fpath): rmtree(fpath) gdirs = [] new_gdirs = [] if rgidf is None: if reset: raise ValueError('Cannot use reset without a rgi file') # The dirs should be there already gl_dir = os.path.join(cfg.PATHS['working_dir'], 'per_glacier') for root, _, files in os.walk(gl_dir): if files and ('dem.tif' in files): gdirs.append(oggm.GlacierDirectory(os.path.basename(root))) else: for _, entity in rgidf.iterrows(): gdir = oggm.GlacierDirectory(entity, reset=reset) if not os.path.exists(gdir.get_filepath('dem')): new_gdirs.append((gdir, dict(entity=entity))) gdirs.append(gdir) # If not initialized, run the task in parallel execute_entity_task(tasks.define_glacier_region, new_gdirs) return gdirs
[docs]def gis_prepro_tasks(gdirs): """Helper function: run all flowlines tasks.""" task_list = [ tasks.glacier_masks, tasks.compute_centerlines, tasks.initialize_flowlines, tasks.compute_downstream_line, tasks.compute_downstream_bedshape, tasks.catchment_area, tasks.catchment_intersections, tasks.catchment_width_geom, tasks.catchment_width_correction ] for task in task_list: execute_entity_task(task, gdirs)
[docs]def climate_tasks(gdirs): """Helper function: run all climate tasks.""" # I don't know where this logic is best placed... if (('climate_file' in cfg.PATHS) and os.path.exists(cfg.PATHS['climate_file'])): _process_task = tasks.process_custom_climate_data else: # OK, so use the default CRU "high-resolution" method _process_task = tasks.process_cru_data execute_entity_task(_process_task, gdirs) # Then, global tasks if cfg.PARAMS['run_mb_calibration']: tasks.compute_ref_t_stars(gdirs) tasks.distribute_t_stars(gdirs) # And the apparent mass-balance execute_entity_task(tasks.apparent_mb, gdirs)
[docs]def inversion_tasks(gdirs): """Helper function: run all bed inversion tasks.""" # Init execute_entity_task(tasks.prepare_for_inversion, gdirs) # Global task if cfg.PARAMS['optimize_inversion_params']: tasks.optimize_inversion_params(gdirs) # Inversion for all glaciers execute_entity_task(tasks.volume_inversion, gdirs) # Filter execute_entity_task(tasks.filter_inversion_output, gdirs)