Source code for oggm.utils

"""Some useful functions that did not fit into the other modules.

# Builtins
import glob
import os
import gzip
import shutil
import zipfile
import sys
import math
import datetime
import logging
import pickle
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import partial, wraps
from time import gmtime, strftime
import time
import fnmatch
import platform
import struct
import importlib
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
from urllib.error import HTTPError, ContentTooShortError
from urllib.parse import urlparse

# External libs
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
import salem
from salem import lazy_property, read_shapefile
import numpy as np
import netCDF4
from scipy import stats
from joblib import Memory
from shapely.ops import transform as shp_trafo
from salem import wgs84
import xarray as xr
import rasterio
from scipy.ndimage import filters
from scipy.signal import gaussian
import shapely.geometry as shpg
from shapely.ops import linemerge
    # rasterio V > 1.0
    from rasterio.merge import merge as merge_tool
except ImportError:
    from import merge as merge_tool
import multiprocessing as mp

# Locals
from oggm import __version__
import oggm.cfg as cfg
from oggm.cfg import SEC_IN_YEAR, SEC_IN_MONTH

# Module logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Github repository and commit hash/branch name/tag name on that repository
# The given commit will be downloaded from github and used as source for all sample data
SAMPLE_DATA_GH_REPO = 'OGGM/oggm-sample-data'
SAMPLE_DATA_COMMIT = '3332594f9e8050246af131b8a493dbc958449368'


_RGI_METADATA = dict()

    'ISL': [-25., -12., 63., 67.],  # Iceland
    'SVALBARD': [10., 34., 76., 81.],
    'JANMAYEN': [-10., -7., 70., 72.],
    'FJ': [36., 66., 79., 82.],  # Franz Josef Land
    'FAR': [-8., -6., 61., 63.],  # Faroer
    'BEAR': [18., 20., 74., 75.],  # Bear Island
    'SHL': [-3., 0., 60., 61.],  # Shetland
    # Antarctica tiles as UTM zones, large files
    # '01-15': [-180., -91., -90, -60.],
    # '16-30': [-91., -1., -90., -60.],
    # '31-45': [-1., 89., -90., -60.],
    # '46-60': [89., 189., -90., -60.],
    # Greenland tiles
    # 'GL-North': [-78., -11., 75., 84.],
    # 'GL-West': [-68., -42., 64., 76.],
    # 'GL-South': [-52., -40., 59., 64.],
    # 'GL-East': [-42., -17., 64., 76.]

# Joblib
MEMORY = Memory(cachedir=cfg.CACHE_DIR, verbose=0)

# Function
tuple2int = partial(np.array, dtype=np.int64)

# Global Lock
lock = mp.Lock()

def _get_download_lock():
    return lock

class NoInternetException(Exception):

def _call_dl_func(dl_func, cache_path):
    """Helper so the actual call to downloads cann be overridden
    return dl_func(cache_path)

def _cached_download_helper(cache_obj_name, dl_func, reset=False):
    """Helper function for downloads.

    Takes care of checking if the file is already cached.
    Only calls the actual download function when no cached version exists.
    cache_dir = cfg.PATHS['dl_cache_dir']
    cache_ro = cfg.PARAMS['dl_cache_readonly']
    fb_cache_dir = os.path.join(cfg.PATHS['working_dir'], 'cache')

    if not cache_dir:
        # Defaults to working directory: it must be set!
        if not cfg.PATHS['working_dir']:
            raise ValueError("Need a valid PATHS['working_dir']!")
        cache_dir = fb_cache_dir
        cache_ro = False

    fb_path = os.path.join(fb_cache_dir, cache_obj_name)
    if not reset and os.path.isfile(fb_path):
        return fb_path

    cache_path = os.path.join(cache_dir, cache_obj_name)
    if not reset and os.path.isfile(cache_path):
        return cache_path

    if cache_ro:
        cache_path = fb_path

    if not cfg.PARAMS['has_internet']:
        raise NoInternetException("Download required, but "
                                  "`has_internet` is False.")


        cache_path = _call_dl_func(dl_func, cache_path)
        if os.path.exists(cache_path):

    return cache_path

def _urlretrieve(url, cache_obj_name=None, reset=False, *args, **kwargs):
    """Wrapper around urlretrieve, to implement our caching logic.

    Instead of accepting a destination path, it decided where to store the file
    and returns the local path.

    if cache_obj_name is None:
        cache_obj_name = urlparse(url)
        cache_obj_name = cache_obj_name.netloc + cache_obj_name.path

    def _dlf(cache_path):"Downloading %s to %s..." % (url, cache_path))
        urlretrieve(url, cache_path, *args, **kwargs)
        return cache_path

    return _cached_download_helper(cache_obj_name, _dlf, reset)

def _progress_urlretrieve(url, cache_name=None, reset=False):
    """Downloads a file, returns its local path, and shows a progressbar."""

        from progressbar import DataTransferBar, UnknownLength
        pbar = [None]
        def _upd(count, size, total):
            if pbar[0] is None:
                pbar[0] = DataTransferBar()
            if pbar[0].max_value is None:
                if total > 0:
            pbar[0].update(min(count * size, total))
        res = _urlretrieve(url, cache_obj_name=cache_name, reset=reset,
        return res
    except ImportError:
        return _urlretrieve(url, cache_obj_name=cache_name, reset=reset)

def aws_file_download(aws_path, cache_name=None, reset=False):
    with _get_download_lock():
        return _aws_file_download_unlocked(aws_path, cache_name, reset)

def _aws_file_download_unlocked(aws_path, cache_name=None, reset=False):
    """Download a file from the AWS drive s3://astgtmv2/

    **Note:** you need AWS credentials for this to work.

    aws_path: path relative to s3://astgtmv2/

    while aws_path.startswith('/'):
        aws_path = aws_path[1:]

    if cache_name is not None:
        cache_obj_name = cache_name
        cache_obj_name = 'astgtmv2/' + aws_path

    def _dlf(cache_path):
        import boto3
        import botocore
        client = boto3.client('s3')"Downloading %s from s3 to %s..." % (aws_path, cache_path))
            client.download_file('astgtmv2', aws_path, cache_path)
        except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
            if e.response['Error']['Code'] == "404":
                return None
        return cache_path

    return _cached_download_helper(cache_obj_name, _dlf, reset)

def file_downloader(www_path, retry_max=5, cache_name=None, reset=False):
    """A slightly better downloader: it tries more than once."""

    local_path = None
    retry_counter = 0
    while retry_counter <= retry_max:
        # Try to download
            retry_counter += 1
            local_path = _progress_urlretrieve(www_path, cache_name=cache_name,
            # if no error, exit
        except HTTPError as err:
            # This works well for py3
            if err.code == 404:
                # Ok so this *should* be an ocean tile
                return None
            elif err.code >= 500 and err.code < 600:
      "Downloading %s failed with HTTP error %s, "
                            "retrying in 10 seconds... %s/%s" %
                            (www_path, err.code, retry_counter, retry_max))
        except ContentTooShortError:
  "Downloading %s failed with ContentTooShortError"
                        " error %s, retrying in 10 seconds... %s/%s" %
                        (www_path, err.code, retry_counter, retry_max))

    # See if we managed (fail is allowed)
    if not local_path or not os.path.exists(local_path):
        logger.warning('Downloading %s failed.' % www_path)

    return local_path

def empty_cache():
    """Empty oggm's cache directory."""

    if os.path.exists(cfg.CACHE_DIR):

def expand_path(p):
    """Helper function for os.path.expanduser and os.path.expandvars"""

    return os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(p))

def del_empty_dirs(s_dir):
    """Delete empty directories."""
    b_empty = True
    for s_target in os.listdir(s_dir):
        s_path = os.path.join(s_dir, s_target)
        if os.path.isdir(s_path):
            if not del_empty_dirs(s_path):
                b_empty = False
            b_empty = False
    if b_empty:
    return b_empty

def get_sys_info():
    """Returns system information as a dict"""

    blob = []
        (sysname, nodename, release,
         version, machine, processor) = platform.uname()
            ("python", "%d.%d.%d.%s.%s" % sys.version_info[:]),
            ("python-bits", struct.calcsize("P") * 8),
            ("OS", "%s" % (sysname)),
            ("OS-release", "%s" % (release)),
            ("machine", "%s" % (machine)),
            ("processor", "%s" % (processor)),

    return blob

def show_versions(logger=None):
    """Prints the OGGM version and other system information.

    logger : optional
        the logger you want to send the printouts to. If None, will use stdout

    _print = print if logger is None else

    sys_info = get_sys_info()

    deps = [
        # (MODULE_NAME, f(mod) -> mod version)
        ("oggm", lambda mod: mod.__version__),
        ("numpy", lambda mod: mod.__version__),
        ("scipy", lambda mod: mod.__version__),
        ("pandas", lambda mod: mod.__version__),
        ("geopandas", lambda mod: mod.__version__),
        ("netCDF4", lambda mod: mod.__version__),
        ("matplotlib", lambda mod: mod.__version__),
        ("rasterio", lambda mod: mod.__version__),
        ("fiona", lambda mod: mod.__version__),
        ("osgeo.gdal", lambda mod: mod.__version__),
        ("pyproj", lambda mod: mod.__version__),

    deps_blob = list()
    for (modname, ver_f) in deps:
            if modname in sys.modules:
                mod = sys.modules[modname]
                mod = importlib.import_module(modname)
            ver = ver_f(mod)
            deps_blob.append((modname, ver))
            deps_blob.append((modname, None))

    _print("  System info:")
    for k, stat in sys_info:
        _print("%s: %s" % (k, stat))
    _print("  Packages info:")
    for k, stat in deps_blob:
        _print("%s: %s" % (k, stat))

def parse_rgi_meta(version=None):
    """Read the meta information (region and sub-region names)"""

    global _RGI_METADATA

    if version is None:
        version = cfg.PARAMS['rgi_version']

    if version in _RGI_METADATA:
        return _RGI_METADATA[version]

    # Parse RGI metadata
    _ = get_demo_file('rgi_regions.csv')
    _d = os.path.join(cfg.CACHE_DIR,
                      'oggm-sample-data-%s' % SAMPLE_DATA_COMMIT,
    reg_names = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(_d, 'rgi_regions.csv'), index_col=0)
    if version in ['4', '5']:
        # The files where different back then
        subreg_names = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(_d, 'rgi_subregions_V5.csv'),
        f = os.path.join(_d, 'rgi_subregions_V{}.csv'.format(version))
        subreg_names = pd.read_csv(f)
        subreg_names.index = ['{:02d}-{:02d}'.format(s1, s2) for s1, s2 in
                              zip(subreg_names['O1'], subreg_names['O2'])]
        subreg_names = subreg_names[['Full_name']]

    _RGI_METADATA[version] = (reg_names, subreg_names)
    return _RGI_METADATA[version]

class SuperclassMeta(type):
    """Metaclass for abstract base classes.
    def __new__(mcls, classname, bases, cls_dict):
        cls = super().__new__(mcls, classname, bases, cls_dict)
        for name, member in cls_dict.items():
            if not getattr(member, '__doc__'):
                    member.__doc__ = getattr(bases[-1], name).__doc__
                except AttributeError:
        return cls

class LRUFileCache():
    """A least recently used cache for temporary files.

    The files which are no longer used are deleted from the disk.
    def __init__(self, l0=None, maxsize=100):

        l0 : list
            a list of file paths
        maxsize : int
            the max number of files to keep
        self.files = [] if l0 is None else l0
        self.maxsize = maxsize

    def purge(self):
        """Remove expired entries."""
        if len(self.files) > self.maxsize:
            fpath = self.files.pop(0)
            if os.path.exists(fpath):

    def append(self, fpath):
        """Append a file to the list."""
        if fpath not in self.files:

def download_oggm_files():
    with _get_download_lock():
        return _download_oggm_files_unlocked()

def _download_oggm_files_unlocked():
    """Checks if the demo data is already on the cache and downloads it."""

    zip_url = '' % \
    odir = os.path.join(cfg.CACHE_DIR)
    sdir = os.path.join(cfg.CACHE_DIR,
                        'oggm-sample-data-%s' % SAMPLE_DATA_COMMIT)

    # download only if necessary
    if not os.path.exists(sdir):
        ofile = file_downloader(zip_url)
        with zipfile.ZipFile(ofile) as zf:
        assert os.path.isdir(sdir)

    # list of files for output
    out = dict()
    for root, directories, filenames in os.walk(sdir):
        for filename in filenames:
            if filename in out:
                # This was a stupid thing, and should not happen
                # TODO: duplicates in sample data...
                k = os.path.join(os.path.basename(root), filename)
                assert k not in out
                out[k] = os.path.join(root, filename)
                out[filename] = os.path.join(root, filename)

    return out

def _download_srtm_file(zone):
    with _get_download_lock():
        return _download_srtm_file_unlocked(zone)

def _download_srtm_file_unlocked(zone):
    """Checks if the srtm data is in the directory and if not, download it.

    # extract directory
    tmpdir = cfg.PATHS['tmp_dir']
    outpath = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'srtm_' + zone + '.tif')

    # check if extracted file exists already
    if os.path.exists(outpath):
        return outpath

    # Did we download it yet?
    wwwfile = '' + zone + '.zip'
    dest_file = file_downloader(wwwfile)

    # None means we tried hard but we couldn't find it
    if not dest_file:
        return None

    # ok we have to extract it
    if not os.path.exists(outpath):
        with zipfile.ZipFile(dest_file) as zf:

    # See if we're good, don't overfill the tmp directory
    assert os.path.exists(outpath)
    return outpath

def _download_dem3_viewpano(zone):
    with _get_download_lock():
        return _download_dem3_viewpano_unlocked(zone)

def _download_dem3_viewpano_unlocked(zone):
    """Checks if the DEM3 data is in the directory and if not, download it.

    # extract directory
    tmpdir = cfg.PATHS['tmp_dir']
    outpath = os.path.join(tmpdir, zone + '.tif')

    # check if extracted file exists already
    if os.path.exists(outpath):
        return outpath

    # OK, so see if downloaded already
    # some files have a newer version 'v2'
    if zone in ['R33', 'R34', 'R35', 'R36', 'R37', 'R38', 'Q32', 'Q33', 'Q34',
                'Q35', 'Q36', 'Q37', 'Q38', 'Q39', 'Q40', 'P31', 'P32', 'P33',
                'P34', 'P35', 'P36', 'P37', 'P38', 'P39', 'P40']:
        ifile = '' + zone + ''
    elif zone in ['01-15', '16-30', '31-45', '46-60']:
        ifile = '' + zone + '.zip'
        ifile = '' + zone + '.zip'

    dfile = file_downloader(ifile)

    # None means we tried hard but we couldn't find it
    if not dfile:
        return None

    # ok we have to extract it
    with zipfile.ZipFile(dfile) as zf:

    # Serious issue: sometimes, if a southern hemisphere URL is queried for
    # download and there is none, a NH zip file is downloaded.
    # Example: yields N29!
    # BUT: There are southern hemisphere files that download properly. However,
    # the unzipped folder has the file name of
    # the northern hemisphere file. Some checks if correct file exists:
    if len(zone)==4 and zone.startswith('S'):
        zonedir = os.path.join(tmpdir, zone[1:])
        zonedir = os.path.join(tmpdir, zone)
    globlist = glob.glob(os.path.join(zonedir, '*.hgt'))

    # take care of the special file naming cases
    if zone in DEM3REG.keys():
        globlist = glob.glob(os.path.join(tmpdir, '*', '*.hgt'))

    if not globlist:
        raise RuntimeError("We should have some files here, but we don't")

    # merge the single HGT files (can be a bit ineffective, because not every
    # single file might be exactly within extent...)
    rfiles = [ for s in globlist]
    dest, output_transform = merge_tool(rfiles)
    profile = rfiles[0].profile
    if 'affine' in profile:
    profile['transform'] = output_transform
    profile['height'] = dest.shape[1]
    profile['width'] = dest.shape[2]
    profile['driver'] = 'GTiff'
    with, 'w', **profile) as dst:
    for rf in rfiles:

    # delete original files to spare disk space
    for s in globlist:

    # See if we're good, don't overfill the tmp directory
    assert os.path.exists(outpath)
    return outpath

def _download_aster_file(zone, unit):
    with _get_download_lock():
        return _download_aster_file_unlocked(zone, unit)

def _download_aster_file_unlocked(zone, unit):
    """Checks if the aster data is in the directory and if not, download it.

    You need AWS cli and AWS credentials for this. Quoting Timo:

    $ aws configure

    Key ID und Secret you should have
    Region is eu-west-1 and Output Format is json.

    fbname = 'ASTGTM2_' + zone + '.zip'
    dirbname = 'UNIT_' + unit
    # extract directory
    tmpdir = cfg.PATHS['tmp_dir']
    obname = 'ASTGTM2_' + zone + '_dem.tif'
    outpath = os.path.join(tmpdir, obname)

    aws_path = 'ASTGTM_V2/' + dirbname + '/' + fbname
    dfile = _aws_file_download_unlocked(aws_path)

    if dfile is None:
        # Ok so this *should* be an ocean tile
        return None

    if not os.path.exists(outpath):
        # Extract
        with zipfile.ZipFile(dfile) as zf:
            zf.extract(obname, tmpdir)

    # See if we're good, don't overfill the tmp directory
    assert os.path.exists(outpath)
    return outpath

def _download_alternate_topo_file(fname):
    with _get_download_lock():
        return _download_alternate_topo_file_unlocked(fname)

def _download_alternate_topo_file_unlocked(fname):
    """Checks if the special topo data is in the directory and if not,
    download it from AWS.

    You need AWS cli and AWS credentials for this. Quoting Timo:

        $ aws configure

        Key ID und Secret you should have
        Region is eu-west-1 and Output Format is json.


    # extract directory
    tmpdir = cfg.PATHS['tmp_dir']
    outpath = os.path.join(tmpdir, fname)

    aws_path = 'topo/' + fname + '.zip'
    dfile = _aws_file_download_unlocked(aws_path)

    if not os.path.exists(outpath):'Extracting ' + fname + '.zip to ' + outpath + '...')
        with zipfile.ZipFile(dfile) as zf:

    # See if we're good, don't overfill the tmp directory
    assert os.path.exists(outpath)
    return outpath

def _get_centerline_lonlat(gdir):
    """Quick n dirty solution to write the centerlines as a shapefile"""

    cls = gdir.read_pickle('centerlines')
    olist = []
    for j, cl in enumerate(cls[::-1]):
        mm = 1 if j==0 else 0
        gs = gpd.GeoSeries()
        gs['RGIID'] = gdir.rgi_id
        gs['LE_SEGMENT'] = np.rint(np.max(cl.dis_on_line) * gdir.grid.dx)
        gs['MAIN'] = mm
        tra_func = partial(gdir.grid.ij_to_crs, crs=wgs84)
        gs['geometry'] = shp_trafo(tra_func, cl.line)

    return olist

def mkdir(path, reset=False):
    """Checks if directory exists and if not, create one.

    reset: erase the content of the directory if exists

    if reset and os.path.exists(path):

    except FileExistsError:

def include_patterns(*patterns):
    """Factory function that can be used with copytree() ignore parameter.

    Arguments define a sequence of glob-style patterns
    that are used to specify what files to NOT ignore.
    Creates and returns a function that determines this for each directory
    in the file hierarchy rooted at the source directory when used with

    def _ignore_patterns(path, names):
        # This is our cuisine
        bname = os.path.basename(path)
        if 'divide' in bname or 'log' in bname:
            keep = []
            keep = set(name for pattern in patterns
                       for name in fnmatch.filter(names, pattern))
        ignore = set(name for name in names
                     if name not in keep and not
                     os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, name)))
        return ignore

    return _ignore_patterns

def query_yes_no(question, default="yes"):  # pragma: no cover
    """Ask a yes/no question via raw_input() and return their answer.

    "question" is a string that is presented to the user.
    "default" is the presumed answer if the user just hits <Enter>.
        It must be "yes" (the default), "no" or None (meaning
        an answer is required of the user).

    The "answer" return value is True for "yes" or False for "no".

    valid = {"yes": True, "y": True, "ye": True,
             "no": False, "n": False}
    if default is None:
        prompt = " [y/n] "
    elif default == "yes":
        prompt = " [Y/n] "
    elif default == "no":
        prompt = " [y/N] "
        raise ValueError("invalid default answer: '%s'" % default)

    while True:
        sys.stdout.write(question + prompt)
        choice = input().lower()
        if default is not None and choice == '':
            return valid[default]
        elif choice in valid:
            return valid[choice]
            sys.stdout.write("Please respond with 'yes' or 'no' "
                             "(or 'y' or 'n').\n")

def haversine(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2):
    """Great circle distance between two (or more) points on Earth

    lon1 : float
       scalar or array of point(s) longitude
    lat1 : float
       scalar or array of point(s) longitude
    lon2 : float
       scalar or array of point(s) longitude
    lat2 : float
       scalar or array of point(s) longitude

    the distances

    >>> haversine(34, 42, 35, 42)
    >>> haversine(34, 42, [35, 36], [42, 42])
    array([  82633.46475287,  165264.11172113])

    # convert decimal degrees to radians
    lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2 = map(np.radians, [lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2])

    # haversine formula
    dlon = lon2 - lon1
    dlat = lat2 - lat1
    a = np.sin(dlat/2)**2 + np.cos(lat1) * np.cos(lat2) * np.sin(dlon/2)**2
    c = 2 * np.arcsin(np.sqrt(a))
    r = 6371000 # Radius of earth in meters
    return c * r

def interp_nans(array, default=None):
    """Interpolate NaNs using np.interp.

    np.interp is reasonable in that it does not extrapolate, it replaces
    NaNs at the bounds with the closest valid value.

    _tmp = array.copy()
    nans, x = np.isnan(array), lambda z: z.nonzero()[0]
    if np.all(nans):
        # No valid values
        if default is None:
            raise ValueError('No points available to interpolate: '
                             'please set default.')
        _tmp[:] = default
        _tmp[nans] = np.interp(x(nans), x(~nans), array[~nans])

    return _tmp

def smooth1d(array, window_size=None, kernel='gaussian'):
    """Apply a centered window smoothing to a 1D array.

    array : ndarray
        the array to apply the smoothing to
    window_size : int
        the size of the smoothing window
    kernel : str
        the type of smoothing (`gaussian`, `mean`)

    the smoothed array (same dim as input)

    # some defaults
    if window_size is None:
        if len(array) >= 9:
            window_size = 9
        elif len(array) >= 7:
            window_size = 7
        elif len(array) >= 5:
            window_size = 5
        elif len(array) >= 3:
            window_size = 3

    if window_size % 2 == 0:
        raise ValueError('Window should be an odd number.')

    if isinstance(kernel, str):
        if kernel == 'gaussian':
            kernel = gaussian(window_size, 1)
        elif kernel == 'mean':
            kernel = np.ones(window_size)
            raise NotImplementedError('Kernel: ' + kernel)
    kernel = kernel / np.asarray(kernel).sum()
    return filters.convolve1d(array, kernel, mode='mirror')

def line_interpol(line, dx):
    """Interpolates a shapely LineString to a regularly spaced one.

    Shapely's interpolate function does not guaranty equally
    spaced points in space. This is what this function is for.

    We construct new points on the line but at constant distance from the
    preceding one.

    line: a shapely.geometry.LineString instance
    dx: the spacing

    a list of equally distanced points

    # First point is easy
    points = [line.interpolate(dx/2.)]

    # Continue as long as line is not finished
    while True:
        pref = points[-1]
        pbs = pref.buffer(dx).boundary.intersection(line)
        if pbs.type == 'Point':
            pbs = [pbs]
        elif pbs.type == 'LineString':
            # This is rare
            pbs = [shpg.Point(c) for c in pbs.coords]
            assert len(pbs) == 2
        elif pbs.type == 'GeometryCollection':
            # This is rare
            opbs = []
            for p in pbs:
                if p.type == 'Point':
                elif p.type == 'LineString':
                    opbs.extend([shpg.Point(c) for c in p.coords])
            pbs = opbs
            if pbs.type != 'MultiPoint':
                raise RuntimeError('line_interpol: we expect a MultiPoint'
                                    'but got a {}.'.format(pbs.type))

        # Out of the point(s) that we get, take the one farthest from the top
        refdis = line.project(pref)
        tdis = np.array([line.project(pb) for pb in pbs])
        p = np.where(tdis > refdis)[0]
        if len(p) == 0:

    return points

def md(ref, data, axis=None):
    """Mean Deviation."""
    return np.mean(np.asarray(data)-ref, axis=axis)

def mad(ref, data, axis=None):
    """Mean Absolute Deviation."""
    return np.mean(np.abs(np.asarray(data)-ref), axis=axis)

def rmsd(ref, data, axis=None):
    """Root Mean Square Deviation."""
    return np.sqrt(np.mean((np.asarray(ref)-data)**2, axis=axis))

def rel_err(ref, data):
    """Relative error. Ref should be non-zero"""
    return (np.asarray(data) - ref) / ref

def corrcoef(ref, data):
    """Peason correlation coefficient."""
    return np.corrcoef(ref, data)[0, 1]

def nicenumber(number, binsize, lower=False):
    """Returns the next higher or lower "nice number", given by binsize.

    >>> nicenumber(12, 10)
    >>> nicenumber(19, 50)
    >>> nicenumber(51, 50)
    >>> nicenumber(51, 50, lower=True)

    e, _ = divmod(number, binsize)
    if lower:
        return e * binsize
        return (e+1) * binsize

def signchange(ts):
    """Detect sign changes in a time series.

    An array with 0s everywhere and 1's when the sign changes
    asign = np.sign(ts)
    sz = asign == 0
    while sz.any():
        asign[sz] = np.roll(asign, 1)[sz]
        sz = asign == 0
    out = ((np.roll(asign, 1) - asign) != 0).astype(int)
    if asign.iloc[0] == asign.iloc[1]:
        out.iloc[0] = 0
    return out

def polygon_intersections(gdf):
    """Computes the intersections between all polygons in a GeoDataFrame.

    gdf : Geopandas.GeoDataFrame

    a Geodataframe containing the intersections

    out_cols = ['id_1', 'id_2', 'geometry']
    out = gpd.GeoDataFrame(columns=out_cols)

    gdf = gdf.reset_index()

    for i, major in gdf.iterrows():

        # Exterior only
        major_poly = major.geometry.exterior

        # Remove the major from the list
        agdf = gdf.loc[gdf.index != i]

        # Keep catchments which intersect
        gdfs = agdf.loc[agdf.intersects(major_poly)]

        for j, neighbor in gdfs.iterrows():

            # No need to check if we already found the intersect
            if j in out.id_1 or j in out.id_2:

            # Exterior only
            neighbor_poly = neighbor.geometry.exterior

            # Ok, the actual intersection
            mult_intersect = major_poly.intersection(neighbor_poly)

            # All what follows is to catch all possibilities
            # Should not happen in our simple geometries but ya never know
            if isinstance(mult_intersect, shpg.Point):
            if isinstance(mult_intersect, shpg.linestring.LineString):
                mult_intersect = [mult_intersect]
            if len(mult_intersect) == 0:
            mult_intersect = [m for m in mult_intersect if
                              not isinstance(m, shpg.Point)]
            if len(mult_intersect) == 0:
            mult_intersect = linemerge(mult_intersect)
            if isinstance(mult_intersect, shpg.linestring.LineString):
                mult_intersect = [mult_intersect]
            for line in mult_intersect:
                if not isinstance(line, shpg.linestring.LineString):
                    raise RuntimeError('polygon_intersections: we expect'
                                       'a LineString but got a '
                line = gpd.GeoDataFrame([[i, j, line]],
                out = out.append(line)

    return out

def floatyear_to_date(yr):
    """Converts a float year to an actual (year, month) pair.

    Note that this doesn't account for leap years (365-day no leap calendar),
    and that the months all have the same length.

    yr : float
        The floating year

        sec, out_y = math.modf(yr)
        out_y = int(out_y)
        sec = round(sec * SEC_IN_YEAR)
        if sec == SEC_IN_YEAR:
            # Floating errors
            out_y += 1
            sec = 0
        out_m = int(sec / SEC_IN_MONTH) + 1
    except TypeError:
        # TODO: inefficient but no time right now
        out_y = np.zeros(len(yr), np.int64)
        out_m = np.zeros(len(yr), np.int64)
        for i, y in enumerate(yr):
            y, m = floatyear_to_date(y)
            out_y[i] = y
            out_m[i] = m
    return out_y, out_m

def date_to_floatyear(y, m):
    """Converts an integer (year, month) pair to a float year.

    Note that this doesn't account for leap years (365-day no leap calendar),
    and that the months all have the same length.

    y : int
        the year
    m : int
        the month

    return np.asanyarray(y) + (np.asanyarray(m)-1) * SEC_IN_MONTH / SEC_IN_YEAR

def hydrodate_to_calendardate(y, m, start_month=10):
    """Converts a hydrological (year, month) pair to a calendar date.

    y : int
        the year
    m : int
        the month
    start_month : int
        the first month of the hydrological year

    e = 13 - start_month
        if m <= e:
            out_y = y - 1
            out_m = m + start_month - 1
            out_y = y
            out_m = m - e
    except (TypeError, ValueError):
        # TODO: inefficient but no time right now
        out_y = np.zeros(len(y), np.int64)
        out_m = np.zeros(len(y), np.int64)
        for i, (_y, _m) in enumerate(zip(y, m)):
            _y, _m = hydrodate_to_calendardate(_y, _m, start_month=start_month)
            out_y[i] = _y
            out_m[i] = _m
    return out_y, out_m

def calendardate_to_hydrodate(y, m, start_month=10):
    """Converts a calendar (year, month) pair to a hydrological date.

    y : int
        the year
    m : int
        the month
    start_month : int
        the first month of the hydrological year

        if m >= start_month:
            out_y = y + 1
            out_m = m - start_month + 1
            out_y = y
            out_m = m + 13 - start_month
    except (TypeError, ValueError):
        # TODO: inefficient but no time right now
        out_y = np.zeros(len(y), np.int64)
        out_m = np.zeros(len(y), np.int64)
        for i, (_y, _m) in enumerate(zip(y, m)):
            _y, _m = calendardate_to_hydrodate(_y, _m, start_month=start_month)
            out_y[i] = _y
            out_m[i] = _m
    return out_y, out_m

def monthly_timeseries(y0, y1=None, ny=None, include_last_year=False):
    """Creates a monthly timeseries in units of float years.


    if y1 is not None:
        years = np.arange(np.floor(y0), np.floor(y1)+1)
    elif ny is not None:
        years = np.arange(np.floor(y0), np.floor(y0)+ny)
        raise ValueError("Need at least two positional arguments.")
    months = np.tile(np.arange(12)+1, len(years))
    years = years.repeat(12)
    out = date_to_floatyear(years, months)
    if not include_last_year:
        out = out[:-11]
    return out

def joblib_read_climate(ncpath, ilon, ilat, default_grad, minmax_grad,
    """Prevent to re-compute a timeserie if it was done before.

    TODO: dirty solution, should be replaced by proper input.

    # read the file and data
    with netCDF4.Dataset(ncpath, mode='r') as nc:
        temp = nc.variables['temp']
        prcp = nc.variables['prcp']
        hgt = nc.variables['hgt']
        igrad = np.zeros(len(nc.dimensions['time'])) + default_grad
        ttemp = temp[:, ilat-1:ilat+2, ilon-1:ilon+2]
        itemp = ttemp[:, 1, 1]
        thgt = hgt[ilat-1:ilat+2, ilon-1:ilon+2]
        ihgt = thgt[1, 1]
        thgt = thgt.flatten()
        iprcp = prcp[:, ilat, ilon]

    # Now the gradient
    if use_grad:
        for t, loct in enumerate(ttemp):
            slope, _, _, p_val, _ = stats.linregress(thgt,
            igrad[t] = slope if (p_val < 0.01) else default_grad
        # dont exagerate too much
        igrad = np.clip(igrad, minmax_grad[0], minmax_grad[1])

    return iprcp, itemp, igrad, ihgt

def pipe_log(gdir, task_func_name, err=None):
    """Log the error in a specific directory."""

    time_str ='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')

    # Defaults to working directory: it must be set!
    if not cfg.PATHS['working_dir']:
        warnings.warn("Cannot log to file without a valid "
                      "cfg.PATHS['working_dir']!", RuntimeWarning)

    fpath = os.path.join(cfg.PATHS['working_dir'], 'log')

    fpath = os.path.join(fpath, gdir.rgi_id)

    sep = '; '

    if err is not None:
        fpath += '.ERROR'
        return  # for now
        fpath += '.SUCCESS'

    with open(fpath, 'a') as f:
        f.write(time_str + sep + task_func_name + sep)
        if err is not None:
            f.write(err.__class__.__name__ + sep + '{}\n'.format(err))
            f.write(sep + '\n')

def write_centerlines_to_shape(gdirs, filename):
    """Write centerlines in a shapefile"""

    olist = []
    for gdir in gdirs:

    odf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(olist)

    shema = dict()
    props = OrderedDict()
    props['RGIID'] = 'str:14'
    props['LE_SEGMENT'] = 'int:9'
    props['MAIN'] = 'int:9'
    shema['geometry'] = 'LineString'
    shema['properties'] = props

    crs = {'init': 'epsg:4326'}

    # some writing function from geopandas rep
    from shapely.geometry import mapping
    import fiona

    def feature(i, row):
        return {
            'id': str(i),
            'type': 'Feature',
                dict((k, v) for k, v in row.items() if k != 'geometry'),
            'geometry': mapping(row['geometry'])}

    with, 'w', driver='ESRI Shapefile',
                    crs=crs, schema=shema) as c:
        for i, row in odf.iterrows():
            c.write(feature(i, row))

def srtm_zone(lon_ex, lat_ex):
    """Returns a list of SRTM zones covering the desired extent.

    # SRTM are sorted in tiles of 5 degrees
    srtm_x0 = -180.
    srtm_y0 = 60.
    srtm_dx = 5.
    srtm_dy = -5.

    # quick n dirty solution to be sure that we will cover the whole range
    mi, ma = np.min(lon_ex), np.max(lon_ex)
    # int() to avoid Deprec warning:
    lon_ex = np.linspace(mi, ma, int(np.ceil((ma - mi) + 3)))
    mi, ma = np.min(lat_ex), np.max(lat_ex)
    # int() to avoid Deprec warning
    lat_ex = np.linspace(mi, ma, int(np.ceil((ma - mi) + 3)))

    zones = []
    for lon in lon_ex:
        for lat in lat_ex:
            dx = lon - srtm_x0
            dy = lat - srtm_y0
            assert dy < 0
            zx = np.ceil(dx / srtm_dx)
            zy = np.ceil(dy / srtm_dy)
            zones.append('{:02.0f}_{:02.0f}'.format(zx, zy))
    return list(sorted(set(zones)))

def dem3_viewpano_zone(lon_ex, lat_ex):
    """Returns a list of DEM3 zones covering the desired extent.

    for _f in DEM3REG.keys():

        if (np.min(lon_ex) >= DEM3REG[_f][0]) and \
           (np.max(lon_ex) <= DEM3REG[_f][1]) and \
           (np.min(lat_ex) >= DEM3REG[_f][2]) and \
           (np.max(lat_ex) <= DEM3REG[_f][3]):

            # test some weird inset files in Antarctica
            if (np.min(lon_ex) >= -91.) and (np.max(lon_ex) <= -90.) and \
               (np.min(lat_ex) >= -72.) and (np.max(lat_ex) <= -68.):
                return ['SR15']

            elif (np.min(lon_ex) >= -47.) and (np.max(lon_ex) <= -43.) and \
                 (np.min(lat_ex) >= -61.) and (np.max(lat_ex) <= -60.):
                return ['SP23']

            elif (np.min(lon_ex) >= 162.) and (np.max(lon_ex) <= 165.) and \
                 (np.min(lat_ex) >= -68.) and (np.max(lat_ex) <= -66.):
                return ['SQ58']

            # test some Greenland tiles as GL-North is not rectangular
            elif (np.min(lon_ex) >= -66.) and (np.max(lon_ex) <= -60.) and \
                 (np.min(lat_ex) >= 80.) and (np.max(lat_ex) <= 83.):
                return ['U20']

            elif (np.min(lon_ex) >= -60.) and (np.max(lon_ex) <= -54.) and \
                 (np.min(lat_ex) >= 80.) and (np.max(lat_ex) <= 83.):
                return ['U21']

            elif (np.min(lon_ex) >= -54.) and (np.max(lon_ex) <= -48.) and \
                 (np.min(lat_ex) >= 80.) and (np.max(lat_ex) <= 83.):
                return ['U22']

                return [_f]

    # if the tile doesn't have a special name, its name can be found like this:
    # corrected SRTMs are sorted in tiles of 6 deg longitude and 4 deg latitude
    srtm_x0 = -180.
    srtm_y0 = 0.
    srtm_dx = 6.
    srtm_dy = 4.

    # quick n dirty solution to be sure that we will cover the whole range
    mi, ma = np.min(lon_ex), np.max(lon_ex)
    # TODO: Fabien, find out what Johannes wanted with this +3
    # +3 is just for the number to become still a bit larger
    # int() to avoid Deprec warning
    lon_ex = np.linspace(mi, ma, int(np.ceil((ma - mi)/srtm_dy)+3))
    mi, ma = np.min(lat_ex), np.max(lat_ex)
    # int() to avoid Deprec warning
    lat_ex = np.linspace(mi, ma, int(np.ceil((ma - mi)/srtm_dx)+3))

    zones = []
    for lon in lon_ex:
        for lat in lat_ex:
            dx = lon - srtm_x0
            dy = lat - srtm_y0
            zx = np.ceil(dx / srtm_dx)
            # convert number to letter
            zy = chr(int(abs(dy / srtm_dy)) + ord('A'))
            if lat >= 0:
                zones.append('%s%02.0f' % (zy, zx))
                zones.append('S%s%02.0f' % (zy, zx))
    return list(sorted(set(zones)))

def aster_zone(lon_ex, lat_ex):
    """Returns a list of ASTER V2 zones and units covering the desired extent.

    # ASTER is a bit more work. The units are directories of 5 by 5,
    # tiles are 1 by 1. The letter in the filename depends on the sign
    units_dx = 5.

    # quick n dirty solution to be sure that we will cover the whole range
    mi, ma = np.min(lon_ex), np.max(lon_ex)
    # int() to avoid Deprec warning:
    lon_ex = np.linspace(mi, ma, int(np.ceil((ma - mi) + 3)))
    mi, ma = np.min(lat_ex), np.max(lat_ex)
    # int() to avoid Deprec warning:
    lat_ex = np.linspace(mi, ma, int(np.ceil((ma - mi) + 3)))

    zones = []
    units = []
    for lon in lon_ex:
        for lat in lat_ex:
            dx = np.floor(lon)
            zx = np.floor(lon / units_dx) * units_dx
            if math.copysign(1, dx) == -1:
                dx = -dx
                zx = -zx
                lon_let = 'W'
                lon_let = 'E'

            dy = np.floor(lat)
            zy = np.floor(lat / units_dx) * units_dx
            if math.copysign(1, dy) == -1:
                dy = -dy
                zy = -zy
                lat_let = 'S'
                lat_let = 'N'

            z = '{}{:02.0f}{}{:03.0f}'.format(lat_let, dy, lon_let, dx)
            u = '{}{:02.0f}{}{:03.0f}'.format(lat_let, zy, lon_let, zx)
            if z not in zones:

    return zones, units

def get_demo_file(fname):
    """Returns the path to the desired OGGM file."""

    d = download_oggm_files()
    if fname in d:
        return d[fname]
        return None

def get_cru_cl_file():
    """Returns the path to the unpacked CRU CL file (is in sample data)."""


    sdir = os.path.join(cfg.CACHE_DIR, 'oggm-sample-data-%s' % SAMPLE_DATA_COMMIT, 'cru')
    fpath = os.path.join(sdir, '')
    if os.path.exists(fpath):
        return fpath
        with zipfile.ZipFile(fpath + '.zip') as zf:
        assert os.path.exists(fpath)
        return fpath

def get_wgms_files(version=None):
    """Get the path to the default WGMS-RGI link file and the data dir.

    (file, dir): paths to the files

    if version is None:
        version = cfg.PARAMS['rgi_version']

    sdir = os.path.join(cfg.CACHE_DIR,
                        'oggm-sample-data-%s' % SAMPLE_DATA_COMMIT,
    datadir = os.path.join(sdir, 'mbdata')
    assert os.path.exists(datadir)

    outf = os.path.join(sdir, 'rgi_wgms_links_20171101.csv')
    outf = pd.read_csv(outf, dtype={'RGI_REG': object})

    return outf, datadir

def get_glathida_file():
    """Get the path to the default GlaThiDa-RGI link file.

    file: paths to the file

    # Roll our own
    sdir = os.path.join(cfg.CACHE_DIR, 'oggm-sample-data-%s' % SAMPLE_DATA_COMMIT, 'glathida')
    outf = os.path.join(sdir, 'rgi_glathida_links_2014_RGIV5.csv')
    assert os.path.exists(outf)
    return outf

def get_rgi_dir(version=None):
    """Returns a path to the RGI directory.

    If the RGI files are not present, download them.

    region: str
        from '01' to '19'
    version: str
        '5', '6', defaults to None (linking to the one specified in cfg.params)

    path to the RGI directory

    with _get_download_lock():
        return _get_rgi_dir_unlocked(version=version)

def _get_rgi_dir_unlocked(version=None):

    rgi_dir = cfg.PATHS['rgi_dir']
    if version is None:
        version = cfg.PARAMS['rgi_version']

    # Be sure the user gave a sensible path to the RGI dir
    if not rgi_dir:
        raise ValueError('The RGI data directory has to be'
                         'specified explicitly.')
    rgi_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(rgi_dir))
    rgi_dir = os.path.join(rgi_dir, 'RGIV' + version)

    if version == '5':
        dfile = ''
        dfile = ''

    test_file = os.path.join(rgi_dir,

    if not os.path.exists(test_file):
        # if not there download it
        ofile = file_downloader(dfile)
        # Extract root
        with zipfile.ZipFile(ofile) as zf:
        # Extract subdirs
        pattern = '*_rgi{}0_*.zip'.format(version)
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(cfg.PATHS['rgi_dir']):
            for filename in fnmatch.filter(files, pattern):
                zfile = os.path.join(root, filename)
                with zipfile.ZipFile(zfile) as zf:
                    ex_root = zfile.replace('.zip', '')
                # delete the zipfile after success
    return rgi_dir

def get_rgi_region_file(region, version=None):
    """Returns a path to a RGI region file.

    If the RGI files are not present, download them.

    region: str
        from '01' to '19'
    version: str
        '5', '6', defaults to None (linking to the one specified in cfg.params)

    path to the RGI shapefile

    rgi_dir = get_rgi_dir(version=version)
    f = list(glob.glob(rgi_dir + "/*/{}_*.shp".format(region)))
    assert len(f) == 1
    return f[0]

def get_rgi_intersects_dir(version=None, reset=False):
    """Returns a path to the RGI directory containing the intersects.

    If the files are not present, download them.

    path to the directory

    with _get_download_lock():
        return _get_rgi_intersects_dir_unlocked(version=version, reset=reset)

def _get_rgi_intersects_dir_unlocked(version=None, reset=False):

    rgi_dir = cfg.PATHS['rgi_dir']
    if version is None:
        version = cfg.PARAMS['rgi_version']

    # Be sure the user gave a sensible path to the RGI dir
    if not rgi_dir:
        raise ValueError('The RGI data directory has to be'
                         'specified explicitly.')

    rgi_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(rgi_dir))
    mkdir(rgi_dir, reset=reset)

    dfile = ''
    if version == '5':
        dfile += 'y73sdxygdiq7whv/'
    elif version == '6':
        dfile += 'vawryxl8lkzxowu/'

    test_file = os.path.join(rgi_dir, 'RGI_V' + version + '_Intersects',
    if not os.path.exists(test_file):
        # if not there download it
        ofile = file_downloader(dfile, reset=reset)
        # Extract root
        with zipfile.ZipFile(ofile) as zf:

    return os.path.join(rgi_dir, 'RGI_V' + version + '_Intersects')

def get_cru_file(var=None):
    """Returns a path to the desired CRU TS file.

    If the file is not present, download it.

    var: 'tmp' or 'pre'

    path to the CRU file
    with _get_download_lock():
        return _get_cru_file_unlocked(var)

def _get_cru_file_unlocked(var=None):

    cru_dir = cfg.PATHS['cru_dir']

    # Be sure the user gave a sensible path to the climate dir
    if not cru_dir:
        raise ValueError('The CRU data directory has to be'
                         'specified explicitly.')
    cru_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(cru_dir))

    # Be sure input makes sense
    if var not in ['tmp', 'pre']:
        raise ValueError('CRU variable {} does not exist!'.format(var))

    # The user files may have different dates, so search for patterns
    bname = 'cru_ts*.{}'.format(var)
    search = glob.glob(os.path.join(cru_dir, bname))
    if len(search) == 1:
        ofile = search[0]
    elif len(search) > 1:
        raise RuntimeError('You seem to have more than one file in your CRU '
                           'directory: {}. Help me by deleting the one'
                           'you dont want to use anymore.'.format(cru_dir))
        # if not there download it
        cru_filename = 'cru_ts4.01.1901.2016.{}'.format(var)
        cru_url = CRU_SERVER + '{}/'.format(var) + cru_filename + '.gz'
        dlfile = file_downloader(cru_url)
        ofile = os.path.join(cru_dir, cru_filename)
        with gzip.GzipFile(dlfile) as zf:
            with open(ofile, 'wb') as outfile:
                for line in zf:
    return ofile

def get_topo_file(lon_ex, lat_ex, rgi_region=None, source=None):
    Returns a list with path(s) to the DEM file(s) covering the desired extent.

    If the needed files for covering the extent are not present, download them.

    By default it will be referred to SRTM for [-60S; 60N], GIMP for Greenland,
    RAMP for Antarctica, and a corrected DEM3 (

    A user-specified data source can be given with the ``source`` keyword.

    lon_ex : tuple, required
        a (min_lon, max_lon) tuple delimiting the requested area longitudes
    lat_ex : tuple, required
        a (min_lat, max_lat) tuple delimiting the requested area latitudes
    rgi_region : int, optional
        the RGI region number (required for the GIMP DEM)
    source : str or list of str, optional
        If you want to force the use of a certain DEM source. Available are:
          - 'USER' : file set in cfg.PATHS['dem_file']
          - 'SRTM' : SRTM v4.1
          - 'GIMP' :
          - 'RAMP' :
          - 'DEM3' :
          - 'ASTER' : ASTER data

    tuple: (list with path(s) to the DEM file, data source)

    if source is not None and not isinstance(source, str):
        # check all user options
        for s in source:
            demf, source_str = get_topo_file(lon_ex, lat_ex,
            if demf[0]:
                return demf, source_str

    # Did the user specify a specific DEM file?
    if 'dem_file' in cfg.PATHS and os.path.isfile(cfg.PATHS['dem_file']):
        source = 'USER' if source is None else source
        if source == 'USER':
            return [cfg.PATHS['dem_file']], source

    # GIMP is in polar stereographic, not easy to test if glacier is on the map
    # It would be possible with a salem grid but this is a bit more expensive
    # Instead, we are just asking RGI for the region
    if source == 'GIMP' or (rgi_region is not None and int(rgi_region) == 5):
        source = 'GIMP' if source is None else source
        if source == 'GIMP':
            _file = _download_alternate_topo_file('gimpdem_90m.tif')
            return [_file], source

    # Same for Antarctica
    if source == 'RAMP' or (rgi_region is not None and int(rgi_region) == 19):
        if np.max(lat_ex) > -60:
            # special case for some distant islands
            source = 'DEM3' if source is None else source
            source = 'RAMP' if source is None else source
        if source == 'RAMP':
            _file = _download_alternate_topo_file('AntarcticDEM_wgs84.tif')
            return [_file], source

    # Anywhere else on Earth we check for DEM3, ASTER, or SRTM
    if (np.min(lat_ex) < -60.) or (np.max(lat_ex) > 60.) or \
            (source == 'DEM3') or (source == 'ASTER'):
        # default is DEM3
        source = 'DEM3' if source is None else source
        if source == 'DEM3':
            # use corrected DEM
            zones = dem3_viewpano_zone(lon_ex, lat_ex)
            sources = []
            for z in zones:
            source_str = source
        if source == 'ASTER':
            # use ASTER
            zones, units = aster_zone(lon_ex, lat_ex)
            sources = []
            for z, u in zip(zones, units):
                sf = _download_aster_file(z, u)
                if sf is not None:
            source_str = source
        source = 'SRTM' if source is None else source
        if source == 'SRTM':
            zones = srtm_zone(lon_ex, lat_ex)
            sources = []
            for z in zones:
            source_str = source

    # filter for None (e.g. oceans)
    sources = [s for s in sources if s]
    if sources:
        return sources, source_str
        raise RuntimeError('No topography file available for extent lat:{0},'
                           'lon:{1}!'.format(lat_ex, lon_ex))

def get_ref_mb_glaciers(gdirs):
    """Get the list of glaciers we have valid data for."""

    # Get the links
    v = gdirs[0].rgi_version
    flink, _ = get_wgms_files(version=v)
    dfids = flink['RGI{}0_ID'.format(v)].values

    # We remove tidewater glaciers and glaciers with < 5 years
    ref_gdirs = []
    for g in gdirs:
        if g.rgi_id not in dfids or g.is_tidewater:
        mbdf = g.get_ref_mb_data()
        if len(mbdf) >= 5:
    return ref_gdirs

def compile_run_output(gdirs, path=True, monthly=False, filesuffix=''):
    """Merge the output of the model runs of several gdirs into one file.

    gdirs : []
        the list of GlacierDir to process.
    path : str
        where to store (default is on the working dir).
    monthly : bool
        whether to store monthly values (default is yearly)
    filesuffix : str
        the filesuffix of the run

    # Get the dimensions of all this
    rgi_ids = [gd.rgi_id for gd in gdirs]

    # The first gdir might have blown up, try some others
    i = 0
    while True:
        if i >= len(gdirs):
            raise RuntimeError('Found no valid glaciers!')
            ppath = gdirs[i].get_filepath('model_diagnostics',
            with xr.open_dataset(ppath) as ds_diag:
                _ = ds_diag.time.values
            i += 1

    # OK found it, open it and prepare the output

    with xr.open_dataset(ppath) as ds_diag:
        time = ds_diag.time.values
        yrs = ds_diag.hydro_year.values
        months = ds_diag.hydro_month.values
        cyrs = ds_diag.calendar_year.values
        cmonths = ds_diag.calendar_month.values

        # Monthly or not
        if monthly:
            pkeep = np.ones(len(time), dtype=np.bool)
            pkeep = np.where(months == 1)
        time = time[pkeep]
        yrs = yrs[pkeep]
        months = months[pkeep]
        cyrs = cyrs[pkeep]
        cmonths = cmonths[pkeep]

        # Prepare output
        ds = xr.Dataset()

        # Global attributes
        ds.attrs['description'] = 'OGGM model output'
        ds.attrs['oggm_version'] = __version__
        ds.attrs['calendar'] = '365-day no leap'
        ds.attrs['creation_date'] = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime())

        # Coordinates
        ds.coords['time'] = ('time', time)
        ds.coords['rgi_id'] = ('rgi_id', rgi_ids)
        ds.coords['hydro_year'] = ('time', yrs)
        ds.coords['hydro_month'] = ('time', months)
        ds.coords['calendar_year'] = ('time', cyrs)
        ds.coords['calendar_month'] = ('time', cmonths)
        ds['time'].attrs['description'] = 'Floating hydrological year'
        ds['rgi_id'].attrs['description'] = 'RGI glacier identifier'
        ds['hydro_year'].attrs['description'] = 'Hydrological year'
        ds['hydro_month'].attrs['description'] = 'Hydrological month'
        ds['calendar_year'].attrs['description'] = 'Calendar year'
        ds['calendar_month'].attrs['description'] = 'Calendar month'

    shape = (len(time), len(rgi_ids))
    vol = np.zeros(shape)
    area = np.zeros(shape)
    length = np.zeros(shape)
    ela = np.zeros(shape)
    for i, gdir in enumerate(gdirs):
            ppath = gdir.get_filepath('model_diagnostics',
            with xr.open_dataset(ppath) as ds_diag:
                vol[:, i] = ds_diag.volume_m3.values[pkeep]
                area[:, i] = ds_diag.area_m2.values[pkeep]
                length[:, i] = ds_diag.length_m.values[pkeep]
                ela[:, i] = ds_diag.ela_m.values[pkeep]
            vol[:, i] = np.NaN
            area[:, i] = np.NaN
            length[:, i] = np.NaN
            ela[:, i] = np.NaN

    ds['volume'] = (('time', 'rgi_id'), vol)
    ds['volume'].attrs['description'] = 'Total glacier volume'
    ds['volume'].attrs['units'] = 'm 3'
    ds['area'] = (('time', 'rgi_id'), area)
    ds['area'].attrs['description'] = 'Total glacier area'
    ds['area'].attrs['units'] = 'm 2'
    ds['length'] = (('time', 'rgi_id'), length)
    ds['length'].attrs['description'] = 'Glacier length'
    ds['length'].attrs['units'] = 'm'
    ds['ela'] = (('time', 'rgi_id'), ela)
    ds['ela'].attrs['description'] = 'Glacier Equilibrium Line Altitude (ELA)'
    ds['ela'].attrs['units'] = 'm a.s.l'

    if path:
        if path is True:
            path = os.path.join(cfg.PATHS['working_dir'],
                                'run_output' + filesuffix + '.nc')
    return ds

def compile_climate_input(gdirs, path=True, filename='climate_monthly',
    """Merge the climate input files in the glacier directories into one file.

    gdirs : []
        the list of GlacierDir to process.
    path : str
        where to store (default is on the working dir).
    filename : str
        BASENAME of the climate input files
    filesuffix : str
        the filesuffix of the compiled file

    # Get the dimensions of all this
    rgi_ids = [gd.rgi_id for gd in gdirs]

    # The first gdir might have blown up, try some others
    i = 0
    while True:
        if i >= len(gdirs):
            raise RuntimeError('Found no valid glaciers!')
            ppath = gdirs[i].get_filepath(filename=filename,
            with warnings.catch_warnings():
                # Long time series are currently a pain pandas
                warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message='Unable to decode')
                with xr.open_dataset(ppath) as ds_clim:
                    _ = ds_clim.time.values
            i += 1

    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message='Unable to decode time axis')

        with xr.open_dataset(ppath) as ds_clim:
                y0 = ds_clim.temp.time.values[0].astype('datetime64[Y]')
                y1 = ds_clim.temp.time.values[-1].astype('datetime64[Y]')
            except AttributeError:
                y0 = ds_clim.temp.time.values[0].strftime('%Y')
                y1 = ds_clim.temp.time.values[-1].strftime('%Y')

    # We know the file is structured like this
    ctime = pd.period_range('{}-10'.format(y0), '{}-9'.format(y1), freq='M')
    cyrs = ctime.year
    cmonths = ctime.month
    yrs, months = calendardate_to_hydrodate(cyrs, cmonths)
    time = date_to_floatyear(yrs, months)

    # Prepare output
    ds = xr.Dataset()

    # Global attributes
    ds.attrs['description'] = 'OGGM model output'
    ds.attrs['oggm_version'] = __version__
    ds.attrs['calendar'] = '365-day no leap'
    ds.attrs['creation_date'] = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime())

    # Coordinates
    ds.coords['time'] = ('time', time)
    ds.coords['rgi_id'] = ('rgi_id', rgi_ids)
    ds.coords['hydro_year'] = ('time', yrs)
    ds.coords['hydro_month'] = ('time', months)
    ds.coords['calendar_year'] = ('time', cyrs)
    ds.coords['calendar_month'] = ('time', cmonths)
    ds['time'].attrs['description'] = 'Floating hydrological year'
    ds['rgi_id'].attrs['description'] = 'RGI glacier identifier'
    ds['hydro_year'].attrs['description'] = 'Hydrological year'
    ds['hydro_month'].attrs['description'] = 'Hydrological month'
    ds['calendar_year'].attrs['description'] = 'Calendar year'
    ds['calendar_month'].attrs['description'] = 'Calendar month'

    shape = (len(time), len(rgi_ids))
    temp = np.zeros(shape) * np.NaN
    prcp = np.zeros(shape) * np.NaN
    grad = np.zeros(shape) * np.NaN
    ref_hgt = np.zeros(len(rgi_ids)) * np.NaN
    ref_pix_lon = np.zeros(len(rgi_ids)) * np.NaN
    ref_pix_lat = np.zeros(len(rgi_ids)) * np.NaN

    for i, gdir in enumerate(gdirs):
            ppath = gdir.get_filepath(filename=filename,
            with warnings.catch_warnings():
                warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message='Unable to decode')
                with xr.open_dataset(ppath) as ds_clim:
                    prcp[:, i] = ds_clim.prcp.values
                    temp[:, i] = ds_clim.temp.values
                    grad[:, i] = ds_clim.grad
                    ref_hgt[i] = ds_clim.ref_hgt
                    ref_pix_lon[i] = ds_clim.ref_pix_lon
                    ref_pix_lat[i] = ds_clim.ref_pix_lat

    ds['temp'] = (('time', 'rgi_id'), temp)
    ds['temp'].attrs['units'] = 'DegC'
    ds['temp'].attrs['description'] = '2m Temperature at height ref_hgt'
    ds['prcp'] = (('time', 'rgi_id'), prcp)
    ds['prcp'].attrs['units'] = 'kg m-2'
    ds['prcp'].attrs['description'] = 'total monthly precipitation amount'
    ds['grad'] = (('time', 'rgi_id'), grad)
    ds['grad'].attrs['units'] = 'degC m-1'
    ds['grad'].attrs['description'] = 'temperature gradient'
    ds['ref_hgt'] = ('rgi_id', ref_hgt)
    ds['ref_hgt'].attrs['units'] = 'm'
    ds['ref_hgt'].attrs['description'] = 'reference height'
    ds['ref_pix_lon'] = ('rgi_id', ref_pix_lon)
    ds['ref_pix_lon'].attrs['description'] = 'longitude'
    ds['ref_pix_lat'] = ('rgi_id', ref_pix_lat)
    ds['ref_pix_lat'].attrs['description'] = 'latitude'

    if path:
        if path is True:
            path = os.path.join(cfg.PATHS['working_dir'],
                                'climate_input' + filesuffix + '.nc')
    return ds

def compile_task_log(gdirs, task_names=[], filesuffix='', path=True,
    """Gathers the log output for the selected task(s)
    gdirs: the list of GlacierDir to process.
    task_names : list of str
        The tasks to check for
    filesuffix : str
        add suffix to output file
        Set to "True" in order  to store the info in the working directory
        Set to a path to store the file to your chosen location
        If a task log file already exists in the working directory, the new
        logs will be added to the existing file

    out_df = []
    for gdir in gdirs:
        d = OrderedDict()
        d['rgi_id'] = gdir.rgi_id
        for task_name in task_names:
            ts = gdir.get_task_status(task_name)
            if ts is None:
                ts = ''
            d[task_name] = ts.replace(',', ' ')

    out = pd.DataFrame(out_df).set_index('rgi_id')
    if path:
        if path is True:
            path = os.path.join(cfg.PATHS['working_dir'],
        if os.path.exists(path) and append:
            odf = pd.read_csv(path, index_col=0)
            out = odf.join(out, rsuffix='_n')
    return out

def glacier_characteristics(gdirs, filesuffix='', path=True,
    """Gathers as many statistics as possible about a list of glacier
    It can be used to do result diagnostics and other stuffs. If the data
    necessary for a statistic is not available (e.g.: flowlines length) it
    will simply be ignored.
    gdirs: the list of GlacierDir to process.
    filesuffix : str
        add suffix to output file
        Set to "True" in order  to store the info in the working directory
        Set to a path to store the file to your chosen location
    inversion_only: bool
        if one wants to summarize the inversion output only (including calving)
    from oggm.core.massbalance import ConstantMassBalance

    out_df = []
    for gdir in gdirs:

        d = OrderedDict()

        # Easy stats - this should always be possible
        d['rgi_id'] = gdir.rgi_id
        d['rgi_region'] = gdir.rgi_region
        d['rgi_subregion'] = gdir.rgi_subregion
        d['name'] =
        d['cenlon'] = gdir.cenlon
        d['cenlat'] = gdir.cenlat
        d['rgi_area_km2'] = gdir.rgi_area_km2
        d['glacier_type'] = gdir.glacier_type
        d['terminus_type'] = gdir.terminus_type

        # The rest is less certain. We put these in a try block and see
        # We're good with any error - we store the dict anyway below
            # Inversion
            if gdir.has_file('inversion_output'):
                vol = []
                cl = gdir.read_pickle('inversion_output')
                for c in cl:
                d['inv_volume_km3'] = np.nansum(vol) * 1e-9
                area = gdir.rgi_area_km2
                d['inv_thickness_m'] = d['inv_volume_km3'] / area * 1000
                d['vas_volume_km3'] = 0.034*(area**1.375)
                d['vas_thickness_m'] = d['vas_volume_km3'] / area * 1000
            # Calving
            all_calving_data = []
            all_width = []
            cl = gdir.read_pickle('calving_output')
            for c in cl:
                all_calving_data = c['calving_fluxes'][-1]
                all_width = c['t_width']
            d['calving_flux'] = all_calving_data
            d['calving_front_width'] = all_width
        if inversion_only:
            # Masks related stuff
            fpath = gdir.get_filepath('gridded_data')
            with netCDF4.Dataset(fpath) as nc:
                mask = nc.variables['glacier_mask'][:]
                topo = nc.variables['topo'][:]
            d['dem_mean_elev'] = np.mean(topo[np.where(mask == 1)])
            d['dem_max_elev'] = np.max(topo[np.where(mask == 1)])
            d['dem_min_elev'] = np.min(topo[np.where(mask == 1)])
            # Centerlines
            cls = gdir.read_pickle('centerlines')
            longuest = 0.
            for cl in cls:
                longuest = np.max([longuest, cl.dis_on_line[-1]])
            d['n_centerlines'] = len(cls)
            d['longuest_centerline_km'] = longuest * gdir.grid.dx / 1000.
            # Flowline related stuff
            h = np.array([])
            widths = np.array([])
            slope = np.array([])
            fls = gdir.read_pickle('inversion_flowlines')
            dx = fls[0].dx * gdir.grid.dx
            for fl in fls:
                hgt = fl.surface_h
                h = np.append(h, hgt)
                widths = np.append(widths, fl.widths * dx)
                slope = np.append(slope, np.arctan(-np.gradient(hgt, dx)))
            d['flowline_mean_elev'] = np.average(h, weights=widths)
            d['flowline_max_elev'] = np.max(h)
            d['flowline_min_elev'] = np.min(h)
            d['flowline_avg_width'] = np.mean(widths)
            d['flowline_avg_slope'] = np.mean(slope)
            # MB calib
            df = pd.read_csv(gdir.get_filepath('local_mustar')).iloc[0]
            d['t_star'] = df['t_star']
            d['prcp_fac'] = df['prcp_fac']
            d['mu_star'] = df['mu_star']
            d['mb_bias'] = df['bias']
            # Climate and MB at t*
            h, w = gdir.get_inversion_flowline_hw()
            mbmod = ConstantMassBalance(gdir, bias=0)
            mbh = mbmod.get_annual_mb(h, w) * SEC_IN_YEAR * cfg.RHO
            pacc = np.where(mbh >= 0)
            pab = np.where(mbh < 0)
            d['tstar_aar'] = np.sum(w[pacc]) / np.sum(w[pab])
                # Try to get the slope
                mb_slope, _, _, _, _ = stats.linregress(h[pab], mbh[pab])
                d['tstar_mb_grad'] = mb_slope
                # we don't mind if something goes wrong
                d['tstar_mb_grad'] = np.NaN
            d['tstar_ela_h'] = mbmod.get_ela()
            # Climate
            t, _, p, ps = mbmod.get_climate([d['tstar_ela_h'],
            for n, v in zip(['temp', 'prcpsol'], [t, ps]):
                d['tstar_avg_' + n + '_ela_h'] = v[0]
                d['tstar_avg_' + n + '_mean_elev'] = v[1]
                d['tstar_avg_' + n + '_max_elev'] = v[2]
                d['tstar_avg_' + n + '_min_elev'] = v[3]
            d['tstar_avg_prcp'] = p[0]


    out = pd.DataFrame(out_df).set_index('rgi_id')
    if path:
        if path is True:
    return out

class DisableLogger():
    """Context manager to temporarily disable all loggers."""
    def __enter__(self):
    def __exit__(self, a, b, c):

class entity_task(object):
    """Decorator for common job-controlling logic.

    All tasks share common operations. This decorator is here to handle them:
    exceptions, logging, and (some day) database for job-controlling.

    def __init__(self, log, writes=[]):
        """Decorator syntax: ``@oggm_task(writes=['dem', 'outlines'])``

        writes: list
            list of files that the task will write down to disk (must be
            available in ``cfg.BASENAMES``)
        self.log = log
        self.writes = writes

        cnt =  ['    Returns']
        cnt += ['    -------']
        cnt += ['    Files writen to the glacier directory:']

        for k in sorted(writes):
            cnt += [cfg.BASENAMES.doc_str(k)]
        self.iodoc = '\n'.join(cnt)

    def __call__(self, task_func):

        # Add to the original docstring
        if task_func.__doc__ is None:
            raise RuntimeError('Entity tasks should have a docstring!')

        task_func.__doc__ = '\n'.join((task_func.__doc__, self.iodoc))

        def _entity_task(gdir, reset=None, print_log=True, **kwargs):

            if reset is None:
                reset = not cfg.PARAMS['auto_skip_task']

            task_name = task_func.__name__

            # Filesuffix are typically used to differentiate tasks
            fsuffix = kwargs.get('filesuffix', False)
            if fsuffix:
                task_name += fsuffix

            # Do we need to run this task?
            s = gdir.get_task_status(task_name)
            if not reset and s and ('SUCCESS' in s):

            # Log what we are doing
            if print_log:
      '(%s) %s', gdir.rgi_id, task_name)

            # Run the task
                out = task_func(gdir, **kwargs)
            except Exception as err:
                # Something happened
                out = None
                gdir.log(task_name, err=err)
                pipe_log(gdir, task_name, err=err)
                if print_log:
                    self.log.error('%s occurred during task %s on %s!',
                                   type(err).__name__, task_name,
                if not cfg.PARAMS['continue_on_error']:
            return out

        _entity_task.__dict__['is_entity_task'] = True
        return _entity_task

def global_task(task_func):
    Decorator for common job-controlling logic.

    Indicates that this task expects a list of all GlacierDirs as parameter
    instead of being called once per dir.

    task_func.__dict__['global_task'] = True
    return task_func

def filter_rgi_name(name):
    """Remove spurious characters and trailing blanks from RGI glacier name.

    This seems to be unnecessary with RGI V6

    if name is None or len(name) == 0:
        return ''

    if name[-1] in ['À', 'È', 'è', '\x9c', '3', 'Ð', '°', '¾',
                    '\r', '\x93', '¤', '0', '`', '/', 'C', '@',
                    'Å', '\x06', '\x10', '^', 'å', ';']:
        return filter_rgi_name(name[:-1])

    return name.strip().title()

[docs]class GlacierDirectory(object): """Organizes read and write access to the glacier's files. It handles a glacier directory created in a base directory (default is the "per_glacier" folder in the working directory). The role of a GlacierDirectory is to give access to file paths and to I/O operations. The user should not care about *where* the files are located, but should know their name (see :ref:`basenames`). If the directory does not exist, it will be created. See :ref:`glacierdir` for more information. Attributes ---------- dir : str path to the directory rgi_id : str The glacier's RGI identifier glims_id : str The glacier's GLIMS identifier (when available) rgi_area_km2 : float The glacier's RGI area (km2) cenlon, cenlat : float The glacier centerpoint's lon/lat rgi_date : datetime The RGI's BGNDATE attribute if available. Otherwise, defaults to 2003-01-01 rgi_region : str The RGI region name name : str The RGI glacier name (if Available) glacier_type : str The RGI glacier type ('Glacier', 'Ice cap', 'Perennial snowfield', 'Seasonal snowfield') terminus_type : str The RGI terminus type ('Land-terminating', 'Marine-terminating', 'Lake-terminating', 'Dry calving', 'Regenerated', 'Shelf-terminating') is_tidewater : bool Is the glacier a caving glacier? inversion_calving_rate : float Calving rate used for the inversion """
[docs] def __init__(self, rgi_entity, base_dir=None, reset=False): """Creates a new directory or opens an existing one. Parameters ---------- rgi_entity : a `GeoSeries <>`_ or str glacier entity read from the shapefile (or a valid RGI ID if the directory exists) base_dir : str path to the directory where to open the directory. Defaults to `cfg.PATHS['working_dir'] + /per_glacier/` reset : bool, default=False empties the directory at construction (careful!) """ if base_dir is None: if not cfg.PATHS.get('working_dir', None): raise ValueError("Need a valid PATHS['working_dir']!") base_dir = os.path.join(cfg.PATHS['working_dir'], 'per_glacier') # RGI IDs are also valid entries if isinstance(rgi_entity, str): _shp = os.path.join(base_dir, rgi_entity[:8], rgi_entity[:11], rgi_entity, 'outlines.shp') rgi_entity = read_shapefile(_shp) crs = salem.check_crs( rgi_entity = rgi_entity.iloc[0] xx, yy = salem.transform_proj(crs, salem.wgs84, [rgi_entity['min_x'], rgi_entity['max_x']], [rgi_entity['min_y'], rgi_entity['max_y']]) else: g = rgi_entity['geometry'] xx, yy = ([g.bounds[0], g.bounds[2]], [g.bounds[1], g.bounds[3]]) # Extent of the glacier in lon/lat self.extent_ll = [xx, yy] try: # Assume RGI V4 self.rgi_id = rgi_entity.RGIID self.glims_id = rgi_entity.GLIMSID self.rgi_area_km2 = float(rgi_entity.AREA) self.cenlon = float(rgi_entity.CENLON) self.cenlat = float(rgi_entity.CENLAT) self.rgi_region = '{:02d}'.format(int(rgi_entity.O1REGION)) self.rgi_subregion = self.rgi_region + '-' + \ '{:02d}'.format(int(rgi_entity.O2REGION)) name = rgi_entity.NAME rgi_datestr = rgi_entity.BGNDATE gtype = rgi_entity.GLACTYPE except AttributeError: # Should be V5 self.rgi_id = rgi_entity.RGIId self.glims_id = rgi_entity.GLIMSId self.rgi_area_km2 = float(rgi_entity.Area) self.cenlon = float(rgi_entity.CenLon) self.cenlat = float(rgi_entity.CenLat) self.rgi_region = '{:02d}'.format(int(rgi_entity.O1Region)) self.rgi_subregion = (self.rgi_region + '-' + '{:02d}'.format(int(rgi_entity.O2Region))) name = rgi_entity.Name rgi_datestr = rgi_entity.BgnDate try: gtype = rgi_entity.GlacType except AttributeError: # RGI V6 gtype = [str(rgi_entity.Form), str(rgi_entity.TermType)] # rgi version can be useful self.rgi_version = self.rgi_id.split('-')[0][-2] if self.rgi_version not in ['4', '5', '6']: raise RuntimeError('RGI Version not understood: ' '{}'.format(self.rgi_version)) # remove spurious characters and trailing blanks = filter_rgi_name(name) # region reg_names, subreg_names = parse_rgi_meta(version=self.rgi_version) n = reg_names.loc[int(self.rgi_region)].values[0] self.rgi_region_name = self.rgi_region + ': ' + n n = subreg_names.loc[self.rgi_subregion].values[0] self.rgi_subregion_name = self.rgi_subregion + ': ' + n # Read glacier attrs gtkeys = {'0': 'Glacier', '1': 'Ice cap', '2': 'Perennial snowfield', '3': 'Seasonal snowfield', '9': 'Not assigned', } ttkeys = {'0': 'Land-terminating', '1': 'Marine-terminating', '2': 'Lake-terminating', '3': 'Dry calving', '4': 'Regenerated', '5': 'Shelf-terminating', '9': 'Not assigned', } self.glacier_type = gtkeys[gtype[0]] self.terminus_type = ttkeys[gtype[1]] self.is_tidewater = self.terminus_type in ['Marine-terminating', 'Lake-terminating'] self.inversion_calving_rate = 0. self.is_icecap = self.glacier_type == 'Ice cap' # Hemisphere self.hemisphere = 'sh' if self.cenlat < 0 else 'nh' # convert the date try: rgi_date = pd.to_datetime(rgi_datestr[0:4], errors='raise', format='%Y') except: rgi_date = None self.rgi_date = rgi_date # The divides dirs are created by gis.define_glacier_region, but we # make the root dir self.dir = os.path.join(base_dir, self.rgi_id[:8], self.rgi_id[:11], self.rgi_id) if reset and os.path.exists(self.dir): shutil.rmtree(self.dir) mkdir(self.dir) # logging file self.logfile = os.path.join(self.dir, 'log.txt') # Optimization self._mbdf = None
def __repr__(self): summary = ['<oggm.GlacierDirectory>'] summary += [' RGI id: ' + self.rgi_id] summary += [' Region: ' + self.rgi_region_name] summary += [' Subregion: ' + self.rgi_subregion_name] if : summary += [' Name: ' +] summary += [' Glacier type: ' + str(self.glacier_type)] summary += [' Terminus type: ' + str(self.terminus_type)] summary += [' Area: ' + str(self.rgi_area_km2) + ' km2'] summary += [' Lon, Lat: (' + str(self.cenlon) + ', ' + str(self.cenlat) + ')'] if os.path.isfile(self.get_filepath('glacier_grid')): summary += [' Grid (nx, ny): (' + str(self.grid.nx) + ', ' + str(self.grid.ny) + ')'] summary += [' Grid (dx, dy): (' + str(self.grid.dx) + ', ' + str(self.grid.dy) + ')'] return '\n'.join(summary) + '\n' @lazy_property def grid(self): """A ``salem.Grid`` handling the georeferencing of the local grid""" return salem.Grid.from_json(self.get_filepath('glacier_grid')) @lazy_property def rgi_area_m2(self): """The glacier's RGI area (m2).""" return self.rgi_area_km2 * 10**6 def copy_to_basedir(self, base_dir, setup='run'): """Copies the glacier directory and its content to a new location. This utility function allows to select certain files only, thus saving time at copy. Parameters ---------- basedir : str path to the new base directory (should end with "per_glacier" most of the times) setup : str set up you want the copied directory to be useful for. Currently supported are 'all' (copy the entire directory), 'inversion' (copy the necessary files for the inversion AND the run) and 'run' (copy the necessary files for a dynamical run). """ base_dir = os.path.abspath(base_dir) new_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, self.rgi_id[:8], self.rgi_id[:11], self.rgi_id) if setup == 'run': paths = ['model_flowlines', 'inversion_params', 'local_mustar', 'climate_monthly', 'gridded_data'] paths = ('*' + p + '*' for p in paths) shutil.copytree(self.dir, new_dir, ignore=include_patterns(*paths)) elif setup == 'inversion': paths = ['inversion_params', 'downstream_line', 'inversion_flowlines', 'glacier_grid', 'local_mustar', 'climate_monthly', 'gridded_data'] paths = ('*' + p + '*' for p in paths) shutil.copytree(self.dir, new_dir, ignore=include_patterns(*paths)) elif setup == 'all': shutil.copytree(self.dir, new_dir) else: raise ValueError('setup not understood: {}'.format(setup)) def get_filepath(self, filename, delete=False, filesuffix=''): """Absolute path to a specific file. Parameters ---------- filename : str file name (must be listed in cfg.BASENAME) delete : bool delete the file if exists filesuffix : str append a suffix to the filename (useful for model runs). Note that the BASENAME remains same. Returns ------- The absolute path to the desired file """ if filename not in cfg.BASENAMES: raise ValueError(filename + ' not in cfg.BASENAMES.') fname = cfg.BASENAMES[filename] if filesuffix: fname = fname.split('.') assert len(fname) == 2 fname = fname[0] + filesuffix + '.' + fname[1] out = os.path.join(self.dir, fname) if delete and os.path.isfile(out): os.remove(out) return out def has_file(self, filename): """Checks if a file exists. Parameters ---------- filename : str file name (must be listed in cfg.BASENAME) """ return os.path.exists(self.get_filepath(filename)) def read_pickle(self, filename, use_compression=None, filesuffix=''): """Reads a pickle located in the directory. Parameters ---------- filename : str file name (must be listed in cfg.BASENAME) use_compression : bool whether or not the file ws compressed. Default is to use cfg.PARAMS['use_compression'] for this (recommended) filesuffix : str append a suffix to the filename (useful for experiments). Returns ------- An object read from the pickle """ use_comp = (use_compression if use_compression is not None else cfg.PARAMS['use_compression']) _open = if use_comp else open fp = self.get_filepath(filename, filesuffix=filesuffix) with _open(fp, 'rb') as f: out = pickle.load(f) return out def write_pickle(self, var, filename, use_compression=None, filesuffix=''): """ Writes a variable to a pickle on disk. Parameters ---------- var : object the variable to write to disk filename : str file name (must be listed in cfg.BASENAME) use_compression : bool whether or not the file ws compressed. Default is to use cfg.PARAMS['use_compression'] for this (recommended) filesuffix : str append a suffix to the filename (useful for experiments). """ use_comp = (use_compression if use_compression is not None else cfg.PARAMS['use_compression']) _open = if use_comp else open fp = self.get_filepath(filename, filesuffix=filesuffix) with _open(fp, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(var, f, protocol=-1) def create_gridded_ncdf_file(self, fname): """Makes a gridded netcdf file template. The other variables have to be created and filled by the calling routine. Parameters ---------- filename : str file name (must be listed in cfg.BASENAME) Returns ------- a ``netCDF4.Dataset`` object. """ # overwrite as default fpath = self.get_filepath(fname) if os.path.exists(fpath): os.remove(fpath) nc = netCDF4.Dataset(fpath, 'w', format='NETCDF4') xd = nc.createDimension('x', self.grid.nx) yd = nc.createDimension('y', self.grid.ny) = 'OGGM' nc.author_info = 'Open Global Glacier Model' nc.proj_srs = self.grid.proj.srs lon, lat = self.grid.ll_coordinates x = self.grid.x0 + np.arange(self.grid.nx) * self.grid.dx y = self.grid.y0 + np.arange(self.grid.ny) * self.grid.dy v = nc.createVariable('x', 'f4', ('x',), zlib=True) v.units = 'm' v.long_name = 'x coordinate of projection' v.standard_name = 'projection_x_coordinate' v[:] = x v = nc.createVariable('y', 'f4', ('y',), zlib=True) v.units = 'm' v.long_name = 'y coordinate of projection' v.standard_name = 'projection_y_coordinate' v[:] = y v = nc.createVariable('longitude', 'f4', ('y', 'x'), zlib=True) v.units = 'degrees_east' v.long_name = 'longitude coordinate' v.standard_name = 'longitude' v[:] = lon v = nc.createVariable('latitude', 'f4', ('y', 'x'), zlib=True) v.units = 'degrees_north' v.long_name = 'latitude coordinate' v.standard_name = 'latitude' v[:] = lat return nc def write_monthly_climate_file(self, time, prcp, temp, grad, ref_pix_hgt, ref_pix_lon, ref_pix_lat, time_unit='days since 1801-01-01 00:00:00', file_name='climate_monthly', filesuffix=''): """Creates a netCDF4 file with climate data. See :py:func:`~oggm.tasks.process_cru_data`. """ # overwrite as default fpath = self.get_filepath(file_name, filesuffix=filesuffix) if os.path.exists(fpath): os.remove(fpath) with netCDF4.Dataset(fpath, 'w', format='NETCDF4') as nc: nc.ref_hgt = ref_pix_hgt nc.ref_pix_lon = ref_pix_lon nc.ref_pix_lat = ref_pix_lat nc.ref_pix_dis = haversine(self.cenlon, self.cenlat, ref_pix_lon, ref_pix_lat) dtime = nc.createDimension('time', None) = 'OGGM' nc.author_info = 'Open Global Glacier Model' timev = nc.createVariable('time','i4',('time',)) timev.setncatts({'units':time_unit}) timev[:] = netCDF4.date2num([t for t in time], time_unit) v = nc.createVariable('prcp', 'f4', ('time',), zlib=True) v.units = 'kg m-2' v.long_name = 'total monthly precipitation amount' v[:] = prcp v = nc.createVariable('temp', 'f4', ('time',), zlib=True) v.units = 'degC' v.long_name = '2m temperature at height ref_hgt' v[:] = temp v = nc.createVariable('grad', 'f4', ('time',), zlib=True) v.units = 'degC m-1' v.long_name = 'temperature gradient' v[:] = grad def get_inversion_flowline_hw(self): """ Shortcut function to read the heights and widths of the glacier. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- (height, widths) in units of m """ h = np.array([]) w = np.array([]) fls = self.read_pickle('inversion_flowlines') for fl in fls: w = np.append(w, fl.widths) h = np.append(h, fl.surface_h) return h, w * self.grid.dx def get_ref_mb_data(self): """Get the reference mb data from WGMS (for some glaciers only!).""" if self._mbdf is None: flink, mbdatadir = get_wgms_files(version=self.rgi_version) c = 'RGI{}0_ID'.format(self.rgi_version) wid = flink.loc[flink[c] == self.rgi_id] if len(wid) == 0: raise RuntimeError('Not a reference glacier!') wid = wid.WGMS_ID.values[0] # file reff = os.path.join(mbdatadir, 'mbdata_WGMS-{:05d}.csv'.format(wid)) # list of years self._mbdf = pd.read_csv(reff).set_index('YEAR') # logic for period if not self.has_file('climate_info'): raise RuntimeError('Please process some climate data before call') ci = self.read_pickle('climate_info') y0 = ci['hydro_yr_0'] y1 = ci['hydro_yr_1'] if len(self._mbdf) > 1: out = self._mbdf.loc[y0:y1] else: # Some files are just empty out = self._mbdf return out.dropna(subset=['ANNUAL_BALANCE']) def get_ref_length_data(self): """Get the glacier lenght data from P. Leclercq's data base. For some glaciers only! """ df = pd.read_csv(get_demo_file('rgi_leclercq_links_2012_RGIV5.csv')) df = df.loc[df.RGI_ID == self.rgi_id] if len(df) == 0: raise RuntimeError('No length data found for this glacier!') ide = df.LID.values[0] f = get_demo_file('') with xr.open_dataset(f) as dsg: # The database is not sorted by ID. Don't ask me... grp_id = np.argwhere(dsg['index'].values == ide)[0][0] + 1 with xr.open_dataset(f, group=str(grp_id)) as ds: df = ds.to_dataframe() = ds.glacier_name return df def log(self, task_name, err=None): """Logs a message to the glacier directory. It is usually called by the :py:class:`entity_task` decorator, normally you shouldn't take care about that. Parameters ---------- func : a function the function which wants to log err : Exception the exception which has been raised by func (if no exception was raised, a success is logged) """ # a line per function call nowsrt ='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') line = nowsrt + ';' + task_name + ';' if err is None: line += 'SUCCESS' else: line += err.__class__.__name__ + ': {}'.format(err) with open(self.logfile, 'a') as logfile: logfile.write(line + '\n') def get_task_status(self, task_name): """Opens this directory's log file to see if a task was already run. It is usually called by the :py:class:`entity_task` decorator, normally you shouldn't take care about that. Parameters ---------- task_name : str the name of the task which has to be tested for Returns ------- The last message for this task (SUCCESS if was successful), None if the task was not run yet """ if not os.path.isfile(self.logfile): return None with open(self.logfile) as logfile: lines = logfile.readlines() lines = [l.replace('\n', '') for l in lines if task_name in l] if lines: # keep only the last log return lines[-1].split(';')[-1] else: return None