Source code for oggm.core.climate

"""Climate data and mass-balance computations"""
# Built ins
import logging
import os
import datetime
import warnings
# External libs
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
from scipy import stats
import netCDF4
import salem
from scipy import optimize as optimization
# Locals
from oggm import cfg
from oggm import utils
from oggm.core import centerlines
from oggm import entity_task, global_task

# Module logger
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def process_histalp_nonparallel(gdirs, fpath=None):
    """This is the way OGGM used to do it (deprecated).

    It requires an input file with a specific format, and uses lazy
    optimisation (computing time dependant gradients can be slow)

    # Did the user specify a specific climate data file?
    if fpath is None:
        if 'climate_file' in cfg.PATHS:
            fpath = cfg.PATHS['climate_file']

    if not os.path.exists(fpath):
        raise IOError('Custom climate file not found')'process_histalp_nonparallel')

    # read the file and data entirely (faster than many I/O)
    with netCDF4.Dataset(fpath, mode='r') as nc:
        lon = nc.variables['lon'][:]
        lat = nc.variables['lat'][:]

        # Time
        time = nc.variables['time']
        time = netCDF4.num2date(time[:], time.units)
        ny, r = divmod(len(time), 12)
        if r != 0:
            raise ValueError('Climate data should be N full years exclusively')
        y0, y1 = time[0].year, time[-1].year

        # Units
        assert nc.variables['hgt'].units == 'm'
        assert nc.variables['temp'].units == 'degC'
        assert nc.variables['prcp'].units == 'kg m-2'

    # Gradient defaults
    use_grad = cfg.PARAMS['temp_use_local_gradient']
    def_grad = cfg.PARAMS['temp_default_gradient']
    g_minmax = cfg.PARAMS['temp_local_gradient_bounds']

    for gdir in gdirs:
        ilon = np.argmin(np.abs(lon - gdir.cenlon))
        ilat = np.argmin(np.abs(lat - gdir.cenlat))
        ref_pix_lon = lon[ilon]
        ref_pix_lat = lat[ilat]
        iprcp, itemp, igrad, ihgt = utils.joblib_read_climate(fpath, ilon,
                                                              ilat, def_grad,
        gdir.write_monthly_climate_file(time, iprcp, itemp, igrad, ihgt,
                                        ref_pix_lon, ref_pix_lat)
        # metadata
        out = {'climate_source': fpath,
               'hydro_yr_0': y0+1, 'hydro_yr_1': y1}
        gdir.write_pickle(out, 'climate_info')

[docs]@entity_task(log, writes=['climate_monthly']) def process_custom_climate_data(gdir): """Processes and writes the climate data from a user-defined climate file. The input file must have a specific format (see oggm-sample-data/test-files/ for an example). Uses caching for faster retrieval. This is the way OGGM does it for the Alps (HISTALP). """ if not (('climate_file' in cfg.PATHS) and os.path.exists(cfg.PATHS['climate_file'])): raise IOError('Custom climate file not found') # read the file fpath = cfg.PATHS['climate_file'] nc_ts = salem.GeoNetcdf(fpath) # set temporal subset for the ts data (hydro years) sm = cfg.PARAMS['hydro_month_' + gdir.hemisphere] em = sm - 1 if (sm > 1) else 12 yrs = nc_ts.time.year y0, y1 = yrs[0], yrs[-1] nc_ts.set_period(t0='{}-{:02d}-01'.format(y0, sm), t1='{}-{:02d}-01'.format(y1, em)) time = nc_ts.time ny, r = divmod(len(time), 12) if r != 0: raise ValueError('Climate data should be N full years exclusively') # Units assert nc_ts._nc.variables['hgt'].units.lower() in ['m', 'meters', 'meter', 'metres', 'metre'] assert nc_ts._nc.variables['temp'].units.lower() in ['degc', 'degrees', 'degree', 'c'] assert nc_ts._nc.variables['prcp'].units.lower() in ['kg m-2', 'l m-2', 'mm', 'millimeters', 'millimeter'] # geoloc lon = nc_ts._nc.variables['lon'][:] lat = nc_ts._nc.variables['lat'][:] # Gradient defaults use_grad = cfg.PARAMS['temp_use_local_gradient'] def_grad = cfg.PARAMS['temp_default_gradient'] g_minmax = cfg.PARAMS['temp_local_gradient_bounds'] ilon = np.argmin(np.abs(lon - gdir.cenlon)) ilat = np.argmin(np.abs(lat - gdir.cenlat)) ref_pix_lon = lon[ilon] ref_pix_lat = lat[ilat] # read the data temp = nc_ts.get_vardata('temp') prcp = nc_ts.get_vardata('prcp') hgt = nc_ts.get_vardata('hgt') igrad = np.zeros(len(time)) + def_grad ttemp = temp[:, ilat-1:ilat+2, ilon-1:ilon+2] itemp = ttemp[:, 1, 1] thgt = hgt[ilat-1:ilat+2, ilon-1:ilon+2] ihgt = thgt[1, 1] thgt = thgt.flatten() iprcp = prcp[:, ilat, ilon] nc_ts.close() # Now the gradient if use_grad: for t, loct in enumerate(ttemp): slope, _, _, p_val, _ = stats.linregress(thgt, loct.flatten()) igrad[t] = slope if (p_val < 0.01) else def_grad # dont exagerate too much igrad = np.clip(igrad, g_minmax[0], g_minmax[1]) gdir.write_monthly_climate_file(time, iprcp, itemp, igrad, ihgt, ref_pix_lon, ref_pix_lat) # metadata out = {'climate_source': fpath, 'hydro_yr_0': y0+1, 'hydro_yr_1': y1} gdir.write_pickle(out, 'climate_info')
[docs]@entity_task(log, writes=['cesm_data']) def process_cesm_data(gdir, filesuffix='', fpath_temp=None, fpath_precc=None, fpath_precl=None): """Processes and writes the climate data for this glacier. This function is made for interpolating the Community Earth System Model Last Millenial Ensemble (CESM-LME) climate simulations, from Otto-Bliesner et al. (2016), to the high-resolution CL2 climatologies (provided with OGGM) and writes everything to a NetCDF file. Parameters ---------- filesuffix : str append a suffix to the filename (useful for ensemble experiments). fpath_temp : str path to the temp file (default: cfg.PATHS['gcm_temp_file']) fpath_precc : str path to the precc file (default: cfg.PATHS['gcm_precc_file']) fpath_precl : str path to the precl file (default: cfg.PATHS['gcm_precl_file']) """ # GCM temperature and precipitation data if fpath_temp is None: if not ('gcm_temp_file' in cfg.PATHS): raise ValueError("Need to set cfg.PATHS['gcm_temp_file']") fpath_temp = cfg.PATHS['gcm_temp_file'] if fpath_precc is None: if not ('gcm_precc_file' in cfg.PATHS): raise ValueError("Need to set cfg.PATHS['gcm_precc_file']") fpath_precc = cfg.PATHS['gcm_precc_file'] if fpath_precl is None: if not ('gcm_precl_file' in cfg.PATHS): raise ValueError("Need to set cfg.PATHS['gcm_precl_file']") fpath_precl = cfg.PATHS['gcm_precl_file'] # read the files with warnings.catch_warnings(): # Long time series are currently a pain pandas warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message='Unable to decode time axis') tempds = xr.open_dataset(fpath_temp) precpcds = xr.open_dataset(fpath_precc, decode_times=False) preclpds = xr.open_dataset(fpath_precl, decode_times=False) # select for location lon = gdir.cenlon lat = gdir.cenlat # CESM files are in 0-360 if lon <= 0: lon += 360 # take the closest # TODO: consider GCM interpolation? temp = tempds.TREFHT.sel(lat=lat, lon=lon, method='nearest') precp = precpcds.PRECC.sel(lat=lat, lon=lon, method='nearest') + \ preclpds.PRECL.sel(lat=lat, lon=lon, method='nearest') # from normal years to hydrological years sm = cfg.PARAMS['hydro_month_' + gdir.hemisphere] em = sm - 1 if (sm > 1) else 12 # TODO: we don't check if the files actually start in January but we should precp = precp[sm-1:sm-13].load() temp = temp[sm-1:sm-13].load() y0 = int(temp.time.values[0].strftime('%Y')) y1 = int(temp.time.values[-1].strftime('%Y')) time = pd.period_range('{}-{:02d}'.format(y0, sm), '{}-{:02d}'.format(y1, em), freq='M') temp['time'] = time precp['time'] = time # Workaround for temp['month'] = ('time', time.month) precp['month'] = ('time', time.month) temp['year'] = ('time', time.year) precp['year'] = ('time', time.year) ny, r = divmod(len(time), 12) assert r == 0 # Convert m s-1 to mm mth-1 ndays = np.tile(np.roll(cfg.DAYS_IN_MONTH, 13-sm), y1 - y0) precp = precp * ndays * (60 * 60 * 24 * 1000) # compute monthly anomalies # of temp ts_tmp_avg = temp.sel(time=(temp.year >= 1961) & (temp.year <= 1990)) ts_tmp_avg = ts_tmp_avg.groupby(ts_tmp_avg.month).mean(dim='time') ts_tmp = temp.groupby(temp.month) - ts_tmp_avg # of precip ts_pre_avg = precp.isel(time=(precp.year >= 1961) & (precp.year <= 1990)) ts_pre_avg = ts_pre_avg.groupby(ts_pre_avg.month).mean(dim='time') ts_pre = precp.groupby(precp.month) - ts_pre_avg # Get CRU to apply the anomaly to fpath = gdir.get_filepath('climate_monthly') ds_cru = xr.open_dataset(fpath) # Here we assume the gradient is a monthly average ts_grad = np.tile(ds_cru.grad[0:12], ny) # Add climate anomaly to CRU clim dscru = ds_cru.sel(time=slice('1961', '1990')) # for temp loc_tmp = dscru.temp.groupby('time.month').mean() ts_tmp = ts_tmp.groupby(ts_tmp.month) + loc_tmp # for prcp loc_pre = dscru.prcp.groupby('time.month').mean() ts_pre = ts_pre.groupby(ts_pre.month) + loc_pre # load dates in right format to save dsindex = salem.GeoNetcdf(fpath_temp, monthbegin=True) time1 = dsindex.variables['time'] time2 = time1[sm-1:sm-13] - ndays # to hydrological years time2 = netCDF4.num2date(time2, time1.units, calendar='noleap') assert np.all(np.isfinite(ts_pre.values)) assert np.all(np.isfinite(ts_tmp.values)) assert np.all(np.isfinite(ts_grad)) # back to -180 - 180 loc_lon = precp.lon if precp.lon <= 180 else precp.lon - 360 gdir.write_monthly_climate_file(time2, ts_pre.values, ts_tmp.values, ts_grad, float(dscru.ref_hgt), loc_lon,, time_unit=time1.units, file_name='cesm_data', filesuffix=filesuffix) dsindex._nc.close() tempds.close() precpcds.close() preclpds.close() ds_cru.close()
[docs]@entity_task(log, writes=['climate_monthly']) def process_cru_data(gdir): """Processes and writes the climate data for this glacier. Interpolates the CRU TS data to the high-resolution CL2 climatologies (provided with OGGM) and writes everything to a NetCDF file. """ # read the climatology clfile = utils.get_cru_cl_file() ncclim = salem.GeoNetcdf(clfile) # and the TS data nc_ts_tmp = salem.GeoNetcdf(utils.get_cru_file('tmp'), monthbegin=True) nc_ts_pre = salem.GeoNetcdf(utils.get_cru_file('pre'), monthbegin=True) # set temporal subset for the ts data (hydro years) sm = cfg.PARAMS['hydro_month_' + gdir.hemisphere] em = sm - 1 if (sm > 1) else 12 yrs = nc_ts_pre.time.year y0, y1 = yrs[0], yrs[-1] nc_ts_tmp.set_period(t0='{}-{:02d}-01'.format(y0, sm), t1='{}-{:02d}-01'.format(y1, em)) nc_ts_pre.set_period(t0='{}-{:02d}-01'.format(y0, sm), t1='{}-{:02d}-01'.format(y1, em)) time = nc_ts_pre.time ny, r = divmod(len(time), 12) assert r == 0 # gradient default params use_grad = cfg.PARAMS['temp_use_local_gradient'] def_grad = cfg.PARAMS['temp_default_gradient'] g_minmax = cfg.PARAMS['temp_local_gradient_bounds'] lon = gdir.cenlon lat = gdir.cenlat # This is guaranteed to work because I prepared the file (I hope) ncclim.set_subset(corners=((lon, lat), (lon, lat)), margin=1) # get climatology data loc_hgt = ncclim.get_vardata('elev') loc_tmp = ncclim.get_vardata('temp') loc_pre = ncclim.get_vardata('prcp') loc_lon = ncclim.get_vardata('lon') loc_lat = ncclim.get_vardata('lat') # see if the center is ok if not np.isfinite(loc_hgt[1, 1]): # take another candidate where finite isok = np.isfinite(loc_hgt) # wait: some areas are entirely NaNs, make the subset larger _margin = 1 while not np.any(isok): _margin += 1 ncclim.set_subset(corners=((lon, lat), (lon, lat)), margin=_margin) loc_hgt = ncclim.get_vardata('elev') isok = np.isfinite(loc_hgt) if _margin > 1: log.debug('(%s) I had to look up for far climate pixels: %s', gdir.rgi_id, _margin) # Take the first candidate (doesn't matter which) lon, lat = ncclim.grid.ll_coordinates lon = lon[isok][0] lat = lat[isok][0] # Resubset ncclim.set_subset() ncclim.set_subset(corners=((lon, lat), (lon, lat)), margin=1) loc_hgt = ncclim.get_vardata('elev') loc_tmp = ncclim.get_vardata('temp') loc_pre = ncclim.get_vardata('prcp') loc_lon = ncclim.get_vardata('lon') loc_lat = ncclim.get_vardata('lat') assert np.isfinite(loc_hgt[1, 1]) isok = np.isfinite(loc_hgt) hgt_f = loc_hgt[isok].flatten() assert len(hgt_f) > 0. ts_grad = np.zeros(12) + def_grad if use_grad and len(hgt_f) >= 5: for i in range(12): loc_tmp_mth = loc_tmp[i, ...][isok].flatten() slope, _, _, p_val, _ = stats.linregress(hgt_f, loc_tmp_mth) ts_grad[i] = slope if (p_val < 0.01) else def_grad # ... but dont exaggerate too much ts_grad = np.clip(ts_grad, g_minmax[0], g_minmax[1]) # convert to timeserie and hydroyears ts_grad = ts_grad.tolist() ts_grad = ts_grad[9:] + ts_grad[0:9] ts_grad = np.asarray(ts_grad * ny) # maybe this will throw out of bounds warnings nc_ts_tmp.set_subset(corners=((lon, lat), (lon, lat)), margin=1) nc_ts_pre.set_subset(corners=((lon, lat), (lon, lat)), margin=1) # compute monthly anomalies # of temp ts_tmp = nc_ts_tmp.get_vardata('tmp', as_xarray=True) ts_tmp_avg = ts_tmp.sel(time=slice('1961-01-01', '1990-12-01')) ts_tmp_avg = ts_tmp_avg.groupby('time.month').mean(dim='time') ts_tmp = ts_tmp.groupby('time.month') - ts_tmp_avg # of precip ts_pre = nc_ts_pre.get_vardata('pre', as_xarray=True) ts_pre_avg = ts_pre.sel(time=slice('1961-01-01', '1990-12-01')) ts_pre_avg = ts_pre_avg.groupby('time.month').mean(dim='time') ts_pre = ts_pre.groupby('time.month') - ts_pre_avg # interpolate to HR grid if np.any(~np.isfinite(ts_tmp[:, 1, 1])): # Extreme case, middle pix is not valid # take any valid pix from the 3*3 (and hope there's one) found_it = False for idi in range(2): for idj in range(2): if np.all(np.isfinite(ts_tmp[:, idj, idi])): ts_tmp[:, 1, 1] = ts_tmp[:, idj, idi] ts_pre[:, 1, 1] = ts_pre[:, idj, idi] found_it = True if not found_it: msg = '({}) there is no climate data'.format(gdir.rgi_id) raise RuntimeError(msg) elif np.any(~np.isfinite(ts_tmp)): # maybe the side is nan, but we can do nearest ts_tmp = ncclim.grid.map_gridded_data(ts_tmp.values, nc_ts_tmp.grid, interp='nearest') ts_pre = ncclim.grid.map_gridded_data(ts_pre.values, nc_ts_pre.grid, interp='nearest') else: # We can do bilinear ts_tmp = ncclim.grid.map_gridded_data(ts_tmp.values, nc_ts_tmp.grid, interp='linear') ts_pre = ncclim.grid.map_gridded_data(ts_pre.values, nc_ts_pre.grid, interp='linear') # take the center pixel and add it to the CRU CL clim # for temp loc_tmp = xr.DataArray(loc_tmp[:, 1, 1], dims=['month'], coords={'month': ts_tmp_avg.month}) ts_tmp = xr.DataArray(ts_tmp[:, 1, 1], dims=['time'], coords={'time': time}) ts_tmp = ts_tmp.groupby('time.month') + loc_tmp # for prcp loc_pre = xr.DataArray(loc_pre[:, 1, 1], dims=['month'], coords={'month': ts_pre_avg.month}) ts_pre = xr.DataArray(ts_pre[:, 1, 1], dims=['time'], coords={'time': time}) ts_pre = ts_pre.groupby('time.month') + loc_pre # done loc_hgt = loc_hgt[1, 1] loc_lon = loc_lon[1] loc_lat = loc_lat[1] assert np.isfinite(loc_hgt) assert np.all(np.isfinite(ts_pre.values)) assert np.all(np.isfinite(ts_tmp.values)) assert np.all(np.isfinite(ts_grad)) gdir.write_monthly_climate_file(time, ts_pre.values, ts_tmp.values, ts_grad, loc_hgt, loc_lon, loc_lat) ncclim._nc.close() nc_ts_tmp._nc.close() nc_ts_pre._nc.close() # metadata out = {'climate_source': 'CRU data', 'hydro_yr_0': y0+1, 'hydro_yr_1': y1} gdir.write_pickle(out, 'climate_info')
def mb_climate_on_height(gdir, heights, prcp_fac, time_range=None, year_range=None): """Mass-balance climate of the glacier at a specific height Reads the glacier's monthly climate data file and computes the temperature "energies" (temp above 0) and solid precipitation at the required height. Parameters: ----------- gdir: the glacier directory heights: a 1D array of the heights (in meter) where you want the data prcp_fac: the correction factor for precipitation time_range (optional): default is to read all data but with this you can provide a [datetime, datetime] bounds (inclusive). year_range (optional): maybe more useful than the time bounds above. Provide a [y0, y1] year range to get the data for specific (hydrological) years only Returns: -------- (time, tempformelt, prcpsol):: - time: array of shape (nt,) - tempformelt: array of shape (len(heights), nt) - prcpsol: array of shape (len(heights), nt) """ if year_range is not None: sm = cfg.PARAMS['hydro_month_' + gdir.hemisphere] em = sm - 1 if (sm > 1) else 12 t0 = datetime.datetime(year_range[0]-1, sm, 1) t1 = datetime.datetime(year_range[1], em, 1) return mb_climate_on_height(gdir, heights, prcp_fac, time_range=[t0, t1]) # Parameters temp_all_solid = cfg.PARAMS['temp_all_solid'] temp_all_liq = cfg.PARAMS['temp_all_liq'] temp_melt = cfg.PARAMS['temp_melt'] # Read file with netCDF4.Dataset(gdir.get_filepath('climate_monthly'), mode='r') as nc: # time time = nc.variables['time'] time = netCDF4.num2date(time[:], time.units) if time_range is not None: p0 = np.where(time == time_range[0])[0] try: p0 = p0[0] except IndexError: raise RuntimeError('time_range[0] not found in file') p1 = np.where(time == time_range[1])[0] try: p1 = p1[0] except IndexError: raise RuntimeError('time_range[1] not found in file') else: p0 = 0 p1 = len(time)-1 time = time[p0:p1+1] # Read timeseries itemp = nc.variables['temp'][p0:p1+1] iprcp = nc.variables['prcp'][p0:p1+1] igrad = nc.variables['grad'][p0:p1+1] ref_hgt = nc.ref_hgt # Correct precipitation iprcp *= prcp_fac # For each height pixel: # Compute temp and tempformelt (temperature above melting threshold) npix = len(heights) grad_temp = np.atleast_2d(igrad).repeat(npix, 0) grad_temp *= (heights.repeat(len(time)).reshape(grad_temp.shape) - ref_hgt) temp2d = np.atleast_2d(itemp).repeat(npix, 0) + grad_temp temp2dformelt = temp2d - temp_melt temp2dformelt = np.clip(temp2dformelt, 0, temp2dformelt.max()) # Compute solid precipitation from total precipitation prcpsol = np.atleast_2d(iprcp).repeat(npix, 0) fac = 1 - (temp2d - temp_all_solid) / (temp_all_liq - temp_all_solid) fac = np.clip(fac, 0, 1) prcpsol = prcpsol * fac return time, temp2dformelt, prcpsol def mb_yearly_climate_on_height(gdir, heights, prcp_fac, year_range=None, flatten=False): """Yearly mass-balance climate of the glacier at a specific height The precipitation time series are not corrected! Parameters: ----------- gdir: the glacier directory heights: a 1D array of the heights (in meter) where you want the data prcp_fac: the correction factor for precipitation year_range (optional): a [y0, y1] year range to get the data for specific ( hydrological) years only flatten: for some applications (glacier average MB) it's ok to flatten the data (average over height) prior to annual summing. Returns: -------- (years, tempformelt, prcpsol):: - years: array of shape (ny,) - tempformelt: array of shape (len(heights), ny) (or ny if flatten is set) - prcpsol: array of shape (len(heights), ny) (or ny if flatten is set) """ time, temp, prcp = mb_climate_on_height(gdir, heights, prcp_fac, year_range=year_range) ny, r = divmod(len(time), 12) if r != 0: raise ValueError('Climate data should be N full years exclusively') # Last year gives the tone of the hydro year years = np.arange(time[-1].year-ny+1, time[-1].year+1, 1) if flatten: # Spatial average temp_yr = np.zeros(len(years)) prcp_yr = np.zeros(len(years)) temp = np.mean(temp, axis=0) prcp = np.mean(prcp, axis=0) for i, y in enumerate(years): temp_yr[i] = np.sum(temp[i*12:(i+1)*12]) prcp_yr[i] = np.sum(prcp[i*12:(i+1)*12]) else: # Annual prcp and temp for each point (no spatial average) temp_yr = np.zeros((len(heights), len(years))) prcp_yr = np.zeros((len(heights), len(years))) for i, y in enumerate(years): temp_yr[:, i] = np.sum(temp[:, i*12:(i+1)*12], axis=1) prcp_yr[:, i] = np.sum(prcp[:, i*12:(i+1)*12], axis=1) return years, temp_yr, prcp_yr def mb_yearly_climate_on_glacier(gdir, prcp_fac, year_range=None): """Yearly mass-balance climate at all glacier heights, multiplied with the flowlines widths. (all in pix coords.) The precipitation time series are not corrected! Parameters: ----------- gdir : the glacier directory prcp_fac: the correction factor for precipitation year_range (optional): a [y0, y1] year range to get the data for specific (hydrological) years only Returns: -------- (years, tempformelt, prcpsol):: - years: array of shape (ny,) - tempformelt: array of shape (len(heights), ny) - prcpsol: array of shape (len(heights), ny) (not corrected!) """ flowlines = gdir.read_pickle('inversion_flowlines') heights = np.array([]) widths = np.array([]) for fl in flowlines: heights = np.append(heights, fl.surface_h) widths = np.append(widths, fl.widths) years, temp, prcp = mb_yearly_climate_on_height(gdir, heights, prcp_fac, year_range=year_range, flatten=False) temp = np.average(temp, axis=0, weights=widths) prcp = np.average(prcp, axis=0, weights=widths) return years, temp, prcp
[docs]@entity_task(log, writes=['mu_candidates']) def mu_candidates(gdir, prcp_sf=None): """Computes the mu candidates. For each 31 year-period centered on the year of interest, mu is is the temperature sensitivity necessary for the glacier with its current shape to be in equilibrium with its climate. For glaciers with MB data only! Parameters ---------- gdir : oggm.GlacierDirectory prcp_sf : float (optional) force to a certain prcp scaling factor """ mu_hp = int(cfg.PARAMS['mu_star_halfperiod']) # Only get the years were we consider looking for tstar y0, y1 = cfg.PARAMS['tstar_search_window'] ci = gdir.read_pickle('climate_info') y0 = y0 or ci['hydro_yr_0'] y1 = y1 or ci['hydro_yr_1'] years, temp_yr, prcp_yr = mb_yearly_climate_on_glacier(gdir, 1., year_range=[y0, y1]) # Be sure we have no marine terminating glacier assert gdir.terminus_type == 'Land-terminating' # prcp scaling factor - one or more? if cfg.PARAMS['prcp_scaling_factor'] == 'stddev_perglacier': sf = np.arange(0.5, 5.01, 0.05) elif cfg.PARAMS['prcp_scaling_factor'] == 'stddev': sf = [float(prcp_sf)] else: sf = np.asarray([cfg.PARAMS['prcp_scaling_factor']]) # Compute mu for each 31-yr climatological period and each prcp factor ny = len(years) nsf = len(sf) mu_yr_clim = np.zeros((ny, nsf)) * np.NaN for j, fac in enumerate(sf): for i, y in enumerate(years): # Ignore begin and end if ((i-mu_hp) < 0) or ((i+mu_hp) >= ny): continue t_avg = np.mean(temp_yr[i-mu_hp:i+mu_hp+1]) if t_avg > 1e-3: # if too cold no melt possible prcp_ts = prcp_yr[i-mu_hp:i+mu_hp+1] * fac mu_yr_clim[i, j] = np.mean(prcp_ts) / t_avg # Check that we found a least one mustar if np.sum(np.isfinite(mu_yr_clim)) < 1: raise RuntimeError('({}) no mustar candidates found.' .format(gdir.rgi_id)) # Write df = pd.DataFrame(data=mu_yr_clim, index=years, columns=sf) gdir.write_pickle(df, 'mu_candidates')
def t_star_from_refmb(gdir, mbdf): """Computes the t* for the glacier, given a series of MB measurements. Could be multiprocessed but its probably not necessary. Parameters ---------- gdirs: the list of oggm.GlacierDirectory objects where to write the data. mbdf: a pd.Series containing the observed MB data indexed by year Returns ------- A dict: {t_star:[], bias:[], bias_std:[], prcp_fac:float} """ # Only divide 0, we believe the original RGI entities to be the ref... years, temp_yr_ts, prcp_yr_ts = mb_yearly_climate_on_glacier(gdir, 1.) # which years to look at selind = np.searchsorted(years, mbdf.index) temp_yr_ts = temp_yr_ts[selind] prcp_yr_ts = prcp_yr_ts[selind] temp_yr = np.mean(temp_yr_ts) prcp_yr = np.mean(prcp_yr_ts) # Average oberved mass-balance ref_mb = np.mean(mbdf) ref_mb_std = np.std(mbdf) # Average mass-balance per mu and fac mu_yr_clim_df = gdir.read_pickle('mu_candidates') odf = pd.DataFrame(index=mu_yr_clim_df.columns) out = dict() for prcp_fac in mu_yr_clim_df: mu_yr_clim = mu_yr_clim_df[prcp_fac] nmu = len(mu_yr_clim) mb_per_mu = prcp_yr * prcp_fac - mu_yr_clim * temp_yr mbts_per_mu = np.atleast_2d(prcp_yr_ts * prcp_fac).repeat(nmu, 0) - \ np.atleast_2d(mu_yr_clim).T * \ np.atleast_2d(temp_yr_ts).repeat(nmu, 0) std_per_mu = mb_per_mu*0 + np.std(mbts_per_mu, axis=1) # Diff to reference diff = (mb_per_mu - ref_mb).dropna() diff_std = (std_per_mu - ref_mb_std).dropna() signchange = utils.signchange(diff) # If sign changes save them # TODO: ideas to do this better: # - apply a smooth (take noise into account) # - take longer stable periods into account # these stuffs could be proven better (or not) with cross-val pchange = np.where(signchange == 1)[0] years = diff.index diff = diff.values diff_std = diff_std.values if len(pchange) > 0: t_stars = [] bias = [] std_bias = [] for p in pchange: # Check the side with the smallest bias ide = p-1 if np.abs(diff[p-1]) < np.abs(diff[p]) else p if years[ide] not in t_stars: t_stars.append(years[ide]) bias.append(diff[ide]) std_bias.append(diff_std[ide]) else: amin = np.argmin(np.abs(diff)) t_stars = [years[amin]] bias = [diff[amin]] std_bias = [diff_std[amin]] # (prcp_fac, t_stars, bias, std_bias) odf.loc[prcp_fac, 'avg_bias'] = np.mean(bias) odf.loc[prcp_fac, 'avg_std_bias'] = np.mean(std_bias) odf.loc[prcp_fac, 'n_tstar'] = len(std_bias) out[prcp_fac] = {'t_star': t_stars, 'bias': bias, 'std_bias': std_bias, 'prcp_fac': prcp_fac} # write gdir.write_pickle(odf, 'prcp_fac_optim') # we take the closest result and see later if it needs cleverer handling amin = odf.avg_std_bias.abs().idxmin() # this gives back an index! return out[amin] def calving_mb(gdir): """Calving mass-loss in specific MB equivalent. This is necessary to compute mu star. TODO: currently this is hardcoded for Columbia, but we should come-up with somthing better! """ if not gdir.is_tidewater: return 0. # Ok. Just take the caving rate from cfg and change its units # Original units: km3 a-1, to change to mm a-1 (units of specific MB) return gdir.inversion_calving_rate * 1e9 * cfg.RHO / gdir.rgi_area_m2
[docs]@entity_task(log, writes=['local_mustar']) def local_mustar(gdir, tstar=None, bias=None, prcp_fac=None, minimum_mustar=0.): """Compute the local mustar from interpolated tstars. Parameters ---------- gdir : oggm.GlacierDirectory tstar: int the year where the glacier should be equilibrium bias: int the associated reference bias prcp_fac: int the associated precipitation factor minimum_mustar: float if mustar goes below this threshold, clip it to that value. If you want this to happen with `minimum_mustar=0.` you will have to set `cfg.PARAMS['allow_negative_mustar']=True` first. """ assert bias is not None assert prcp_fac is not None assert tstar is not None # Climate period mu_hp = int(cfg.PARAMS['mu_star_halfperiod']) yr = [tstar-mu_hp, tstar+mu_hp] # Do we have a calving glacier? cmb = calving_mb(gdir)'(%s) local mu* for t*=%d', gdir.rgi_id, tstar) # Get the corresponding mu years, temp_yr, prcp_yr = mb_yearly_climate_on_glacier(gdir, prcp_fac, year_range=yr) assert len(years) == (2 * mu_hp + 1) # mustar is taking calving into account (units of specific MB) mustar = (np.mean(prcp_yr) - cmb) / np.mean(temp_yr) if not np.isfinite(mustar): raise RuntimeError('{} has a non finite mu'.format(gdir.rgi_id)) if not cfg.PARAMS['allow_negative_mustar']: if mustar < 0: raise RuntimeError('{} has a negative mu'.format(gdir.rgi_id)) # For the calving param it might be useful to clip the mu mustar = np.clip(mustar, minimum_mustar, np.max(mustar)) # Scalars in a small dataframe for later df = pd.DataFrame() df['rgi_id'] = [gdir.rgi_id] df['t_star'] = [tstar] df['mu_star'] = [mustar] df['prcp_fac'] = [prcp_fac] df['bias'] = [bias] df.to_csv(gdir.get_filepath('local_mustar'), index=False)
[docs]@entity_task(log, writes=['inversion_flowlines']) def apparent_mb(gdir): """Compute the apparent mb from the calibrated mustar. Parameters ---------- """ # Calibrated data df = pd.read_csv(gdir.get_filepath('local_mustar')).iloc[0] tstar = df['t_star'] prcp_fac = df['prcp_fac'] mu_star = df['mu_star'] bias = df['bias'] # Climate period mu_hp = int(cfg.PARAMS['mu_star_halfperiod']) yr = [tstar-mu_hp, tstar+mu_hp] # Do we have a calving glacier? cmb = calving_mb(gdir) # For each flowline compute the apparent MB fls = gdir.read_pickle('inversion_flowlines') # Reset flux for fl in fls: fl.flux = np.zeros(len(fl.surface_h)) # Flowlines in order to be sure for fl in fls: y, t, p = mb_yearly_climate_on_height(gdir, fl.surface_h, prcp_fac, year_range=yr, flatten=False) fl.set_apparent_mb(np.mean(p, axis=1) - mu_star*np.mean(t, axis=1)) # Sometimes, low lying tributaries have a non-physically consistent # Mass-balance. We should remove these, and start all over again until # all tributaries are consistent do_filter = [fl.flux_needed_correction for fl in fls] if cfg.PARAMS['filter_for_neg_flux'] and np.any(do_filter): assert not do_filter[-1] # This should not happen # Keep only the good lines heads = [fl.orig_head for fl in fls if not fl.flux_needed_correction] centerlines.compute_centerlines(gdir, heads=heads, reset=True) centerlines.initialize_flowlines(gdir, reset=True) if gdir.has_file('downstream_line'): centerlines.compute_downstream_line(gdir, reset=True) centerlines.compute_downstream_bedshape(gdir, reset=True) centerlines.catchment_area(gdir, reset=True) centerlines.catchment_intersections(gdir, reset=True) centerlines.catchment_width_geom(gdir, reset=True) centerlines.catchment_width_correction(gdir, reset=True) local_mustar(gdir, tstar=tstar, bias=bias, prcp_fac=prcp_fac, reset=True) # Ok, re-call ourselves return apparent_mb(gdir, reset=True) # Check and write aflux = fls[-1].flux[-1] * 1e-9 / cfg.RHO * gdir.grid.dx**2 # If not marine and a bit far from zero, warning if cmb == 0 and not np.allclose(fls[-1].flux[-1], 0., atol=0.01): log.warning('(%s) flux should be zero, but is: ' '%.4f km3 ice yr-1', gdir.rgi_id, aflux) # If not marine and quite far from zero, error if cmb == 0 and not np.allclose(fls[-1].flux[-1], 0., atol=1): msg = ('({}) flux should be zero, but is: {:.4f} km3 ice yr-1' .format(gdir.rgi_id, aflux)) raise RuntimeError(msg) gdir.write_pickle(fls, 'inversion_flowlines')
[docs]@entity_task(log, writes=['inversion_flowlines', 'linear_mb_params']) def apparent_mb_from_linear_mb(gdir, mb_gradient=3.): """Compute apparent mb from a linear mass-balance assumption (for testing). This is for testing currently, but could be used as alternative method for the inversion quite easily. Parameters ---------- gdir : oggm.GlacierDirectory """ # Do we have a calving glacier? cmb = calving_mb(gdir) # Get the height and widths along the fls h, w = gdir.get_inversion_flowline_hw() # Now find the ELA till the integrated mb is zero from oggm.core.massbalance import LinearMassBalance def to_minimize(ela_h): mbmod = LinearMassBalance(ela_h[0], grad=mb_gradient) smb = mbmod.get_specific_mb(h, w) return (smb - cmb)**2 ela_h = optimization.minimize(to_minimize, [0.], bounds=((0, 10000), )) ela_h = ela_h['x'][0] mbmod = LinearMassBalance(ela_h, grad=mb_gradient) # For each flowline compute the apparent MB fls = gdir.read_pickle('inversion_flowlines') # Reset flux for fl in fls: fl.flux = np.zeros(len(fl.surface_h)) # Flowlines in order to be sure for fl in fls: mbz = mbmod.get_annual_mb(fl.surface_h) * cfg.SEC_IN_YEAR * cfg.RHO fl.set_apparent_mb(mbz) # Check and write aflux = fls[-1].flux[-1] * 1e-9 / cfg.RHO * gdir.grid.dx**2 # If not marine and a bit far from zero, warning if cmb == 0 and not np.allclose(fls[-1].flux[-1], 0., atol=0.01): log.warning('(%s) flux should be zero, but is: ' '%.4f km3 ice yr-1', gdir.rgi_id, aflux) # If not marine and quite far from zero, error if cmb == 0 and not np.allclose(fls[-1].flux[-1], 0., atol=1): msg = ('({}) flux should be zero, but is: {:.4f} km3 ice yr-1' .format(gdir.rgi_id, aflux)) raise RuntimeError(msg) gdir.write_pickle(fls, 'inversion_flowlines') gdir.write_pickle({'ela_h': ela_h, 'grad': mb_gradient}, 'linear_mb_params')
def _get_optimal_scaling_factor(ref_gdirs): """Get the precipitation scaling factor that minimizes the std dev error. """ from scipy import optimize as optimization def to_optimize(sf): abs_std = [] for gdir in ref_gdirs: # all possible mus mu_candidates(gdir, prcp_sf=sf, reset=True) # list of mus compatibles with refmb mbdf = gdir.get_ref_mb_data()['ANNUAL_BALANCE'] res = t_star_from_refmb(gdir, mbdf) abs_std.append(np.mean(res['std_bias'])) return np.mean(abs_std)**2 with utils.DisableLogger(): opti = optimization.minimize(to_optimize, [1.], bounds=((0.01, 10),), tol=1) fac = opti['x'][0]'Optimal prcp factor: {:.2f}'.format(fac)) return fac
[docs]@global_task def compute_ref_t_stars(gdirs): """ Detects the best t* for the reference glaciers. Parameters ---------- gdirs: list of oggm.GlacierDirectory objects """ if not cfg.PARAMS['run_mb_calibration']: raise RuntimeError('Are you sure you want to calibrate the reference ' 't*? There is a pre-calibrated version available. ' 'If you know what you are doing and still want to ' 'calibrate, set the `run_mb_calibration` parameter ' 'to `True`.')'Compute the reference t* and mu* for WGMS glaciers') # Reference glaciers only if in the list and period is good ref_gdirs = utils.get_ref_mb_glaciers(gdirs) prcp_sf = None if cfg.PARAMS['prcp_scaling_factor'] == 'stddev': prcp_sf = _get_optimal_scaling_factor(ref_gdirs) # Loop only_one = [] # start to store the glaciers with just one t* per_glacier = dict() for gdir in ref_gdirs: # all possible mus mu_candidates(gdir, prcp_sf=prcp_sf, reset=True) # list of mus compatibles with refmb mbdf = gdir.get_ref_mb_data()['ANNUAL_BALANCE'] res = t_star_from_refmb(gdir, mbdf) # if we have just one candidate this is good if len(res['t_star']) == 1: only_one.append(gdir.rgi_id) # this might be more than one, we'll have to select them later per_glacier[gdir.rgi_id] = (gdir, res['t_star'], res['bias'], res['prcp_fac']) # At least one of the glaciers should have a single t*, otherwise we don't # know how to start if len(only_one) == 0: # TODO: hardcoded stuff here, for the test workflow for v in ['4', '5', '6']: rid = 'RGI{}0-11.00897'.format(v) if rid in per_glacier: only_one.append(rid) gdir, t_star, res_bias, prcp_fac = per_glacier[rid] per_glacier[rid] = (gdir, [t_star[-1]], [res_bias[-1]], prcp_fac) if len(only_one) == 0: raise RuntimeError('We need at least one glacier with one ' 'tstar only.')'%d out of %d have only one possible t*. Start from here', len(only_one), len(ref_gdirs)) # Ok. now loop over the nearest glaciers until all have a unique t* while True: ids_left = [id for id in per_glacier.keys() if id not in only_one] if len(ids_left) == 0: break # Compute the summed distance to all glaciers with one t* distances = [] for id in ids_left: gdir = per_glacier[id][0] lon, lat = gdir.cenlon, gdir.cenlat ldis = 0. for id_o in only_one: ogdir = per_glacier[id_o][0] ldis += utils.haversine(lon, lat, ogdir.cenlon, ogdir.cenlat) distances.append(ldis) # Take the shortest and choose the best t* pg = per_glacier[ids_left[np.argmin(distances)]] gdir, t_star, res_bias, prcp_fac = pg distances = [] for tt in t_star: ldis = 0. for id_o in only_one: _, ot_star, _, _ = per_glacier[id_o] ldis += np.abs(tt - ot_star) distances.append(ldis) amin = np.argmin(distances) per_glacier[gdir.rgi_id] = (gdir, [t_star[amin]], [res_bias[amin]], prcp_fac) only_one.append(gdir.rgi_id) # Write out the data rgis_ids, t_stars, prcp_facs, biases, lons, lats, n_mb = ([], [], [], [], [], [], []) for id, (gdir, t_star, res_bias, prcp_fac) in per_glacier.items(): rgis_ids.append(id) t_stars.append(t_star[0]) prcp_facs.append(prcp_fac) biases.append(res_bias[0]) lats.append(gdir.cenlat) lons.append(gdir.cenlon) n_mb.append(len(gdir.get_ref_mb_data())) df = pd.DataFrame(index=rgis_ids) df['lon'] = lons df['lat'] = lats df['n_mb_years'] = n_mb df['tstar'] = t_stars df['prcp_fac'] = prcp_facs df['bias'] = biases file = os.path.join(cfg.PATHS['working_dir'], 'ref_tstars.csv') df.sort_index().to_csv(file)
[docs]@global_task def distribute_t_stars(gdirs, ref_df=None, minimum_mustar=0.): """After the computation of the reference tstars, apply the interpolation to each individual glacier. Parameters ---------- gdirs : [] list of oggm.GlacierDirectory objects ref_df : pd.Dataframe replace the default calibration list minimum_mustar: float if mustar goes below this threshold, clip it to that value. If you want this to happen with `minimum_mustar=0.` you will have to set `cfg.PARAMS['allow_negative_mustar']=True` first. """'Distribute t* and mu*') if ref_df is None: fp = os.path.join(cfg.PATHS['working_dir'], 'ref_tstars.csv') if not cfg.PARAMS['run_mb_calibration']: # Make some checks and use the default one if (('climate_file' in cfg.PATHS) and os.path.exists(cfg.PATHS['climate_file'])): raise RuntimeError('If you are using a custom climate file ' 'you should run your own MB calibration.') fn = 'oggm_ref_tstars_rgi{}_cru4.csv'.format(gdirs[0].rgi_version) fp = utils.get_demo_file(fn) ref_df = pd.read_csv(fp) for gdir in gdirs: # Compute the distance to each glacier distances = utils.haversine(gdir.cenlon, gdir.cenlat, ref_df.lon, # Take the 10 closests aso = np.argsort(distances)[0:9] amin = ref_df.iloc[aso] distances = distances[aso]**2 # If really close no need to divide, else weighted average if distances.iloc[0] <= 0.1: tstar = amin.tstar.iloc[0] prcp_fac = amin.prcp_fac.iloc[0] bias = amin.bias.iloc[0] else: tstar = int(np.average(amin.tstar, weights=1./distances)) prcp_fac = np.average(amin.prcp_fac, weights=1./distances) bias = np.average(amin.bias, weights=1./distances) # Go local_mustar(gdir, tstar=tstar, bias=bias, prcp_fac=prcp_fac, reset=True, minimum_mustar=minimum_mustar)
[docs]@global_task def crossval_t_stars(gdirs): """Cross-validate the interpolation of tstar to each individual glacier. This is a thorough check (redoes many calculations) because it recomputes the chosen tstars at each time. You should use quick_crossval_t_stars instead. Parameters ---------- gdirs: list of oggm.GlacierDirectory objects """'Cross-validate the t* and mu* determination') full_ref_df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(cfg.PATHS['working_dir'], 'ref_tstars.csv'), index_col=0) rgdirs = utils.get_ref_mb_glaciers(gdirs) n = len(full_ref_df) for i, rid in enumerate(full_ref_df.index):'Cross-validation iteration {} of {}'.format(i+1, n)) # the glacier to look at gdir = [g for g in rgdirs if g.rgi_id == rid][0] # the reference glaciers ref_gdirs = [g for g in rgdirs if g.rgi_id != rid] # redo the computations with utils.DisableLogger(): compute_ref_t_stars(ref_gdirs) distribute_t_stars([gdir]) # store rdf = pd.read_csv(gdir.get_filepath('local_mustar')) full_ref_df.loc[rid, 'cv_tstar'] = int(rdf['t_star'].values[0]) full_ref_df.loc[rid, 'cv_mustar'] = rdf['mu_star'].values[0] full_ref_df.loc[rid, 'cv_prcp_fac'] = rdf['prcp_fac'].values[0] full_ref_df.loc[rid, 'cv_bias'] = rdf['bias'].values[0] # write file = os.path.join(cfg.PATHS['working_dir'], 'crossval_tstars.csv') full_ref_df.to_csv(file)
@global_task def quick_crossval_t_stars(gdirs): """Cross-validate the interpolation of tstar to each individual glacier. This version does NOT recompute the precipitation scaling factor at each round (this quite OK to do so) Parameters ---------- gdirs: list of oggm.GlacierDirectory objects """'Cross-validate the t* and mu* determination') rgdirs = utils.get_ref_mb_glaciers(gdirs) # This might be redundant but we redo the calc here with utils.DisableLogger(): compute_ref_t_stars(rgdirs) full_ref_df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(cfg.PATHS['working_dir'], 'ref_tstars.csv'), index_col=0) with utils.DisableLogger(): distribute_t_stars(rgdirs) n = len(full_ref_df) for i, rid in enumerate(full_ref_df.index): #'Cross-validation iteration {} of {}'.format(i+1, n)) # the glacier to look at gdir = [g for g in rgdirs if g.rgi_id == rid][0] # the reference glaciers tmp_ref_df = full_ref_df.loc[full_ref_df.index != rid] # before the cross-val we can get the info about "real" mustar rdf = pd.read_csv(gdir.get_filepath('local_mustar')) full_ref_df.loc[rid, 'mustar'] = rdf['mu_star'].values[0] # redo the computations with utils.DisableLogger(): distribute_t_stars([gdir], ref_df=tmp_ref_df) # store rdf = pd.read_csv(gdir.get_filepath('local_mustar')) full_ref_df.loc[rid, 'cv_tstar'] = int(rdf['t_star'].values[0]) full_ref_df.loc[rid, 'cv_mustar'] = rdf['mu_star'].values[0] full_ref_df.loc[rid, 'cv_prcp_fac'] = rdf['prcp_fac'].values[0] full_ref_df.loc[rid, 'cv_bias'] = rdf['bias'].values[0] # Reproduce Ben's figure for i, rid in enumerate(full_ref_df.index): # the glacier to look at gdir = full_ref_df.loc[full_ref_df.index == rid] # the reference glaciers tmp_ref_df = full_ref_df.loc[full_ref_df.index != rid] # Compute the distance distances = utils.haversine(gdir.lon.values[0],[0], tmp_ref_df.lon, # Take the 10 closests aso = np.argsort(distances)[0:9] amin = tmp_ref_df.iloc[aso] distances = distances[aso] ** 2 interp = np.average(amin.mustar, weights=1. / distances) full_ref_df.loc[rid, 'interp_mustar'] = interp # write file = os.path.join(cfg.PATHS['working_dir'], 'crossval_tstars.csv') full_ref_df.to_csv(file)