
oggm.tasks.find_inversion_calving_from_any_mb(gdir, mb_model=None, mb_years=None, water_level=None, glen_a=None, fs=None)[source]

Optimized search for a calving flux compatible with the bed inversion.

See Recinos et al 2019 for details. This task is an update to find_inversion_calving but acting upon a MB residual (i.e. a shift) instead of the model temperature sensitivity.

mb_model : oggm.core.massbalance.MassBalanceModel

the mass-balance model to use

mb_years : array

the array of years from which you want to average the MB for (for mb_model only).

water_level : float

the water level. It should be zero m a.s.l, but: - sometimes the frontal elevation is unrealistically high (or low). - lake terminating glaciers - other uncertainties With this parameter, you can produce more realistic values. The default is to infer the water level from PARAMS[‘free_board_lake_terminating’] and PARAMS[‘free_board_marine_terminating’]

glen_a : float, optional
fs : float, optional


Files writen to the glacier directory:
A dictionary containing runtime diagnostics useful for debugging.