
oggm.global_tasks.compile_fixed_geometry_mass_balance(gdirs, filesuffix='', path=True, csv=False, use_inversion_flowlines=True, ys=None, ye=None, years=None)[source]

Compiles a table of specific mass-balance timeseries for all glaciers.

The file is stored in a hdf file (not csv) per default. Use pd.read_hdf to open it.

gdirs : list of oggm.GlacierDirectory objects

the glacier directories to process

filesuffix : str

add suffix to output file

path : str, bool

Set to “True” in order to store the info in the working directory Set to a path to store the file to your chosen location (file extension matters)

csv: bool

Set to store the data in csv instead of hdf.

use_inversion_flowlines : bool

whether to use the inversion flowlines or the model flowlines

ys : int

start year of the model run (default: from the climate file) date)

ye : int

end year of the model run (default: from the climate file)

years : array of ints

override ys and ye with the years of your choice