
oggm.cli.prepro_levels.run_prepro_levels(rgi_version=None, rgi_reg=None, border=None, output_folder='', working_dir='', dem_source='', is_test=False, test_ids=None, demo=False, test_rgidf=None, test_intersects_file=None, test_topofile=None, disable_mp=False, params_file=None, elev_bands=False, match_geodetic_mb=False, centerlines_only=False, add_consensus=False, start_level=None, start_base_url=None, max_level=5, ref_tstars_base_url='', logging_level='WORKFLOW', disable_dl_verify=False)[source]

Generate the preprocessed OGGM glacier directories for this OGGM version

rgi_version : str

the RGI version to use (defaults to cfg.PARAMS)

rgi_reg : str

the RGI region to process

border : int

the number of pixels at the maps border

output_folder : str

path to the output folder (where to put the preprocessed tar files)

dem_source : str

which DEM source to use: default, SOURCE_NAME or ALL

working_dir : str

path to the OGGM working directory

ref_tstars_base_url : str

url where to find the pre-calibrated reference tstar list. Required as of v1.4.

params_file : str

path to the OGGM parameter file (to override defaults)

is_test : bool

to test on a couple of glaciers only!

test_ids : list

if is_test: list of ids to process

demo : bool

to run the prepro for the list of demo glaciers

test_rgidf : shapefile

for testing purposes only

test_intersects_file : shapefile

for testing purposes only

test_topofile : str

for testing purposes only

test_crudir : str

for testing purposes only

disable_mp : bool

disable multiprocessing

elev_bands : bool

compute all flowlines based on the Huss&Hock 2015 method instead of the OGGM default, which is a mix of elev_bands and centerlines.

centerlines_only : bool

compute all flowlines based on the OGGM centerline(s) method instead of the OGGM default, which is a mix of elev_bands and centerlines.

match_geodetic_mb : str

match the regional mass-balance estimates at the regional level (‘hugonnet’: Hugonnet et al., 2020 or ‘zemp’: Zemp et al., 2019).

add_consensus : bool

adds (reprojects) the consensus estimates thickness to the glacier directories. With elev_bands=True, the data will also be binned.

start_level : int

the pre-processed level to start from (default is to start from scratch). If set, you’ll need to indicate start_base_url as well.

start_base_url : str

the pre-processed base-url to fetch the data from.

max_level : int

the maximum pre-processing level before stopping

logging_level : str

the logging level to use (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, WORKFLOW)

disable_dl_verify : bool

disable the hash verification of OGGM downloads