
class oggm.FlowlineModel(flowlines, mb_model=None, y0=0.0, glen_a=None, fs=None, inplace=False, smooth_trib_influx=True, is_tidewater=False, is_lake_terminating=False, mb_elev_feedback='annual', check_for_boundaries=None, water_level=None)[source]

Interface to OGGM’s flowline models

__init__(flowlines, mb_model=None, y0=0.0, glen_a=None, fs=None, inplace=False, smooth_trib_influx=True, is_tidewater=False, is_lake_terminating=False, mb_elev_feedback='annual', check_for_boundaries=None, water_level=None)[source]

Create a new flowline model from the flowlines and a MB model.

flowlines : list

a list of oggm.Flowline instances, sorted by order

mb_model : oggm.core.massbalance.MassBalanceModel

the MB model to use

y0 : int

the starting year of the simulation

glen_a : float

glen’s parameter A

fs: float

sliding parameter

inplace : bool

whether or not to make a copy of the flowline objects for the run setting to True implies that your objects will be modified at run time by the model (can help to spare memory)

smooth_trib_influx : bool

whether to smooth the mass influx from the incoming tributary. The default is to use a gaussian kernel on a 9 grid points window.

is_tidewater: bool, default: False

is this a tidewater glacier?

is_lake_terminating: bool, default: False

is this a lake terminating glacier?

mb_elev_feedback : str, default: ‘annual’

‘never’, ‘always’, ‘annual’, or ‘monthly’: how often the mass-balance should be recomputed from the mass balance model. ‘Never’ is equivalent to ‘annual’ but without elevation feedback at all (the heights are taken from the first call).

check_for_boundaries : bool

whether the model should raise an error when the glacier exceeds the domain boundaries. The default is to follow PARAMS[‘error_when_glacier_reaches_boundaries’]


__init__(flowlines[, mb_model, y0, glen_a, …]) Create a new flowline model from the flowlines and a MB model.
check_domain_end() Returns False if the glacier reaches the domains bound.
get_mb(heights[, year, fl_id, fls]) Get the mass balance at the requested height and time.
reset_flowlines(flowlines[, inplace, …]) Reset the initial model flowlines
reset_y0(y0) Reset the initial model time
run_until(y1) Runs the model from the current year up to a given year date y1.
run_until_and_store(y1[, run_path, …]) Runs the model and returns intermediate steps in xarray datasets.
run_until_equilibrium([rate, ystep, max_ite]) Runs the model until an equilibrium state is reached.
step(dt) Advance the numerical simulation of one single step.
to_netcdf(path) Creates a netcdf group file storing the state of the model.

