Source code for

"""Climate data pre-processing"""
# Built ins
import logging
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
import warnings

# External libs
import numpy as np
import netCDF4
import xarray as xr

# Locals
from oggm import cfg
from oggm import utils
from oggm import entity_task
from oggm.exceptions import InvalidParamsError

# Module logger
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@entity_task(log, writes=['gcm_data']) def process_gcm_data(gdir, filesuffix='', prcp=None, temp=None, year_range=('1961', '1990'), scale_stddev=True, time_unit=None, calendar=None, source=''): """ Applies the anomaly method to GCM climate data This function can be applied to any GCM data, if it is provided in a suitable :py:class:`xarray.DataArray`. See Parameter description for format details. For CESM-LME a specific function :py:func:`tasks.process_cesm_data` is available which does the preprocessing of the data and subsequently calls this function. Parameters ---------- gdir : :py:class:`oggm.GlacierDirectory` where to write the data filesuffix : str append a suffix to the filename (useful for ensemble experiments). prcp : :py:class:`xarray.DataArray` | monthly total precipitation [mm month-1] | Coordinates: | lat float64 | lon float64 | time: cftime object temp : :py:class:`xarray.DataArray` | monthly temperature [K] | Coordinates: | lat float64 | lon float64 | time cftime object year_range : tuple of str the year range for which you want to compute the anomalies. Default is `('1961', '1990')` scale_stddev : bool whether or not to scale the temperature standard deviation as well time_unit : str The unit conversion for NetCDF files. It must be adapted to the length of the time series. The default is to choose it ourselves based on the starting year. For example: 'days since 0850-01-01 00:00:00' calendar : str If you use an exotic calendar (e.g. 'noleap') source : str For metadata: the source of the climate data """ # Standard sanity checks months = temp['time.month'] if months[0] != 1: raise ValueError('We expect the files to start in January!') if months[-1] < 10: raise ValueError('We expect the files to end in December!') if (np.abs(temp['lon']) > 180) or (np.abs(prcp['lon']) > 180): raise ValueError('We expect the longitude coordinates to be within ' '[-180, 180].') # from normal years to hydrological years sm = cfg.PARAMS['hydro_month_' + gdir.hemisphere] prcp = prcp[sm-1:sm-13].load() temp = temp[sm-1:sm-13].load() assert len(prcp) // 12 == len(prcp) / 12, 'Somehow we didn\'t get full years' assert len(temp) // 12 == len(temp) / 12, 'Somehow we didn\'t get full years' # Get CRU to apply the anomaly to fpath = gdir.get_filepath('climate_historical') ds_cru = xr.open_dataset(fpath) # Add CRU clim dscru = ds_cru.sel(time=slice(*year_range)) # compute monthly anomalies # of temp if scale_stddev: # This is a bit more arithmetic ts_tmp_sel = temp.sel(time=slice(*year_range)) ts_tmp_std = ts_tmp_sel.groupby('time.month').std(dim='time') std_fac = dscru.temp.groupby('time.month').std(dim='time') / ts_tmp_std std_fac = std_fac.roll(month=13-sm, roll_coords=True) std_fac = np.tile(, len(temp) // 12) # We need an even number of years for this to work if ((len(ts_tmp_sel) // 12) % 2) == 1: raise InvalidParamsError('We need an even number of years ' 'for this to work') win_size = len(ts_tmp_sel) + 1 def roll_func(x, axis=None): x = x[:, ::12] n = len(x[0, :]) // 2 xm = np.nanmean(x, axis=axis) return xm + (x[:, n] - xm) * std_fac temp = temp.rolling(time=win_size, center=True, min_periods=1).reduce(roll_func) ts_tmp_sel = temp.sel(time=slice(*year_range)) ts_tmp_avg = ts_tmp_sel.groupby('time.month').mean(dim='time') ts_tmp = temp.groupby('time.month') - ts_tmp_avg # of precip -- scaled anomalies ts_pre_avg = prcp.sel(time=slice(*year_range)) ts_pre_avg = ts_pre_avg.groupby('time.month').mean(dim='time') ts_pre_ano = prcp.groupby('time.month') - ts_pre_avg # scaled anomalies is the default. Standard anomalies above # are used later for where ts_pre_avg == 0 ts_pre = prcp.groupby('time.month') / ts_pre_avg # for temp loc_tmp = dscru.temp.groupby('time.month').mean() ts_tmp = ts_tmp.groupby('time.month') + loc_tmp # for prcp loc_pre = dscru.prcp.groupby('time.month').mean() # scaled anomalies ts_pre = ts_pre.groupby('time.month') * loc_pre # standard anomalies ts_pre_ano = ts_pre_ano.groupby('time.month') + loc_pre # Correct infinite values with standard anomalies ts_pre.values = np.where(np.isfinite(ts_pre.values), ts_pre.values, ts_pre_ano.values) # The previous step might create negative values (unlikely). Clip them ts_pre.values = utils.clip_min(ts_pre.values, 0) assert np.all(np.isfinite(ts_pre.values)) assert np.all(np.isfinite(ts_tmp.values)) gdir.write_monthly_climate_file(temp.time.values, ts_pre.values, ts_tmp.values, float(dscru.ref_hgt), prcp.lon.values,, time_unit=time_unit, calendar=calendar, file_name='gcm_data', source=source, filesuffix=filesuffix) ds_cru.close()
[docs]@entity_task(log, writes=['gcm_data']) def process_cesm_data(gdir, filesuffix='', fpath_temp=None, fpath_precc=None, fpath_precl=None, **kwargs): """Processes and writes CESM climate data for this glacier. This function is made for interpolating the Community Earth System Model Last Millennium Ensemble (CESM-LME) climate simulations, from Otto-Bliesner et al. (2016), to the high-resolution CL2 climatologies (provided with OGGM) and writes everything to a NetCDF file. Parameters ---------- gdir : :py:class:`oggm.GlacierDirectory` where to write the data filesuffix : str append a suffix to the filename (useful for ensemble experiments). fpath_temp : str path to the temp file (default: cfg.PATHS['cesm_temp_file']) fpath_precc : str path to the precc file (default: cfg.PATHS['cesm_precc_file']) fpath_precl : str path to the precl file (default: cfg.PATHS['cesm_precl_file']) **kwargs: any kwarg to be passed to ref:`process_gcm_data` """ # CESM temperature and precipitation data if fpath_temp is None: if not ('cesm_temp_file' in cfg.PATHS): raise ValueError("Need to set cfg.PATHS['cesm_temp_file']") fpath_temp = cfg.PATHS['cesm_temp_file'] if fpath_precc is None: if not ('cesm_precc_file' in cfg.PATHS): raise ValueError("Need to set cfg.PATHS['cesm_precc_file']") fpath_precc = cfg.PATHS['cesm_precc_file'] if fpath_precl is None: if not ('cesm_precl_file' in cfg.PATHS): raise ValueError("Need to set cfg.PATHS['cesm_precl_file']") fpath_precl = cfg.PATHS['cesm_precl_file'] # read the files if LooseVersion(xr.__version__) < LooseVersion('0.11'): raise ImportError('This task needs xarray v0.11 or newer to run.') tempds = xr.open_dataset(fpath_temp) precpcds = xr.open_dataset(fpath_precc) preclpds = xr.open_dataset(fpath_precl) # Get the time right - i.e. from time bounds # Fix for with utils.ncDataset(fpath_temp, mode='r') as nc: time_unit = nc.variables['time'].units calendar = nc.variables['time'].calendar try: # xarray v0.11 time = netCDF4.num2date(tempds.time_bnds[:, 0], time_unit, calendar=calendar) except TypeError: # xarray > v0.11 time = tempds.time_bnds[:, 0].values # select for location lon = gdir.cenlon lat = gdir.cenlat # CESM files are in 0-360 if lon <= 0: lon += 360 # take the closest # Should we consider GCM interpolation? temp = tempds.TREFHT.sel(lat=lat, lon=lon, method='nearest') prcp = (precpcds.PRECC.sel(lat=lat, lon=lon, method='nearest') + preclpds.PRECL.sel(lat=lat, lon=lon, method='nearest')) temp['time'] = time prcp['time'] = time temp.lon.values = temp.lon if temp.lon <= 180 else temp.lon - 360 prcp.lon.values = prcp.lon if prcp.lon <= 180 else prcp.lon - 360 # Convert m s-1 to mm mth-1 if time[0].month != 1: raise ValueError('We expect the files to start in January!') ny, r = divmod(len(time), 12) assert r == 0 ndays = np.tile(cfg.DAYS_IN_MONTH, ny) prcp = prcp * ndays * (60 * 60 * 24 * 1000) tempds.close() precpcds.close() preclpds.close() # Here: # - time_unit='days since 0850-01-01 00:00:00' # - calendar='noleap' process_gcm_data(gdir, filesuffix=filesuffix, prcp=prcp, temp=temp, time_unit=time_unit, calendar=calendar, **kwargs)
[docs]@entity_task(log, writes=['gcm_data']) def process_cmip5_data(*args, **kwargs): """Renamed to process_cmip_data. """ warnings.warn('The task `process_cmip5_data` is deprecated and renamed ' 'to `process_cmip_data`.', DeprecationWarning) process_cmip_data(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]@entity_task(log, writes=['gcm_data']) def process_cmip_data(gdir, filesuffix='', fpath_temp=None, fpath_precip=None, **kwargs): """Read, process and store the CMIP5 and CMIP6 climate data for this glacier. It stores the data in a format that can be used by the OGGM mass balance model and in the glacier directory. Currently, this function is built for the CMIP5 and CMIP6 projection simulations that are on the OGGM servers. Parameters ---------- filesuffix : str append a suffix to the filename (useful for ensemble experiments). fpath_temp : str path to the temp file (default: cfg.PATHS['cmip5_temp_file']) fpath_precip : str path to the precip file (default: cfg.PATHS['cmip5_precip_file']) **kwargs: any kwarg to be passed to ref:`process_gcm_data` """ # Get the path of GCM temperature & precipitation data if fpath_temp is None: if not ('cmip5_temp_file' in cfg.PATHS): raise ValueError("Need to set cfg.PATHS['cmip5_temp_file']") fpath_temp = cfg.PATHS['cmip5_temp_file'] if fpath_precip is None: if not ('cmip5_precip_file' in cfg.PATHS): raise ValueError("Need to set cfg.PATHS['cmip5_precip_file']") fpath_precip = cfg.PATHS['cmip5_precip_file'] # Glacier location glon = gdir.cenlon glat = gdir.cenlat # Read the GCM files with xr.open_dataset(fpath_temp, use_cftime=True) as tempds, \ xr.open_dataset(fpath_precip, use_cftime=True) as precipds: # Check longitude conventions if tempds.lon.min() >= 0 and glon <= 0: glon += 360 # Take the closest to the glacier # Should we consider GCM interpolation? temp = tempds.tas.sel(lat=glat, lon=glon, method='nearest') precip =, lon=glon, method='nearest') # Back to [-180, 180] for OGGM temp.lon.values = temp.lon if temp.lon <= 180 else temp.lon - 360 precip.lon.values = precip.lon if precip.lon <= 180 else precip.lon - 360 # Convert kg m-2 s-1 to mm mth-1 => 1 kg m-2 = 1 mm !!! assert 'kg m-2 s-1' in precip.units, 'Precip units not understood' ny, r = divmod(len(temp), 12) assert r == 0 dimo = [cfg.DAYS_IN_MONTH[m - 1] for m in temp['time.month']] precip = precip * dimo * (60 * 60 * 24) process_gcm_data(gdir, filesuffix=filesuffix, prcp=precip, temp=temp, source=filesuffix, **kwargs)