
class oggm.Centerline(line, dx=None, surface_h=None, orig_head=None, rgi_id=None)[source]

A Centerline has geometrical and flow rooting properties.

It is instanciated and updated by _join_lines() exclusively

__init__(self, line, dx=None, surface_h=None, orig_head=None, rgi_id=None)[source]



__init__(self, line[, dx, surface_h, …]) Instantiate.
set_apparent_mb(self, mb[, mu_star]) Set the apparent mb and flux for the flowline.
set_flows_to(self, other[, check_tail, …]) Find the closest point in “other” and sets all the corresponding attributes.
set_line(self, line) Update the Shapely LineString coordinate.


flows_to_indice Indices instead of geometry
inflow_indices Indices instead of geometries
normals List of (n1, n2) normal vectors at each point.
surface_h Needed for overriding later
widths Needed for overriding later