Source code for oggm.utils._funcs

"""Some useful functions that did not fit into the other modules.

# Builtins
import os
import sys
import math
import logging
import warnings
import shutil
from packaging.version import Version

# External libs
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import convolve1d
    from import gaussian
except AttributeError:
    # Old scipy
    from scipy.signal import gaussian
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import shapely.geometry as shpg
from shapely.ops import linemerge

# Optional libs
    import geopandas as gpd
except ImportError:

# Locals
import oggm.cfg as cfg
from oggm.cfg import SEC_IN_YEAR, SEC_IN_MONTH
from oggm.utils._downloads import get_demo_file, file_downloader
from oggm.exceptions import InvalidParamsError, InvalidGeometryError

# Module logger
log = logging.getLogger('.'.join(__name__.split('.')[:-1]))

_RGI_METADATA = dict()

# Shape factors
# TODO: how to handle zeta > 10? at the moment extrapolation
# Table 1 from Adhikari (2012) and corresponding interpolation functions
_ADHIKARI_TABLE_ZETAS = np.array([0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10])
_ADHIKARI_TABLE_RECTANGULAR = np.array([0.313, 0.558, 0.790, 0.884,
                                        0.929, 0.954, 0.990])
_ADHIKARI_TABLE_PARABOLIC = np.array([0.251, 0.448, 0.653, 0.748,
                                      0.803, 0.839, 0.917])

def parse_rgi_meta(version=None):
    """Read the meta information (region and sub-region names)"""

    global _RGI_METADATA

    if version is None:
        version = cfg.PARAMS['rgi_version']

    if version in _RGI_METADATA:
        return _RGI_METADATA[version]

    # Parse RGI metadata
    if version == '7':
        rgi7url = ''
        reg_names = gpd.read_file(file_downloader(rgi7url + '00_rgi70_O1Regions/00_rgi70_O1Regions.dbf'))
        reg_names.index = reg_names['o1region'].astype(int)
        reg_names = reg_names['full_name']
        subreg_names = gpd.read_file(file_downloader(rgi7url + '00_rgi70_O2Regions/00_rgi70_O2Regions.dbf'))
        subreg_names.index = subreg_names['o2region']
        subreg_names = subreg_names['full_name']

    elif version in ['4', '5']:
        reg_names = pd.read_csv(get_demo_file('rgi_regions.csv'), index_col=0)
        # The files where different back then
        subreg_names = pd.read_csv(get_demo_file('rgi_subregions_V5.csv'),
        reg_names = pd.read_csv(get_demo_file('rgi_regions.csv'), index_col=0)
        f = os.path.join(get_demo_file('rgi_subregions_'
        subreg_names = pd.read_csv(f)
        subreg_names.index = ['{:02d}-{:02d}'.format(s1, s2) for s1, s2 in
                              zip(subreg_names['O1'], subreg_names['O2'])]
        subreg_names = subreg_names[['Full_name']]

    # For idealized
    reg_names.loc[0] = ['None']
    subreg_names.loc['00-00'] = ['None']
    _RGI_METADATA[version] = (reg_names, subreg_names)
    return _RGI_METADATA[version]

def query_yes_no(question, default="yes"):  # pragma: no cover
    """Ask a yes/no question via raw_input() and return their answer.

    "question" is a string that is presented to the user.
    "default" is the presumed answer if the user just hits <Enter>.
        It must be "yes" (the default), "no" or None (meaning
        an answer is required of the user).

    The "answer" return value is True for "yes" or False for "no".

    valid = {"yes": True, "y": True, "ye": True,
             "no": False, "n": False}
    if default is None:
        prompt = " [y/n] "
    elif default == "yes":
        prompt = " [Y/n] "
    elif default == "no":
        prompt = " [y/N] "
        raise ValueError("invalid default answer: '%s'" % default)

    while True:
        sys.stdout.write(question + prompt)
        choice = input().lower()
        if default is not None and choice == '':
            return valid[default]
        elif choice in valid:
            return valid[choice]
            sys.stdout.write("Please respond with 'yes' or 'no' "
                             "(or 'y' or 'n').\n")

def tolist(arg, length=None):
    """Makes sure that arg is a list."""

    if isinstance(arg, str):
        arg = [arg]

        # Shapely stuff
        arg = arg.geoms
    except AttributeError:

        (e for e in arg)
    except TypeError:
        arg = [arg]

    arg = list(arg)

    if length is not None:

        if len(arg) == 1:
            arg *= length
        elif len(arg) == length:
            raise ValueError('Cannot broadcast len {} '.format(len(arg)) +
                             'to desired length: {}.'.format(length))

    return arg

def haversine(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2):
    """Great circle distance between two (or more) points on Earth

    lon1 : float
       scalar or array of point(s) longitude
    lat1 : float
       scalar or array of point(s) longitude
    lon2 : float
       scalar or array of point(s) longitude
    lat2 : float
       scalar or array of point(s) longitude

    the distances

    >>> haversine(34, 42, 35, 42)
    >>> haversine(34, 42, [35, 36], [42, 42])
    array([ 82633.46475287, 165264.11172113])

    # convert decimal degrees to radians
    lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2 = map(np.radians, [lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2])

    # haversine formula
    dlon = lon2 - lon1
    dlat = lat2 - lat1
    a = np.sin(dlat / 2)**2 + np.cos(lat1) * np.cos(lat2) * np.sin(dlon / 2)**2
    c = 2 * np.arcsin(np.sqrt(a))
    return c * 6371000  # Radius of earth in meters

def interp_nans(array, default=None):
    """Interpolate NaNs using np.interp.

    np.interp is reasonable in that it does not extrapolate, it replaces
    NaNs at the bounds with the closest valid value.

    _tmp = array.copy()
    nans, x = np.isnan(array), lambda z: z.nonzero()[0]
    if np.all(nans):
        # No valid values
        if default is None:
            raise ValueError('No points available to interpolate: '
                             'please set default.')
        _tmp[:] = default
        _tmp[nans] = np.interp(x(nans), x(~nans), array[~nans])

    return _tmp

def smooth1d(array, window_size=None, kernel='gaussian'):
    """Apply a centered window smoothing to a 1D array.

    array : ndarray
        the array to apply the smoothing to
    window_size : int
        the size of the smoothing window
    kernel : str
        the type of smoothing (`gaussian`, `mean`)

    the smoothed array (same dim as input)

    # some defaults
    if window_size is None:
        if len(array) >= 9:
            window_size = 9
        elif len(array) >= 7:
            window_size = 7
        elif len(array) >= 5:
            window_size = 5
        elif len(array) >= 3:
            window_size = 3

    if window_size % 2 == 0:
        raise ValueError('Window should be an odd number.')

    if isinstance(kernel, str):
        if kernel == 'gaussian':
            kernel = gaussian(window_size, 1)
        elif kernel == 'mean':
            kernel = np.ones(window_size)
            raise NotImplementedError('Kernel: ' + kernel)
    kernel = kernel / np.asarray(kernel).sum()
    return convolve1d(array, kernel, mode='mirror')

def line_interpol(line, dx):
    """Interpolates a shapely LineString to a regularly spaced one.

    Shapely's interpolate function does not guaranty equally
    spaced points in space. This is what this function is for.

    We construct new points on the line but at constant distance from the
    preceding one.

    line: a shapely.geometry.LineString instance
    dx: the spacing

    a list of equally distanced points

    # First point is easy
    points = [line.interpolate(dx / 2.)]

    # Continue as long as line is not finished
    while True:
        pref = points[-1]
        pbs = pref.buffer(dx).boundary.intersection(line)
        if pbs.geom_type == 'Point':
            pbs = [pbs]
        elif pbs.geom_type == 'LineString':
            # This is rare
            pbs = [shpg.Point(c) for c in pbs.coords]
            assert len(pbs) == 2
        elif pbs.geom_type == 'GeometryCollection':
            # This is rare
            opbs = []
            for p in pbs.geoms:
                if p.geom_type == 'Point':
                elif p.geom_type == 'LineString':
                    opbs.extend([shpg.Point(c) for c in p.coords])
            pbs = opbs
            if pbs.geom_type != 'MultiPoint':
                raise RuntimeError('line_interpol: we expect a MultiPoint '
                                   'but got a {}.'.format(pbs.geom_type))

            # Shapely v2 compat
            pbs = pbs.geoms
        except AttributeError:

        # Out of the point(s) that we get, take the one farthest from the top
        refdis = line.project(pref)
        tdis = np.array([line.project(pb) for pb in pbs])
        p = np.where(tdis > refdis)[0]
        if len(p) == 0:

    return points

def md(ref, data, axis=None):
    """Mean Deviation."""
    return np.mean(np.asarray(data) - ref, axis=axis)

def mad(ref, data, axis=None):
    """Mean Absolute Deviation."""
    return np.mean(np.abs(np.asarray(data) - ref), axis=axis)

def rmsd(ref, data, axis=None):
    """Root Mean Square Deviation."""
    return np.sqrt(np.mean((np.asarray(ref) - data)**2, axis=axis))

def rmsd_bc(ref, data):
    """Root Mean Squared Deviation of bias-corrected time series.

    I.e: rmsd(ref - mean(ref), data - mean(data)).
    return rmsd(ref - np.mean(ref), data - np.mean(data))

def rel_err(ref, data):
    """Relative error. Ref should be non-zero"""
    return (np.asarray(data) - ref) / ref

def corrcoef(ref, data):
    """Peason correlation coefficient."""
    return np.corrcoef(ref, data)[0, 1]

def clip_scalar(value, vmin, vmax):
    """A faster numpy.clip ON SCALARS ONLY.

    return vmin if value < vmin else vmax if value > vmax else value

def weighted_average_1d(data, weights):
    """A faster weighted average without dimension checks.

    We use it because it turned out to be quite a bottleneck in calibration
    scl = np.sum(weights)
    if scl == 0:
        raise ZeroDivisionError("Weights sum to zero, can't be normalized")
    return np.multiply(data, weights).sum() / scl

if Version(np.__version__) < Version('1.17'):
    clip_array = np.clip
    # TODO: reassess this when
    # is solved
    clip_array = np.core.umath.clip

# A faster numpy.clip when only one value is clipped (here: min).
clip_min = np.core.umath.maximum

# A faster numpy.clip when only one value is clipped (here: max).
clip_max = np.core.umath.minimum

def nicenumber(number, binsize, lower=False):
    """Returns the next higher or lower "nice number", given by binsize.

    >>> nicenumber(12, 10)
    >>> nicenumber(19, 50)
    >>> nicenumber(51, 50)
    >>> nicenumber(51, 50, lower=True)

    e, _ = divmod(number, binsize)
    if lower:
        return e * binsize
        return (e + 1) * binsize

def signchange(ts):
    """Detect sign changes in a time series.

    An array with 0s everywhere and 1's when the sign changes
    asign = np.sign(ts)
    sz = asign == 0
    while sz.any():
        asign[sz] = np.roll(asign, 1)[sz]
        sz = asign == 0
    out = ((np.roll(asign, 1) - asign) != 0).astype(int)
    if asign.iloc[0] == asign.iloc[1]:
        out.iloc[0] = 0
    return out

def polygon_intersections(gdf):
    """Computes the intersections between all polygons in a GeoDataFrame.

    gdf : Geopandas.GeoDataFrame

    a Geodataframe containing the intersections

    out_cols = ['id_1', 'id_2', 'geometry']
    out = gpd.GeoDataFrame(columns=out_cols)

    gdf = gdf.reset_index()

    for i, major in gdf.iterrows():

        # Exterior only
        major_poly = major.geometry.exterior

        # Remove the major from the list
        agdf = gdf.loc[gdf.index != i]

        # Keep catchments which intersect
        gdfs = agdf.loc[agdf.intersects(major_poly)]

        for j, neighbor in gdfs.iterrows():

            # No need to check if we already found the intersect
            if j in out.id_1 or j in out.id_2:

            # Exterior only
            neighbor_poly = neighbor.geometry.exterior

            # Ok, the actual intersection
            mult_intersect = major_poly.intersection(neighbor_poly)

            # All what follows is to catch all possibilities
            # Should not happen in our simple geometries but ya never know
            if isinstance(mult_intersect, shpg.Point):
            if isinstance(mult_intersect, shpg.linestring.LineString):
                mult_intersect = [mult_intersect]

                # Shapely v2 compat
                mult_intersect = mult_intersect.geoms
            except AttributeError:

            if len(mult_intersect) == 0:
            mult_intersect = [m for m in mult_intersect if
                              not isinstance(m, shpg.Point)]
            if len(mult_intersect) == 0:
            mult_intersect = linemerge(mult_intersect)
            if isinstance(mult_intersect, shpg.linestring.LineString):
                mult_intersect = [mult_intersect]

                # Compat with shapely > 2.0
                mult_intersect = mult_intersect.geoms
            except AttributeError:

            for line in mult_intersect:
                if not isinstance(line, shpg.linestring.LineString):
                    raise RuntimeError('polygon_intersections: we expect'
                                       'a LineString but got a '
                line = gpd.GeoDataFrame([[i, j, line]],
                out = pd.concat([out, line])

    return out

def multipolygon_to_polygon(geometry, gdir=None):
    """Sometimes an RGI geometry is a multipolygon: this should not happen.

    geometry : shpg.Polygon or shpg.MultiPolygon
        the geometry to check
    gdir : GlacierDirectory, optional
        for logging

    the corrected geometry

    # Log
    rid = gdir.rgi_id + ': ' if gdir is not None else ''

    if 'Multi' in geometry.geom_type:
        parts = np.array(geometry)
        for p in parts:
            assert p.geom_type == 'Polygon'
        areas = np.array([p.area for p in parts])
        parts = parts[np.argsort(areas)][::-1]
        areas = areas[np.argsort(areas)][::-1]

        # First case (was RGIV4):
        # let's assume that one poly is exterior and that
        # the other polygons are in fact interiors
        exterior = parts[0].exterior
        interiors = []
        was_interior = 0
        for p in parts[1:]:
            if parts[0].contains(p):
                was_interior += 1
        if was_interior > 0:
            # We are done here, good
            geometry = shpg.Polygon(exterior, interiors)
            # This happens for bad geometries. We keep the largest
            geometry = parts[0]
            if np.any(areas[1:] > (areas[0] / 4)):
      'Geometry {} lost quite a chunk.'.format(rid))

    if geometry.geom_type != 'Polygon':
        raise InvalidGeometryError('Geometry {} is not a Polygon.'.format(rid))
    return geometry

def floatyear_to_date(yr):
    """Converts a float year to an actual (year, month) pair.

    Note that this doesn't account for leap years (365-day no leap calendar),
    and that the months all have the same length.

    yr : float
        The floating year

        sec, out_y = math.modf(yr)
        out_y = int(out_y)
        sec = round(sec * SEC_IN_YEAR)
        if sec == SEC_IN_YEAR:
            # Floating errors
            out_y += 1
            sec = 0
        out_m = int(sec / SEC_IN_MONTH) + 1
    except TypeError:
        # TODO: inefficient but no time right now
        out_y = np.zeros(len(yr), np.int64)
        out_m = np.zeros(len(yr), np.int64)
        for i, y in enumerate(yr):
            y, m = floatyear_to_date(y)
            out_y[i] = y
            out_m[i] = m
    return out_y, out_m

def date_to_floatyear(y, m):
    """Converts an integer (year, month) pair to a float year.

    Note that this doesn't account for leap years (365-day no leap calendar),
    and that the months all have the same length.

    y : int
        the year
    m : int
        the month

    return (np.asanyarray(y) + (np.asanyarray(m) - 1) *
            SEC_IN_MONTH / SEC_IN_YEAR)

def hydrodate_to_calendardate(y, m, start_month=None):
    """Converts a hydrological (year, month) pair to a calendar date.

    y : int
        the year
    m : int
        the month
    start_month : int
        the first month of the hydrological year

    if start_month is None:
        raise InvalidParamsError('In order to avoid confusion, we now force '
                                 'callers of this function to specify the '
                                 'hydrological convention they are using.')

    e = 13 - start_month
        if m <= e:
            if start_month == 1:
                out_y = y
                out_y = y - 1
            out_m = m + start_month - 1
            out_y = y
            out_m = m - e
    except (TypeError, ValueError):
        # TODO: inefficient but no time right now
        out_y = np.zeros(len(y), np.int64)
        out_m = np.zeros(len(y), np.int64)
        for i, (_y, _m) in enumerate(zip(y, m)):
            _y, _m = hydrodate_to_calendardate(_y, _m, start_month=start_month)
            out_y[i] = _y
            out_m[i] = _m
    return out_y, out_m

def calendardate_to_hydrodate(y, m, start_month=None):
    """Converts a calendar (year, month) pair to a hydrological date.

    y : int
        the year
    m : int
        the month
    start_month : int
        the first month of the hydrological year

    if start_month is None:
        raise InvalidParamsError('In order to avoid confusion, we now force '
                                 'callers of this function to specify the '
                                 'hydrological convention they are using.')

        if m >= start_month:
            if start_month == 1:
                out_y = y
                out_y = y + 1
            out_m = m - start_month + 1
            out_y = y
            out_m = m + 13 - start_month
    except (TypeError, ValueError):
        # TODO: inefficient but no time right now
        out_y = np.zeros(len(y), np.int64)
        out_m = np.zeros(len(y), np.int64)
        for i, (_y, _m) in enumerate(zip(y, m)):
            _y, _m = calendardate_to_hydrodate(_y, _m, start_month=start_month)
            out_y[i] = _y
            out_m[i] = _m
    return out_y, out_m

def monthly_timeseries(y0, y1=None, ny=None, include_last_year=False):
    """Creates a monthly timeseries in units of float years.


    if y1 is not None:
        years = np.arange(np.floor(y0), np.floor(y1) + 1)
    elif ny is not None:
        years = np.arange(np.floor(y0), np.floor(y0) + ny)
        raise ValueError("Need at least two positional arguments.")
    months = np.tile(np.arange(12) + 1, len(years))
    years = years.repeat(12)
    out = date_to_floatyear(years, months)
    if not include_last_year:
        out = out[:-11]
    return out

def filter_rgi_name(name):
    """Remove spurious characters and trailing blanks from RGI glacier name.

    This seems to be unnecessary with RGI V6

        if name is None or len(name) == 0:
            return ''
    except TypeError:
        return ''

    if name[-1] in ['À', 'È', 'è', '\x9c', '3', 'Ð', '°', '¾',
                    '\r', '\x93', '¤', '0', '`', '/', 'C', '@',
                    'Å', '\x06', '\x10', '^', 'å', ';']:
        return filter_rgi_name(name[:-1])

    return name.strip().title()

def shape_factor_huss(widths, heights, is_rectangular):
    """Shape factor for lateral drag according to Huss and Farinotti (2012).

    The shape factor is only applied for parabolic sections.

    widths: ndarray of floats
        widths of the sections
    heights: float or ndarray of floats
        height of the sections
    is_rectangular: bool or ndarray of bools
        determines, whether section has a rectangular or parabolic shape

    shape factor (no units)

    # Ensure bool (for masking)
    is_rect = is_rectangular.astype(bool)
    shape_factors = np.ones(widths.shape)

    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning)
        shape_factors[~is_rect] = (widths / (2 * heights + widths))[~is_rect]

    # For very small thicknesses ignore
    shape_factors[heights <= 1.] = 1.
    # Security
    shape_factors = clip_array(shape_factors, 0.2, 1.)

    return shape_factors

def shape_factor_adhikari(widths, heights, is_rectangular):
    """Shape factor for lateral drag according to Adhikari (2012).

    TODO: other factors could be used when sliding is included

    widths: ndarray of floats
        widths of the sections
    heights: ndarray of floats
        heights of the sections
    is_rectangular: ndarray of bools
        determines, whether section has a rectangular or parabolic shape

    shape factors (no units), ndarray of floats

    # Ensure bool (for masking)
    is_rectangular = is_rectangular.astype(bool)

    # Catch for division by 0 (corrected later)
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning)
        zetas = widths / 2. / heights

    shape_factors = np.ones(widths.shape)

    # TODO: higher order interpolation? (e.g. via InterpolatedUnivariateSpline)
    shape_factors[is_rectangular] = ADHIKARI_FACTORS_RECTANGULAR(
    shape_factors[~is_rectangular] = ADHIKARI_FACTORS_PARABOLIC(

    shape_factors = clip_array(shape_factors, 0.2, 1.)
    # Set NaN values resulting from zero height to a shape factor of 1
    shape_factors[np.isnan(shape_factors)] = 1.

    return shape_factors

[docs]def cook_rgidf(gi_gdf, o1_region, o2_region='01', version='60', ids=None, bgndate='20009999', id_suffix='', assign_column_values=None): """Convert a glacier inventory into a dataset looking like the RGI (OGGM ready). Parameters ---------- gi_gdf : :py:geopandas.GeoDataFrame the GeoDataFrame of the user's glacier inventory. o1_region : str Glacier RGI region code, which is important for some OGGM applications. For example, need it to locate the right dataset. Needs to be assigned. o2_region : str or list of str Glacier RGI subregion code (default: 01) bgndate : str or list of str The date of the outlines. This is quite important for the glacier evolution runs, which start at the RGI date. Format: ``'YYYYMMDD'``, (MMDD is not used). version : str Glacier inventory version code, which is necessary to generate the RGIId. The default is '60'. ids : list of IDs as integers. The default is None, which generates the RGI ids automatically following the glacier order. id_suffix : str or None Add a suffix to the glacier ids. The default is None, no suffix assign_column_values : dict or None Assign predefined values from the original data to the RGI dataframe. Dict format : - key: name of the column in the original dataframe - value: name of the column in the RGI-like file to assign the values to Returns ------- cooked_rgidf : :py:geopandas.GeoDataFrame glacier inventory into a dataset looking like the RGI (OGGM ready) """ # Check input if ids is None: ids = range(1, len(gi_gdf)+1) # Construct a fake rgiid list following RGI format str_ids = ['RGI{}-{}.{:05d}{}'.format(version, o1_region, int(i), id_suffix) for i in ids] # Check the coordination system. # RGI use the geographic coordinate. # So if the original glacier inventory is not in geographic coordinate, # we need to convert both of the central point and the glacier outline # to geographic coordinate (WGS 84) if != 'epsg:4326': gi_gdf = gi_gdf.to_crs('epsg:4326') # Calculate the central point of the glaciers geom = gi_gdf.geometry.values centroids = gi_gdf.geometry.representative_point() clon, clat = centroids.x, centroids.y # Prepare data for the output GeoDataFrame data = {'RGIId': str_ids, 'CenLon': clon, 'CenLat': clat, 'GLIMSId': '', 'BgnDate': bgndate, 'EndDate': '9999999', 'O1Region': o1_region, 'O2Region': o2_region, 'Area': -9999., 'Zmin': -9999., 'Zmax': -9999., 'Zmed': -9999., 'Slope': -9999., 'Aspect': -9999, 'Lmax': -9999, 'Status': 0, 'Connect': 0, 'Form': 0, 'TermType': 0, 'Surging': 0, 'Linkages': 1, 'check_geom': None, 'Name': ''} # Construct the output GeoDataFrame cooked_rgidf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(data=data, geometry=geom, crs='epsg:4326') # If there are specific column in the original glacier inventory we want to keep if assign_column_values is not None: for key, val in assign_column_values.items(): cooked_rgidf[val] = gi_gdf[key].values return cooked_rgidf